TMI picture below!
Hey looking for a bit of help regards to implantation bleeding. My ovulation 2nd of February and during the whole period after that my cervical mucus been very wet. On 7dpo it got very stretchy snot like (gross) and then on 8dpo had a small speck of pink when I wiped after toilet. On 9dpo about midday when using the toilet it was long and stretchy dripping out of me ( gross again) but midnight before bed got another speck of blood on tissue. Yesterday and today got tiny specks of blood throughout the day when I use the toilet. Since 8 dpo been also having mild cramps. My app says AF is due in 2 days yet other online calculators say tomorrow. Any advice hugely appreciated. Is it periods coming or implantation bleeding. I have 2 children and with them both my only symptom of pregnancy was no periods.