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Random Message generator

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Author Comments

Monday, 17th March 2008:
Updated Submit Page - Jozzalanco just improved the Submit Page to sort of look like this Website. He will finish it off when he has got free time.

Included background - Now we have the sweet newgrounds tank background on it!

Improved graphics - That's right! Jozzalanco improved graphics to modern it a bit, sort of making it look professional.

EDIT 3: Ok, since not alot of people are Submitting messages I'm changing the random message to every few days

EDIT 2: i had a problem yesterday and all messages were deleted. I'm sorry for that. But know it works again. You can also submit more than once per day.

EDIT: Ok, now when you press submit it takes you to a form, sorry if it annoys some people but now your message will defently come threw.

Ok, this is very simple. you submit some text and every day at 12 AM eastern time a random entry is chosen. You can only submit 1 per day so if you try more they just won't reach the server.( you can submit 1 every day) you can post anything here! Advertise, spam. heck, i dont care! hope you like it! Oh and make sure not to double click and submit nothing the first time cuz then you wont be able to submit for the day.

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ok i haveint rated the movie becuase i didint watch it and thats only because some idiot sead "all noobs report here or else" so i sent him a message saying a "few" things............

Gimgak responds:

wow, have you tried anger management? you really need it. If you are so pissed off at my forum sig, you really need to get a life. It's just a link to a tut about newgrounds. What are you, 10?

I've submitted a message too!

Awesome hah!

Deserves more than 2.17 =]

8 For randomness.

Although it is only too short. I shall check back here everyday! Good job!


It's definatley random and it makes a point of randomness so 9/10

I submitted A message.

I like this alot. Great idea.

Gimgak responds:


Credits & Info

3.62 / 5.00

Mar 7, 2008
10:30 PM EST