Today whilst strapping my 3 year old in to his car seat I saw he had developed red pin prick sized marks around his eye and some on his forehead.
We have Babylon so I made an appointment with a GP who went through everything and had a look at photos and confirmed it to be a petechial rash. They recommended we see out of hours as this type of rash can obviously range from nothing to life threatening.
Rang 111 who referred me to….. Boots. I did say to them that I felt we needed a doctor for this, but they assured me the Boots in question had “specially trained staff” so off we went. We were met by a confused pharmacist who basically said there was nothing he could do and it could be anything but he didn’t think A&E was necessary.
Back in the car and drove to children’s A&E anyway who in triage yet again acknowledged the rash and prepped him with numbing cream for bloods, shocked we’d been sent to Boots.
Two doctors had a look and chat and have ultimately said that if it was “one of the bad things” causing it then he wouldn’t be behaving normally, playing, running around etc like he was in the hospital, and as it is only on his face and minimal, they are not concerned. They’ve said that if it gets worse or spreads, to go back for bloods. We are to strip him every few hours to check.
We are now home and whilst it is true that my son is pretty much normal, I can tell he is slightly “off” but I’d say a bit run down and nothing more. Still eating, playing etc. I can’t help but feel that I should have pushed for bloods though.
Anyone else been through this?