It looks like an evolution on the steel armor concept art from bethesda but so much better. This in my honest opinion is the way steel armor should have been. This is honestly Awesome. I hope you make this because wow....just So Cool. Keep up the awesome work.
It looks amazing, reminds me a lot of the early Bethesda concept art. And I love the crest too, It looks awesome, I really miss some crested helmets in the game and not many mods include them.
If this was turned into an armor ingame I would definitly be rocking this wth my character, it looks great and matches the nordic ruins vibes perfectly.
If you are indeed planning on making this armor it would be genuinely awesome if you could some how make the fur's curls look as "cute" as they do, as shown here, in the Skyrim engine. Especially, if you could some how get the small like "one off" curls like those around the left side of the mid waist just below the breastplate. Like if you've seen scruffy looking baby's hair they don't have large waves, but many tiny flicks in disparate directions. Either way, hope to see some good stuff soon, also liked the newer saber and fluted armor. :D
If this was turned into an armor ingame I would definitly be rocking this wth my character, it looks great and matches the nordic ruins vibes perfectly.
I came up with a suggestive name: Ancient Nordic Behemoth armor. Or Behemoth armor.
Five letters. You can try to guess
PS. Is it your sketch or do you find it somewhere?