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MWI District & Municipal Court Resource Page – East Boston Municipal Court

Types of cases:

Small Claims & Summary Process

37 Meridian Street
East Boston, MA 02128


T: Take the Blue Line to Maverick Station. The court is located on Meridian St. Walk up Meridian, the court is on the right before the police station.

Day/Time of Mediation:
Small Claims: Tuesdays at 9:00 AM
Summary Process: Thursdays at 9:00 AM

Key People at the Court

    • First Justice: Hon. John E. McDonald
    • Clerk Magistrate: Joseph Faretra
    • Assistant Clerks: Sandra Calvo, Deborah Nicholls
    • ADR Coordinator: Vin Capolupo
    • Small Claims Coordinator: Carmella Cappucci
    • Summary Process Coordinator – Cara Lombardi


Use the general Small Claims forms as well as the East Boston specific Summary Process Agreement for Judgment.


Some street parking is available on Meridian Street and surrounding neighborhood streets but is difficult to find. There are no court designated parking lots.


When arriving at the courthouse, proceed through security and to the second floor. Small Claims sessions are called in the Second Session, the courtroom at the far end of the corridor on the second floor, while Summary Process sessions are called in First Session directly across from the clerk’s office.

A few minutes after 9:00 AM, before the clerk magistrate arrives in the courtroom, the co-mediators should give an introduction on mediation to everyone in the courtroom and ask if there are any questions. When the clerk arrives, which could be anywhere between 9:15 and 9:45 AM, they will ask if mediation has been introduced. If there was not enough time for the co-mediators to have already introduced mediation, the clerk magistrate may do the introduction or may ask the co-mediators to do the introduction. For summary process, all cases present will be sent to mediation screening. For each case, conduct the Mediators’ Introduction and then ask if the parties want to participate.


There is a mediation room at this court. It is located directly behind Second Session. It has a table, chairs and a bench. Police and other people tend to pass through the room to access their own area of the courthouse when on breaks or waiting for sessions to begin. Also, court staff and attorneys sometimes use the mediation space if no mediations are being conducted so if you need the space for a mediation and someone is in there just let them know that the court asked you to conduct a mediation here.


At the conclusion of the mediation, go to the clerk’s office and ask for documents to be copied. Then hand the file back to the clerk or judge who referred you the case. If the case settles, the clerk will likely read the agreement in front of the parties and date-stamp it. Either way, make sure that you leave court with copies of all forms completed so that you can send them back to MWI.

For More Information

Please contact Vanessa Linsey at [email protected] or 617-895-4027.