Let us quench your thirst for knowledge about Iceland, whether it be geography, historical trivia or geological information.
Browse our impressive catalogue of information about Iceland and you will soon find out that your subject of interest is just one click away.
We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of places of interest in Iceland, whether it be churches, glaciers, islands or waterfalls.
We’ve also gleaned information about accommodation options all over the country, so you don’t have to. Simply select your area and start browsing.
Travel Iceland by bus and book your transport right here with us. You can book a one way ticket to almost anywhere in Iceland.
You can also plan your bus travel from A to Z and add numerous bus rides to your cart. Plan away!
Iceland has so many great options for any type of recreational activities. Our recreation guide will help you find great information on your favourite hobby or interest while visiting our beautiful country.
We split Iceland into nine different regions to make your search for information easier. Simply click on the region you want to explore and read about towns, attractions, hiking, accommodation and more.
The abundance of warm water from Icelandic geothermal energy sources has shaped a tradition of public bathing as a warm healthy and refreshing shelter from the harsh forces of nature. As swimming pools are located in almost every town around Iceland children grow up with swimming as a integral part of daily life. Swimming is therefore deeply rooted in Icelandic culture with people of all ages visiting the hundred public pools for both health and social purposes. The warm Jacuzzi (Heitur pottur in Icelandic) is the perfect spot for relaxation and unwinding after a long day – and a perfect place to hear and participate in the newest gossip. The greater capital area offers a range of public outdoor and indoor swimming pools, with facilities including saunas and steam baths.
Please note that all visitors are required to shower thoroughly without a swimsuit before entering the water.
Enjoy the swimming pools of Iceland !
Popular bating lagoons in Iceland:
Back to nature!!!
Camping in Iceland
Mountain Huts
Hiking in Iceland
Golf Courses
Angling in Iceland
Bus Schedule in Iceland
Reykjavík is the capital of Iceland, surrounded by suburbs and fascinating places.
Reykjanes peninsula is full of geothermal wonders and also the home of Keflavík Airport.
One of the most famous attraction in the West is Snæfellsjökull glacier.
An isolated part of Iceland, with a natural beauty beyond compare.
If you’re looking for desolated wilderness and solitude, Strandir is the place for you.
Home of Dettifoss waterfall, the most powerful waterfall in Europe.
Iceland’s most visited region, with plenty of waterfalls, black sand beaches and glaciers.
The uninhabited region of Iceland, with amazing landscapes that are hard to find anywhere else.