Baisakhi is celebrated annually to honour the founding of Sikhism as a religion in the year 1699. Credit: Pixabay
During the celebration, some of the most well-attended activities are the parades and the nagar kirtans which are unique processions through the city streets. Credit: Pixabay
Drums are played and a Punjabi Doha (couplet) is recited by individuals throughout the harvesting process on the day of Baisakhi. Credit: Wikimedia Commons
Sikhs follow the tradition of Aawat Pauni on Baisakhi. It is a customary gathering of farm workers and peasants in Punjabi culture to harvest crops. Credit: PTI
Sikhs follow the tradition of Aawat Pauni on Baisakhi. It is a customary gathering of farm workers and peasants in Punjabi culture to harvest crops. Credit: PTI
On the day of Baisakhi, Guru Gobind Singh gave his first five disciples the Amrit, also known as nectar. Credit: Twitter/@harbhajan_singh