Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Substance: Methenolone Enanthate
Pack: 10 ml vial (100mg/ml)
Primobolan 100 by Dragon Pharma is a steroid injection which contains 100 mg/ml of the hormone Methenolone Enanthate, and it is available in a 10ml vial.
The Enanthate ester of this steroid makes this compound slow acting, that's why a 2 times a week schedule is enough.
Usually known as Primo, Primobolan is one of the oldest steroids, and it is still one of the most popular between bodybuilders and athletes which are in their cutting phase of the cycle, but wouldn't want to gain any fat. Due to it's mild nature, Primobolan works really great with diets with restricted calories.
Primobolan 100 does not produce aromatization, so there is no need in an estrogen blocker. This steroid will give a pronounced quantity of muscles definition and hardness, especially to Bodybuilders and athletes with a low body fat.
Primobolan was the favourite anabolic steroid of well known Arnold Schwarzenegger. This was the steroid that helped Arnold to maintain his really small waist.
Promobolan is very well known as a binding steroid, which means that athletes use a stable dose of this steroid between the regular cycle. This type of use of Primobolan will give to bodybuilders an anabolic state more than it is natural, but it is not shutting down the natural process of producing testosterone as other steroids would do.
Bodybuilders who want to include Primobolan 100 in their cycle, can stack it with Testosterone and an oral compound like Winstrol tabs or Anavar.
Due to it's mild nature and a low rate of androgenic effects, Primobolan is a very good choise for female bodybuilders.
Average dose men: 300-800 mg/week
Average dose women: 50-100 mg/week
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