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Implantation bleed or periods?

12 replies

Karohps · 13/02/2023 17:58

TMI picture below!

Hey looking for a bit of help regards to implantation bleeding. My ovulation 2nd of February and during the whole period after that my cervical mucus been very wet. On 7dpo it got very stretchy snot like (gross) and then on 8dpo had a small speck of pink when I wiped after toilet. On 9dpo about midday when using the toilet it was long and stretchy dripping out of me ( gross again) but midnight before bed got another speck of blood on tissue. Yesterday and today got tiny specks of blood throughout the day when I use the toilet. Since 8 dpo been also having mild cramps. My app says AF is due in 2 days yet other online calculators say tomorrow. Any advice hugely appreciated. Is it periods coming or implantation bleeding. I have 2 children and with them both my only symptom of pregnancy was no periods.

Implantation bleed or periods?
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anon1411 · 13/02/2023 18:11

This is what mine was like however mine was more light brown in colour, but it was only when I wiped. Not enough to fill a pad or tampon.

I won't say it is for definite as im no expert but personally I think that is Implantation 😁🤞

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Karohps · 13/02/2023 18:19

Awww thanks for your reply. I’m googling myself crazy. I feel like it could go either way in a few days. I’ll see then 😰😅

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Rosie22xx · 13/02/2023 18:36

I would think implantation as bleeding now for a period is awfully early and would mean you have a short luteal phase. So the days past ovulation and the look of it, leads me closer to it being implantation. But I guess we will only know in a few days to be sure, so the best of luck!!

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Karohps · 13/02/2023 18:54

Thank you so much it would be the best news if it was implantation. Been trying for a third since September 2021! My cycle is average on 26 days. And for the last 6 months periods have been spot on exactly 2 weeks after ovulation. Meaning it would be starting in 2 days. I have never had snotty lol mucus like that after ovulation so this was all very new and random. I hope it’s my month this month! 🥳

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Karohps · 13/02/2023 19:01

Sorry periods due in in 3 days, this Thursday!

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samsam777 · 13/02/2023 19:03

My implantation bleed was like this. I knew when the second time it happened I was pregnant before I even tested. Fingers crossed 🤞🏼

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crazycatladyluce · 13/02/2023 19:14

Hiya, sorry to jump on this thread!

I'm in a similar situation - my bbt confirmed ovulation on the 6th/7th of Feb (Premom says 6th, Fertility Friend says 7th). I had some cramps yesterday morning but didn't think anything of it. This morning I had more cramps followed by really brown discharge when I wiped. I put on a pair of white underwear, and I have brown bloody discharge in them too (not had much this evening at all). My temp has stayed elevated & above coverline, so I'm really confused. My back aches too this evening.

Does this sound like af or implantation?

Fingers crossed for us all xxx

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Socksy · 15/02/2023 14:06

I'm current having this but I didn't TTC this cycle. I've had it on a very small amount of cycles whilst either TTC or not. It can be caused by progesterone levels too.

That said, I do hope it's IB for you!

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Karohps · 15/02/2023 17:08

I’m unfortunately out, AF started Yesterdaty evening - a bloody Valentine’s Day 🫣😂

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WillnRain · 17/08/2023 12:45

Ok so me and my Fiancé have been trying to get pregnant for 8 months now but have had No luck so far .. I was supposed to start my period on the 18th of August and my periods are like clock work never late never early but on the 15th at 9pm I noticed a few drops of blood in my underwear so I went ahead and put on a pad I got a little bleeding over night but nothing like normal I'm Normally a very heavy bleader and bleed only 3 days but this wasn't more then a few drops so I changed my pad and went on my day threw out the day I was only getting some very light pink color when I went to the bathroom and nothing on the pad but again while I slept I got a little bit more on the pad but still very light and today so far its the same only light pink when I use the bathroom and whipe???? Is this implantation bleeding or just a very weird period??? I only get blood on the pad when I'm sleeping I'm assuming because I'm not up going to the bathroom???

Implantation bleed or periods?
Implantation bleed or periods?
Implantation bleed or periods?
Implantation bleed or periods?
Implantation bleed or periods?
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1643pavs · 22/11/2023 11:20

Hi ya, Iam new here , we are ttc for couple of months now, from my 7th dpo to 9th dpo I had brown vaginal discharge and on 10th it become less brown and today it become clear stretchy thick discharge .I'm on my 11dpo today and expecting my period on 25th .i got these discharge only when I wipe and a small shade on my pantyliner.I will share the pic but it's TMI...CAREFUL ABOUT WATCHING.tnx

Implantation bleed or periods?
Implantation bleed or periods?
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Smzr · 13/03/2024 02:23

Hi guys. Any advice please.
I am 10DPO & have had this when wiped (see photo). Pregnany test is Negative, probably too early to test. My period is due in 4 days.
Does this look like implantation bleeding?

Implantation bleed or periods?
Implantation bleed or periods?
Implantation bleed or periods?
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