In pictures : 1035
In picturesThe death of the Emperor Napoleon IIINapoleon III on his deathbed, his son kneeling by his side and resting his head on his father’s hand, Eugénie kneeling on the right and mourning, officials gathered on the right, priest on the left. 1873 Photograph, printed on thin paper This anonymous image is…
In picturesA portrait of the Emperor in his “grand habillement du Sacre” [grand coronation robes]In 1805, Gerard was commissioned to paint an official portrait of the Emperor in his “grand habillement du Sacre” [grand coronation robes] for the “Hôtel du Ministre des Relations Extérieures” [the Hôtel de Galliffet, a town mansion where Talleyrand officiated as Minister of Foreign Affairs]. Numerous…
In picturesReturn of the Remains of Napoleon I, 15 December 1840
In picturesPortrait of François-Ferdinand-Philippe d’Orléans, Prince de Joinville
In picturesTransshipment of Napoleon’s remains aboard “Belle Poule”Transbordement des cendres de Napoléon à bord de la Belle Poule
In picturesCatafalque and Burial Chapel of Napoleon in the Church of the Invalides in Paris on 15 December 1840French title: Catafalque et chapelle ardente de Napoléon dans l’Eglise des Invalides à Paris le 15 Décembre 1840 Lithographer: Adam, Victor (1801-1866).
In picturesOpening of Napoleon’s tomb, 16 [sic] oct 1841The scene, composed using witness accounts, gives a realistic vision of the exhumation by including many details: the workers, the hoist, the willows, the British soldiers… However for the coffins artistic licence has been used. The scene represents a wide range of emotions, at the…
In picturesNapoleon’s coffin transshipped from “Belle Poule” to the steamship “Normandie”, Cherbourg, 8 December 1840Title in French “Transbordement des cendres de Napoléon Ier. de La Belle Poule sur le Normandie en rade de Cherbourg, 8 décembre 1840” Transfer of Napoleon’s coffin from Belle Poule onto Normandie in Cherbourg, 8 December 1840. Normandie carried the coffin as far as the mouth of the River Seine,…
In picturesThe arrival of “La Dorade” in Courbevoie on 14 December 1840Title in French: L’arrivée de la Dorade à Courbevoie le 14 décembre 1840.
In picturesMonument to Napoleon! (satirical drawing)Monument to Napoleon! By George Cruikshank, printed in Laman Blanchard’s George Cruikshank Omnibus […], London Tilt and Bogue, 1842.