A view across a field of wildflowers to hills in the background, cotton wool clouds in a blue sky

Government confirms funding

National Landscapes Association - 'More robust and sustainable approach needed'

Find out more

About us

We’re a national charity which works to make sure the UK’s most outstanding landscapes are beautiful, thriving places that everyone can feel part of. We support the UK’s network of National Landscapes to help them to be as effective as possible.

National Landscapes in Numbers

of people in England live within half an hour's journey time of a National Landscape
of the land in England is within a National Landscape
National Landscapes to fall in love with - across England, Wales and Northern Ireland

What we are working on

Nature Calling

Arts, brand new writing, opportunities to get involved... Nature Calling is the National Landscapes' first national arts commissioning programme.

Big Chalk

Growing from an initial partnership of Protected Landscapes, the Big Chalk Partnership now comprises 150+ organisations with a common vision of creating thriving chalk and limestone landscapes across southern England. It performs a vital role in nature’s recovery, connecting national targets and plans with participatory modes of delivery. National Landscapes Association hosts the programme's team.

Big Chalk x Libra Photographic Members of Big Chalk partnership organisations on a field trip

Your Natural Partner

High-integrity and ambitious nature recovery projects ripe for investment. Work with us to preserve the natural and cultural heritage of these special places and boost the resilience of your business for the future. For people, for nature, for good.