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Eurofox Factory Built Microlight

Price From £64,500

Following the huge demand and success of the EuroFOX in the UK since it's introduction in 2010, EuroFOX Aviation have gained UK CAA approval to produce factory built microlights. These aircraft offer the customer full training and hire or reward entittlements on a ready to fly aircraft.


Priced very competitively with other RTF microlights and offering full flexibility in terms of specification, panel layout and service - all provided from our exclusive EuroFOX build location and airfield near Maidstone in Kent.


This faciltiy is exclusive to EuroFOX where we stock all spares and consumables, offer service, repairs, permits test/check flying, demonstration flights and advice. The runway is 350 metres and prospective customers are encouraged to fly in to view the 6 EuroFOX based here and the CAA approved manufacturing facilities.


Available as a nose or tail wheel aircraft, the EuroFOX offers complete comfort with serious touring abilities as well as terrific STOL capabilities. As a genuine single handed wing fold option as standard, the EuroFOX microlight is one of the highest performing high wing microlight aircraft available in the UK.


The EuroFOX factory built microlight aircraft can be specified with a Rotax 80 HP or 100 HP engine, in nose or tail wheel at 450 kg MAUW. An option to fit a parachute and increase the MAUW to 472.5 kgs is an option, again with either the 80 HP or 100 HP Rotax.


The EuroFOX is different, constructed as a "real" aircraft to last decades, immensely strong as the EuroFOX microlight uses the identical airframe and wing construction as the 560kg glider tug...


The EuroFOX is a joy to fly, with exceptionally well-coordinated controls resulting in many customers upgrading from the some of the traditional microlights and graduating to a more inspiring flight experience. Why not join them and change from the dull and less responsive trainers seen around the UK to an aircraft with unbeatable performance and quality.


The Rotax 912 series engine is a liquid cooled, temperature stable engine and has been in production now for 25 years with over 40,000 units produced and millions of airtime hours logged. These engines are used in over 90% of the world's LSA aircraft, very reliable and economical, why would you risk choosing anything else?

Representative Example - Credit Sale

Cash Price                                          £64,500

Deposit                                               £30,000

Total Amount of Credit                        £34,500

Interest Charges                                 £7,725.00

Credit Facility Fee                               £250

Total Cost of Credit                             £7,975

Total Amount Payable                         £72,475

Initial Payment.                                   £953.75

58 x Payments of                               £703.75

Final Payment                                    £703.75

Duration of Agreement                      60 Months

APR -                                                 8.9%

Flat Rate of Interest                           4.48%

This representative example is for illustration purposes only and does not constitute an offer. Written quotations are available on request. This representative example is provided by: Buckley Asset Finance Ltd, trading as My New Aircraft who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for credit brokerage. Our permission number is 795206. Finance subject to status. Terms and conditions apply. A guarantee may be required. Over 18's only. Other offers may be available but cannot be used in conjunction with this offer. We work with a number of carefully selected credit providers who may be able to offer you finance for your purchase. We are only able to offer finance products from these providers and they may provide an incentive to do so. Prices and information correct at time going to print. This quote is on a credit sale with a balloon payment at the end of the agreement. The term, interest rate and size of the balloon payment is subject to individual credit circumstances and affordability. Generated 14/09/2018

Representative Example - Credit Sale With Balloon

Cash Price                                          £64500

Deposit                                               £10,750

Total Amount of Credit                        £53,750

Interest Charges                                 £11,325.48

Credit Facility Fee                               £250

Total Cost of Credit                             £11,575.48

Total Amount Payable                         £76,075.48

Initial Payment.                                   £1,085.43

34 x Payments of                               £835.43

Final Payment                                    £35,835.43

Duration of Agreement                      36 Months

APR -                                                 8.9%

Flat Rate of Interest                           4.48%

This representative example is for illustration purposes only and does not constitute an offer. Written quotations are available on request. This representative example is provided by: Buckley Asset Finance Ltd, trading as My New Aircraft who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for credit brokerage. Our permission number is 795206. Finance subject to status. Terms and conditions apply. A guarantee may be required. Over 18's only. Other offers may be available but cannot be used in conjunction with this offer. We work with a number of carefully selected credit providers who may be able to offer you finance for your purchase. We are only able to offer finance products from these providers and they may provide an incentive to do so. Prices and information correct at time going to print. This quote is on a credit sale with a balloon payment at the end of the agreement. The term, interest rate and size of the balloon payment is subject to individual credit circumstances and affordability. Generated 14/09/2018

My New Aircraft is a trading style of Buckley Asset Finance Ltd. Buckley Asset Finance Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for credit brokerage. Our FCA number is 795206. Finance subject to status. Terms and Conditions apply. A guarantee may be required. Over 18’s only.

Buckley Asset finance Ltd is a credit broker not a lender. Buckley Asset Finance Ltd is a brokerage that has forged relationships and agreements with manufacturers and dealers to provide customer introductions for new and used aircraft. All finance is subject to status and income. The balloon, rate and term is subject to individual credit circumstances. Buckley Asset Finance Ltd can introduce you to a limited number of finance providers based on your credit rating and we will receive a commission for such introductions.

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