

Cheatham County School District misspent thousands in schools funds, audit finds

Posted 2:34 PM, Jan 18, 2023

ASHLAND CITY, Tenn. (WTVF) — The Cheatham County School District is in hot water after a state audit found that four instances of misspending.

The State Comptroller audited the whole county, but what they found with the district included:

  • The Director of Schools received additional compensation not approved by the Board of Education.
  • The school department did not have adequate policies and procedures to account for fuel card purchases resulting in a net loss of $29,774.
  • Material audit adjustments were required for proper financial statement presentation.
  • The school department did not maintain adequate control over its capital assets records.

The auditors pointed to the transportation department not using fuel cards correctly with nearly $60,000 in fraudulent charges.

Recently, the district was reimbursed more than half from the fleet card management company. The comptroller's office said because there are no written policies for using the cards the district lost nearly $30,000.

The audit also noted a $9,000 bonus that went to the Director of Schools.

"Although the director’s bonus met federal documentation requirements, the bonus was not formally approved by the Cheatham County School Board and resulted in her income exceeding her employment contract amount," the Comptroller's Office said.

Comptroller Jason Mumpower has continually recommended a central system for purchasing, accounting and budgeting.

"The Comptroller’s Office has included recommendations to address each of the seven audit findings in its report, and the county has provided a Corrective Action Plan to address the issues," the report said.
