Shield Maiden

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  1. JonThackery
    • supporter
    • 204 kudos
    Very good, a bit late but do you mind sharing this face scar...?
  2. PaladinWat
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    A fantastic, gritty look. Which shield are you using here?
  3. Emrakul1
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    oh my god thats so prettyyy
  4. The very last thing a Thalmor would see before they died. That scar looks like saw some serious action despite her youth.
  5. Arresvay
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Looks great, what armor mod is that?
  6. CageyPower8619
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Very beautiful, what hair mod is that?
    1. guidethisonekalaheria
      • premium
      • 960 kudos
      Thanks, private mashup I made from KS & HG Hairs.
  7. Excellentium
    • member
    • 357 kudos
    Terrific character and perfect worn outfit for her, both armor and woman wears scars from many battles!

    I have to agree on the hair too, that's just a fantastic hairstyle so suitable for proud and fearsome Nord heroines. I read it's not available anywhere which makes it entirely unique for your character. It makes me envious of you...

    Fantastic seeing this long hair with braids with her helmet on. My female warriors go all bald when using head protection. That just looks so very wrong...
    1. guidethisonekalaheria
      • premium
      • 960 kudos
      Thanks so much! Yeah I spent a lot of time on her character design and making a lot of custom assets. She made me get back into the creation kit for Skyrim again the helmet took some figuring out but I finally did it, although I am sure there is an easier way
  8. RealArideya
    • supporter
    • 428 kudos
    Definitely not enough endorsements on her. She is stunningly gorgeous <3
    1. guidethisonekalaheria
      • premium
      • 960 kudos
      Aww thanks so much love! <3
  9. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 316 kudos
    She's a great char and super shots of her, Kala!
    1. guidethisonekalaheria
      • premium
      • 960 kudos
      Aww thanks so much!
  10. Klaxoid
    • member
    • 193 kudos
    Fantastic work on this char. I love her mismatched eyes
    1. guidethisonekalaheria
      • premium
      • 960 kudos
      Thanks so much!