

Help your toddler explore new foods and flavors with Motherly’s toddler nutrition resources, featuring tips and advice from real mamas.

boost baby’s language development

4 expert ways to boost your toddler’s language skills

A speech-language pathologist dishes on the best ways to get your toddler talking.

Updated Aug. 02, 2024

Why weekends are the best—according to your toddler

Mamas think they have it all figured out. But in reality, we toddlers are the ones in charge.

Updated Jan. 13, 2023

6 fun activities to inspire your tot’s creativity

Spark your little one's budding imagination with a few crazy-easy ideas.

Updated Oct. 11, 2021
baby just started walking

Baby on the go! 8 things that happen when your child starts to walk

2. Even if you don’t support baby leashes, you begin to understand why people use them.

Updated Jan. 20, 2023
mom comforting child against her shoulder

Calm mama: The 2 techniques that teach toddlers to handle their emotions

Two go-to moves for helping your tot express difficult feelings.

Updated Mar. 23, 2023
calm mama having cup of tea

Deep breaths and mama mantras —5 ways to keep it together during toddler tantrums

Strategies to stay cool, calm, and collected when your toddler is having a tough time.

Updated Dec. 14, 2021

Road Tripping with Toddlers

9 ways to get your whole family through the long haul.

Updated Mar. 22, 2022

Is it Time to Potty Train?

How to spot a potty-ready toddler and pediatrician pointers to get you started training.

Updated Oct. 11, 2021