They are amazing but I have ordered a large tub by mistake. I am not looking to use them up in a short space of time but probably within a year. Are there any good recipes out there which anyone can recommend? Thanks
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Sudeko · 27/04/2023 16:17
😂 Thanks. i will be making tahini as we are big humous eaters but I reckon there will still be a lot left over after that. I love those shop bought sesame snaps but I don't eat hard sugar products anymore. I was hoping to be able to make some of those hard Turkish savory biscuits but I cannot remember what they are called.
InTheStars · 27/04/2023 17:17
Just how much did you buy? 😂😂😂
Sudeko · 27/04/2023 16:17
😂 Thanks. i will be making tahini as we are big humous eaters but I reckon there will still be a lot left over after that. I love those shop bought sesame snaps but I don't eat hard sugar products anymore. I was hoping to be able to make some of those hard Turkish savory biscuits but I cannot remember what they are called.
Furiously · 27/04/2023 17:52
Koulouri!!!! Delicious dipped in hummus 😀
They are divine and you need LOADS of sesame seeds
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