Creative Interior Design Website Template with a Background Slider

Type: Html
Item: 40322
Creative Interior Design Website Template with a Background Slider - image

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Creative Interior Design Website Template with a Background Slider

If you are an asked-for designer and finally found some time in your heavy schedule, then we’re happy that you visited our store. You won’t waste your valuable time, because we have so much to offer you. Look for example at this creative interior design website template with a background slider, isn’t it impressive?

A fascinating splash page welcomes visitors and gives them an access to the site with the ‘Enter site’ button. Entering the theme means opening a home page, where you can publish welcome words for potential clients, introduce your business and so on. For a further browsing through the site visitors will use a creative drop-down menu in the top right corner.

This design has many original functions: Background Slider, semi-transparent content areas, convenient and eye-catchy gallery.

Spare us a few more minutes and observe all template features by yourself!

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  • PHP v. 5.4+, 5.5+, 5.6+
  • Zend Guard Loader
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