The Pony world of Equestria has lost its magic and Earth Ponies, Unicorns, and Pegasi are living in fear and mistrust against each other. Sunny, an idealistic Earth Pony and Izzy, a curious Unicorn must embark on an epic adventure that will take them to faraway lands to make new friends out of old enemies, all the while proving that magic can be brought to Equestria again and little ponies can make a BIG difference.
Who's Involved:
Release Date:
Friday, September 24, 2021 Netflix
some thematic elements PARENTAL GUIDANCE SUGGESTED
Plot: What's the story about?
The unimaginable has happened...Equestria has lost its magic! Earth Ponies, Unicorns, and Pegasi are no longer friends and now live separated by species. But idealistic Earth Pony Sunny (Vanessa Hudgens) is determined to find a way to bring enchantment and unity back to their world. Teaming up with open-hearted Unicorn Izzy (Kimiko Glenn), the pair travel to faraway lands where they encounter the likes of charismatic and brave Pegasi Pipp (Sofia Carson) and Zipp (Liza Koshy) and the ever-responsible fellow Earth Pony Hitch (James Marsden). Their mission is full of misadventures, but these new best friends each possess their own unique and special gifts that may be just what this ponyverse needs to restore magic and prove that even little ponies can make a big difference.
official plot version
4.76 / 5 stars (17 users)
Poll: Will you see My Little Pony: A New Generation?
Who stars in My Little Pony: A New Generation: Cast List
Open Season 3, Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant
Bad Boys: Ride or Die, The Black Kaiser
Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Sonic the Hedgehog
Must Love Dogs, Hop
Nerve, Can You Keep a Secret?
Tumbledown, Surf's Up!
Who's making My Little Pony: A New Generation: Crew List
A look at the My Little Pony: A New Generation behind-the-scenes crew and production team.
Watch My Little Pony: A New Generation Trailers & Videos
Production: What we know about My Little Pony: A New Generation?
Key Facts
- Animated by Hasbro’s Boulder Studio in Dublin.
- This new feature marks the first time the Ponies will be seen in CG animation.
- This is the third theatrical movie based on Hasbro's My Little Pony toys.
- Unknown if it's related the “Friendship Is Magic” TV series or the 2017 feature, My Little Pony: The Movie (8/2/2020).
Filming Timeline
- 2021 - August: The film was set to Completed status.
- 2020 - August: The film was set to Production status.
- 2019 - November: The film was set to Development status.
- 2019 - November: The film was set to Development status.
My Little Pony: A New Generation Release Date: When was the film released?
My Little Pony: A New Generation was a Netflix release in 2021 on Friday, September 24, 2021. There were 13 other movies released on the same date, including Dear Evan Hansen, Time is Up and Apache Junction.