The Online School for Traditional Outdoor Skills

Naturalist Studies offers online courses and other content rooted in ancient skills that were once part of Universal Human Knowledge. Our programs blend outdoor education with personal enrichment, helping you disconnect from the chaos of modern life and reconnect with the natural world.

Courses & Memberships

The Naturalist Training Program

Get lessons in wilderness survival, wildlife tracking, foraging, bird & animal language, & other outdoor skills.

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Wildlife Tracks & Sign Courses

Learn how to track wildlife, follow trails, get close to animals, find the best hunting locations, and know when predators are nearby.

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Bird Language Courses

Learn to understand what birds are 'saying' and how to interpret alarms and other behaviors that reveal the location of predators.

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Wilderness Survival Courses

Learn the essential skills to survive in the wilderness, including how to plan outings, prevent mishaps, and handle emergency situations.

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About Us

Founded by Lee Burton, we create content for the general public, as well as for natural resource professionals who are looking for continuing education training. Our subjects engage participants in some of the most ancient of human activities like wilderness survival, wildlife tracking, foraging, bird language and other related topics. 

Lee teaches courses at Texas A&M, University of Florida, and University of Idaho in animal behavior, and was the former director and program manager for Conservation Centers for Species Survival. He is a Master Naturalist and is certified in Wildlife Track and Sign by Cybertracker North America. He is also a Bird Language Leaders Instructor having mentored under Jon Young.

“I realized how fundamentally simple and brilliant this work is…a must-experience for professional and amateur nature enthusiasts seeking to be closer to nature. I can personally guarantee your nature experiences and skills will be enriched beyond expectations.”

— Dr. Kathryn Sieving, Professor of Avian Ecology, University of Florida

“What I learned helped me blend relaxation, mindfulness, and renewal within my work to have a better outcome, moment to moment.”

— Brian Stokes

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