Music Is Her Weapon

Thursday March 13, 2025

One cannot help noticing the sense of poetic justice in that Brittany, a musician who uses music as a remote viewing tool, “saw” the coming Covid pandemic that devastated the live music industry, the global economy and ushered in a world-wide recession. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a program or programs to revive among others, the live music industry involving Brittany. After all, she has been involved in marketing and other research work.

Brittany L. is an exceptional hybrid remote viewer in a class of her own.


While attention is on D.O.G.E. and its allegations that billions of taxpayers money have been lost to fraud, waste and abuse, there is no better time to reveal some of the amazing accomplishments of Ms. Brittany Lark in remote viewing, among others.

The thing is the coronavirus and the possibility that it could kill millions around the world (the “What”) was remote viewed by C.R. before the virus leaked out in the open.

But the “Where” and the “When” were remote viewed by BRITTANY LARK and she saw it before it happened or before anyone could come up with the location (Where) and before the first death happened (When). A professional musician, she has been involved in several major remote viewing and non-remote viewing gigs.

For this post, the focus is on the Covid19 pandemic. On Thu. January 23, 2025 John Ratcliffe was sworn in by Vice President JD Vance as the new CIA Director. On Saturday, January 25, the CIA revised its previous estimate of the origin of COVID-19 from “undecided” to “low confidence” in favor of a laboratory leak in Wuhan. The next day Sunday Jan. 26, 2025, this news podcast came out.

CIA says COVID-19 likely originated from lab in China | NewsNation Prime  NewsNation 351 Likes 10,775 Views Sun. Jan 26, 2025 (created Sat. Feb. 21, 2025)

CIA Director John Radcliffe said ALL HE DID WAS DECLASSIFY & RELEASE the FINDINGS made during the Biden administration on his first day on the job. While this and other reports said that CIA report comes with the caveat tying the Wuhan lab theory to COVID-19 origins with a “low confidence label”, the preemptive pardon Pres. Biden granted to Dr. Fauci and others, belies the “low confidence” rating of the Wuhan lab leak intel. To my knowledge at that time, China was a “denied area”.

On Feb. 21, 2025, President Trump delivered a speech at the Governors Working Session held at the White House. In this address, President Trump recounts the first time he was appraised of the deaths around Wuhan lab in China in Jan. 2020.

According to an NPR article by Ayesha Rascoe, Colin Dwyer dated May 2, 2020, President Trump received two briefings: on Jan. 23 and Jan. 28, 2020.   The above account of the first time he learned of the possible coronavirus pandemic must be the briefing on Jan. 23, 2020.

Thereafter, Patrick Aesteii was tasked with the remote viewing of the origins of the coronavirus AFTER it had broken out. On Feb. 18, 2020 Patrick posted his Facebook page about the future being here now. Then on March 5, 2020 he posted ” . . . but it’s nice to be back!” And finally on Mar. 19, 2020 he discussed cv19 (COVID19) and where it started.

Patrick Aesteii’s remote viewing of Covid19 confirmed what Brittany has seen in 2019. If you read closely Patrick’s post, you can tell that he is no fan of President Trump. But he confirmed that the Covid19 virus came from near the Wuhan lab.

Brittany is an exceptional hybrid remote viewer in a class of her own.

The COVID19 pandemic resulted in a “dramatic loss of life, economic and social disruption, and long-term health consequences for many” around the world. Worldometer put the number of deaths worldwide at 7 million.  Per S&P Global, the five industries most affected by COVID-19 over the period January 2, 2020, to January 15, 2022, included: Airlines; Automobiles; Energy Equipment & Services; Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure; and Specialty Retail.

Among the industries adversely affected is live music. ln 2020 alone, Pollstar estimated that the live music industry lost more than $30 billion. On Dec. 1, 2020, Van Morrison & Eric Clapton’s Anti Lockdown Single “Stand and Deliver” was a featured story on Fox News. The single, one of the series of “Save Live Music” tracks by Van Morrison in collaboration with Eric Clapton and originally scheduled for release on Dec. 4, 2020, was eventually released on Dec. 18, 2020.

One cannot help noticing the sense of poetic justice in that Brittany, a musician who uses music as a remote viewing tool, “saw” the coming Covid pandemic that devastated the live music industry, the global economy and ushered in a world-wide recession. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a program or programs to revive among others, the live music industry involving Brittany. After all, she have been involved in marketing and other research work. Airlines; Automobiles; Energy Equipment & Services; Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure; and Specialty Retail are the industries most impacted by the pandemic.

Genocide Against California’s Native Americans “Exterminate Them: The California Story” by Floyd ‘Red Crow’ Westerman

The California state and the* U.S. federal governments have yet to acknowledge their respective roles in the genocide of Native Americans of California.

Thursday Dec. 12, 2024 – Today is the 123rd death anniversary of our great-grandfather Nicolas Aldana who was executed along with Isaac Antonio, Prudencio Santiago, and Estanislao Quilatan, over and above the objections of the U.S. military that captured Emilio Aguinaldo, the self-styled dictator of the Philippines and leader of the so-called Army of Liberation.


In discussing the Spanish colonization of the Philippines as a Native American I find necessary to run a parallel between the treatment of Native Americans under the Spanish missionaries and later the Americans in both California and the Philippines. From 1565 to around the first quarter of the 17th the Spanish military implemented the harsh repartimiento system and the onerous encomienda system of Spanish colonial system. The Friars reported this maltreatment of the natives then called indios to the King Philip II of Spain saying that indios were enslaved, exhausted and killed by Spanish troops. King Philip II later turned over the control of the Philippine colony to the Friars who ironically, maintained the same harsh and unjust system they reported to the King. This time, no one dared to report the friars’ abuse and exploitation of indios in the Philippines. However like their California counterparts, the natives of the Philippines were not just victims. From 1565 to 1898 there were an estimated 31 revolts, mutinies and uprising against Spain until 1898 when the greatly weakened Spanish Empire fell.

It should be noted that after 1535, Fr. Bartolome de las Casas introduced African slaves to the New World to ease the work load of the indigenous peoples. No African slave was ever brought to the Philippines under the Spanish regime. This means the natives were also the slaves.


“All who benefit from the inherent violence of the state are implicated in its cruelty.”   ― Karen Armstrong, Fields of Blood: Religion and the History of Violence (2014)

The Papal Bull of 1455 called for the subjugation and perpetual enslavement of Saracens & pagans i.e. Native Americans. Note: It was after Columbus discovered the New World that the Treaty of Tordesillas was signed on 2 July 1494 dividing the New World between Spain and Portugal, excluding the rest of Europe.

The Missionary Junipero Serra sailed into San Diego harbor and established the first mission in the Spring of 1769. This is the start of the Mission era (1769 – 1823). Those who claim California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Texas, New Mexico & Colorado belong to Mexico are basing their claims as descendants of the Spanish Conquistadores. It was Conquistador Francisco Vasquez de Coronado who led the Spanish expedition from Mexico to what is now Colorado on Feb. 23, 1540. There were various Native American tribes in those lands (CA, NV, UT, NM, CO TX, etc.) even before 1540.

Ironically, Native Americans are STAUNCH DEFENDERS OF THIS COUNTRY. Just like Filipinos who served in WWII.

Excerpts from “Native American Holocaust: Exterminate Them! The California Story” Nov. 5, 2011

05:11 – FLOYD “Red Crow” WESTERMAN:  It is a great irony that American Indians after being denied for many years their right to practice their own religion speak their own languages after being forced to live in the oppressive concentration camp lifestyles, after all that Indians have gone on to become staunch Defenders of this country in times of need. More Indians have received the Congressional Medal of Honor per capita than any other group of people. We remain a proud people in spite of the efforts to exterminate us. In order to heal we first must accept our past.

12:08 – PROF. DAVID E. STANNARD, University of Hawaii:  Make another comparison in the final year or so of uh the BUCHENWALD concentration camp in NAZI Germany um there again have been calculations of the amount of caloric intake that the inmates received was around 6 to 700 calories a day. That’s I can’t remember exactly, something like a cup of milk and a little piece of bread or something.  That is what the the people in the missions were getting year after year after year, decade after decade after decade. They were literally BEING STARVED.

17:03 – EDWARD CASTILLO PH.D. Cahuilla/Luiseño Professor of History: – One of the most disturbing things that I ever came across in the documentation was the inaugural address of California’s first governor (Peter H. Burnett) when he declared that Indians, that a war of extermination would be made against the Indians until the Indian race is extinct. We got a classic example of the head of modern State endorsing genocide.  

17:26 – DR. DARRYL BABE WILSON: Sometimes we when we hear the word Stanford we think boy that’s the best university there there ever was and it may be.

17:36 – DR. DARRYL BABE WILSON: But when LELAND STANFORD was the governor of California, the militia out there killing native people, they got paid in rifle powder and ball for killing Indians that was their reward.

17:53 – EDWARD CASTILLO PH.D.: The militias were financed at first by local Merchants who simply saw an advantage of of getting rid of the local Indians. Uh then they would submit the bill to the state legislature since the state legislature was had barely formed and they were clamoring for protection against Indian depredations as they called it, the state legislature paid them back and then sent the bill to the federal government. And the federal government reimbursed eventually over $1.5 million for militia campaigns against Indians.

18:22 Now the the great tragedy in this is that this becomes a form of (U.S. government) subsidized murder.

 Native American Holocaust: Exterminate Them! The California Story (FULL)  om786swastik 707 Likes 46,785 Views Nov. 5, 2011 (created Mon. Dec. 9, 2024)

*Updated Mon. Jan. 13, 2025


In this proclamation by then Governor Jerry Brown, he admitted that the colonial regimes of Spain and Mexico has decimated the Native American population in California through disease and enforced servitude. While the native population of the Philippines may not have suffered as severely as their California counterparts, brown Filipinos, the natives of the Philippines, were treated harshly by the Spaniards. The Philippines was under Spanish rule via Mexico for 333 years. It was a colony of a colony until 1820 when Mexico gained its independence from Spain.

In California, the Gold Rush started in 1848. By 1851, California’s first elected governor Peter H. Burnett in his second state of address said: “That a war of extermination will continue to be waged between the races until the Indian race becomes extinct must be expected…. While we cannot anticipate this result but with painful regret, the inevitable destiny of the race is beyond the power or wisdom of man to avert.” 

Gov. Brown acknowledged that the Native population was again reduced through disease and state sponsored violence by more than 80%. “The newborn State of California actually paid for the killing of Native peoples and tolerated or encouraged policies of warfare, slavery and relocation that left no tribe intact.”

This proclamation was signed on September 17, 2018.

Governor Brown Issues Proclamation Declaring Native American Day

Published: Sep 28, 2018

Additional references:

Land Back teach-in at Stanford: Indigenous students call out colonialist history, urging student support By Kyla Figueroa Nov. 10, 2022, 11:56 p.m. (created Mon. Jan. 13, 2025)

Stanford course moves beyond the missions in Native American studies by Kate Chesley November 19th, 2019| 8 min read (created Tue. Jan. 14, 2025)

A Remote Viewing Of The 7.3 Northern California Earthquake on Thu. Dec. 5, 2024

Friday Dec. 6, 2024


According to legendary military Remote Viewer Lyn Buchanan, “Remote viewing is basically psychic work. And for most psychics, they’re sort of at the mercy of their own subconscious mind* that they get what they get.

Your subconscious mind is smarter than you are. It’s faster than you are. It cares more about you than you do. And if you can be friends with your own subconscious mind and learn to communicate with it, your life is going to change for the better. It really will. I’ve always said that I’ve always felt. And one of the things you find is that when a person learns to actually interview their own subconscious mind and pay attention to what it says and report it accurately without interpretation, they become friends with themselves. And it does have a spiritual and a personality change.

From: Our Second Open-Ended Conversation with Lyn Buchanan   New Thinking Allowed with Jeffrey Mishlove 753 Likes 14,934 Views Sep 20, 2022


Brittany, we communicate on another level of existence – through our subconscious. If we want to get better results, we need to meet regularly. Otherwise, as Lyn Buchanan said (above), “we get what we get.”

And these are the episodes we got from Nov. 28 up to Dec. 5, 2024, the impact date:

Update: Thursday Nov. 28, 2024 at 01:47am

Update: Friday Nov. 29, 2024 at 03:38am

Update: Friday Nov. 29, 2024 at 05:24am

Update Wed. Dec. 4, 2024 at 01:15am & 04:11am

Update: Thursday Dec. 5, 2024

This one came in today Fri. Dec. 6, 2024


Powerful 7.0 earthquake rattles California, triggering tsunami alert Thursday Dec. 5, 2024 at 10:44am