Anna Yen

Anna Yen, CFA, has nearly 2 decades of experience in financial markets, primarily with JPMorgan and UBS. Currently, she manages digital assets and her goal at FamilyFI is to empower families with financial literacy. She’s worked in 5 countries and visited 57.

Stories by Anna Yen

Do Utility Bills Affect Your Credit Score?
Do Utility Bills Affect Your Credit Score?

Most of you probably think your credit score is some untouchable, sacred entity that only gets tarnished by major financial mishaps. Well, think…

How Long Does It Take To Rebuild Credit?
How Long Does It Take to Rebuild Credit?

If you’ve ever had a credit score dip for whatever reason (missed payments, too many inquiries, a high utilization ratio), you know it…

How to Raise Your Credit Score By 200 Points
How to Raise Your Credit Score By 200 Points

Tired of getting turned down for credit? Your past financial habits affect your ability to borrow money. Establishing a solid credit history can…

what is a good credit score
What is a Good Credit Score?

What's in a number? When it comes to your credit score, quite a lot. This three-digit financial fingerprint can be the key to…