I’m Natalie, the creator of Natalie's Health website. I'm a foodie, passionate about healthy food and a healthy lifestyle. I love to cook and create new recipes using wholesome ingredients that contribute to our health.
My health issues were why I became interested in nutrition and healthy cooking. And Natalie's Health place, where I can express my creativity and passion for food.
My recipes and articles have been featured in many popular media outlets, like Shape, Greatist, Pure Wow, Mashed, The Huffington Post, ELLE Magazine, and many more.

My Philosophy
I aim to inspire people to make long-term improvements to their health with healthy food. Health is about being happy and having the energy to enjoy life. Also, eating healthy doesn't mean food has to be tasteless or boring.
I believe that changing eating habits is a lifestyle choice and not simply a quick-fix diet. I am passionate about sharing with others how rewarding it is to live healthily and feel like you are really thriving, not just surviving. I want you to be the best version of yourself.
Healthy eating is absolutely not about dieting and starvation, It's about embracing a healthy way of life.
My weight-loss story
I was always a chubby girl, struggling with weight my whole life. But during pregnancy, I gained a crazy amount of weight. My diet was out of control back then and all culminated in the Summer of 2014 when I was at my heaviest point. The scale showed me 260 pounds (120kg) and I was shocked!
It was a huge blow for me, not just mentally and emotionally but physically. I was obese and unhappy, and I felt sick. My blood pressure was high, and my heart was under pressure. When I looked at myself in the mirror, I saw a future that was not bright and happy. I got frightened and scared for my health, and I needed to change my diet and my lifestyle.
My mission is to promote good health with a wholesome and active lifestyle.
I wanted to be healthier, but I didn't want to go through yet another diet. I began educating myself and working on a new me. The first thing I did, was ditch all the unhealthy stuff - processed foods, sugars, and sugary drinks. Soon my perspective toward food changed. I began to view food as nourishment. I learned to receive the gift that wholesome foods have given me. Also, I started exercising regularly.
Soon I restored my energy, and I started feeling amazing. Also, I've lost some weight, which restored my confidence. Between 2014 and 2016, I lost 110 pounds (50 kg). But an even bigger accomplishment for me was a complete lifestyle change and food freedom.
My wellness journey
I've learned so much on my healthy journey. I started by reading books, but soon I wanted to learn more. So I enrolled to study healthy diet and nutrition and received a diet and nutritional advisor diploma.
As a health and wellness expert, I've organized many seminars and been a guest at inspirational breakfasts and other events advising on healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle.
I was also documenting all my meals and recipes in a journal. My excitement was tremendous, and my husband recognized that as my new passion. He convinced me to start Natalie's Health website and share my healthy recipes.
About Natalie's Health website
Natalie's Health is all about real food - fresh, wholesome ingredients and nutrient-dense foods. Through my website, I aim to inspire people to eat more healthily and live balanced, active lifestyles.
Recipes I share are the classic types that I tweak to include more nutritious, wholesome ingredients, reduce fat or use better fats and sugar alternatives. With every recipe, I try to improve the nutritional value of the meal without compromising the taste.
In my posts, you will also find info about the nutritional and health benefits of the ingredients. It's there to encourage you to learn more about the nutritional value of the food, to be informed, and to make healthier food choices.
I'm really glad you've found my website. Now let me inspire you to cook and eat healthily, and take care of your health.
--- Natalie