Don’t miss Neoteric Rescue Hovercraft in flight
April 7-12, 2025 at FDIC International @ Indianapolis, Indiana
at Outdoor Demo
Booth # 15901/# 15701

FDIC 2024
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Rescue Hovercraft Military Hovercraft Recreational Hovercraft Commercial Hovercraft Hovertrek II

The original light hovercraft manufacturer.

50 years of experience

Founded in 1960, Neoteric is the most experienced light hovercraft manufacturer in the world, with clientele in 50+ nations. Our innovative reverse thrust system, patented worldwide, makes the Neoteric Hovertrek the only hovercraft available that can brake and back up, giving it unmatched maneuverability and safety.

Whether you’re interested in a rescue, recreational, commercial or military hovercraft, Neoteric gives you the perfect way to find out if a hovercraft is right for you before you buy one: Take a Test Flight or Flight Training & Maintenance Course.

Neoteric Hovercraft: the original light hovercraft manufacturer

Neoteric Hovercraft: the original light hovercraft manufacturer

Founded in 1960, Neoteric is the most experienced light hovercraft manufacturer in the world, with clientele in 50+ nations. Our innovative reverse thrust system, patented worldwide, makes the Neoteric Hovertrek the only hovercraft available that can brake and back up, giving it unmatched maneuverability and safety.

Whether you’re interested in a rescue, recreational, commercial or military hovercraft, Neoteric gives you the perfect way to find out if a hovercraft is right for you before you buy one: Take a Test Flight or Flight Training & Maintenance Course.

You're in Good Company with Neoteric Hovercraft

Neoteric's clientele spans 50 nations. In addition to private individuals throughout the world who enjoy exploring remote areas that cannot be reached by boats, snowmobiles or other recreational vehicles, Neoteric's clientele includes:

  • Sheriff, Police and Fire Departments worldwide
  • Environmental and fishery research departments
  • Oil spill clean-up agencies
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
  • U.S. Air Force
  • Disney World
  • U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
  • U.S. Border Patrol, Department of Homeland Security
  • Gold mines
  • Dive teams
  • National Parks Service
  • Airport Police/Fire/EMS


We know that design is about more than just a sleek appearance, and Hovertrek is our masterstroke. An icon in the hovercraft industry, Hovertrek's single engine, single fan design is a fusion of aesthetics and performance.



Need add-ons for your hovercraft? We’ve got you covered. From sophisticated tactical gear and custom mounting for search and rescue operations to a tricked-out golf cart that will break the internet, we can do that.


“This craft is unique in that it can run on pavement, it can run on grass, it can run on bean stubble … it can go right over a log, rocky shallow waters, sand, mud, you name it. Now we’re able to provide a service with the hovercraft that no one else can provide."

Mark Ellis

Fire Chief
Hazleton Volunteer Fire Dept.
Hazleton, IN USA

Rescue Testimonials →


Our patented reverse thrust system makes Hovertrek the only light hovercraft with the ability to brake and reverse. Approach and navigate the tightest situations in remote locations - even under the most difficult conditions.


How do hovercraft compare to airboats?

Unlike airboats, hovercraft are flying machines that travel above the surface on a bubble of air so they don’t create a wake on water. Airboats are flat-bottomed boats with a large propeller and their entire weight rests on the surface, creating a wake. Airboats usually require a boat dock for launching; hovercraft do not.

Airboats are limited to relatively smooth water because their hulls have low gunwales which can be easily swamped. Airboats have minimum positive flotation, where hovercraft have quite a lot - up to 1 1/2 times their weight. This enables hovercraft to operate safely on swiftwater.

The airboat’s tall propeller also limits its use in areas with overhead obstructions, which are often found in flood rescue operations. An airboat’s propeller usually runs close to the speed of sound and generates far more noise than a hovercraft. Airboats can consume up to three times more energy than hovercraft, so they use more fuel.

Hovercraft are safer than airboats in ice rescue operations. As stated in a news article about a dive team preparing for ice rescues, “Emergency personnel practiced rescuing victims who have fallen through ice by getting as close as they can with airboats - too close and the boat will push the ice and crush the victim - and then, with insulated, waterproof suits on and an attached rope, swimming out and bringing the victim back."

Hovercraft can fly on top of thin or broken ice while airboats cannot, and hovercraft often break the ice into small pieces that are of no danger to the victim. Hovercraft can also approach the victim directly, keeping rescuers out of the water. And the airboat's high center of gravity makes them prone to flipping over.


Hovercraft Pilot Training

Neoteric provides certified standard Hovercraft Pilot Training at our Terre Haute, Indiana location. This training is highly recommended for all customers. This standard training requires a full day, from 8:00 am-7:00 pm. On-site training is also available upon request. For more training information, call call 1-800-285-3761 or visit   HOVERCRAFT TRAINING →.

The U.S. Department of Homeland security (DHS) requires all export customers/agents to strictly complete “the End-User Certificate Form” Non-exports to Embargoed countries: Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan and Syria.
美国国土安全部(国土安全部)要求所有出口客户/代理严格填写"最终用户证书表格"。 不允许向禁运国家出口:古巴、伊朗、朝鲜、苏丹和叙利亚。
Departemen Keamanan dalam negeri A.S. (DHS) mewajibkan semua pelanggan ekspor/agen untuk secara ketat menyelesaikan "formulir sertifikat pengguna akhir" yang melampirkan formulir yang tidak diekspor ke negara yang diembargo: Kuba, Iran, Korea Utara, Sudan, dan Suriah.
米国国土安全保障省(DHS)は、すべての輸出顧客/代理人に対し、キューバ、イラン、北朝鮮、スーダン、シリアの非輸出フォームを禁輸国に添付した「エンドユーザー証明書フォーム」 を厳格に記入することを義務付けています。
Le Département de la sécurité intérieure des États-Unis (DHS) exige que tous les clients/agents d'exportation complètent strictement le « formulaire de certificat d'utilisateur final » joint un formulaire non-exportation vers les pays sous embargo : Cuba, l'Iran, la Corée du Nord, le Soudan et la Syrie.
El Departamento de Seguridad Nacional de los Estados Unidos (DHS) requiere que todos los clientes/agentes de exportación completen estrictamente "el Formulario de Certificado de Usuario Final" adjunto un formulario de No exportaciones a los países Embargados: Cuba, Irán, Corea del Norte, Sudán y Siria.

© Copyright 2019, Neoteric Hovercraft, Inc.
Neoteric Hovercraft, Inc. 1649 Tippecanoe Street Terre Haute, Indiana USA 47807-2394 Telephone: 1-812-234-1120, 1-800-285-3761 FAX: 1-877-640-8507