Adult Services
Community Living British Columbia (CLBC) is a crown agency that provides provincial funding for supports and services to help adults with developmental disabilities and their families achieve their goals and live the life they want.
Adult Services – Planning: If you or a family member have a developmental disability and are transitioning from youth to adult services, you will want to have ideas and goals set out on paper, before asking for specific supports to help you meet your goals. CLBC has a “Self-Advocate Workbook” available on their website for your use:
CLBC Behaviour Support and Safety Planning: Community Living BC is committed to supporting individuals with challenging behaviours in the community. Detailed information about behaviour support approaches and safety planning is available through the BSSP Guide – a must read for Service Providers who support CLBC funded individuals who engage in challenging behaviours:
The Kamloops Self-Advocate (KSA) is a newsletter for and about differently abled people. Our mission is to present positive stories that highlight people’s successes while entertaining and educating our readership. We also aim to create opportunities for individuals to voice their opinions and concerns. We hope to improve people’s lives and help to erase the stigma around diverse abilities and mental health issues.
To contribute to the newsletter or advertise in the newsletter, contact the KSA founder and coordinator Krystian Shaw at 250-372-5856 or [email protected]
The Speaking Up Self Advocacy Group (SUSA) is local to Kamloops and a group of people who actively work to increase the knowledge of the community and reduce stigma around persons with diverse abilities.
Contact [email protected] for more information or to get involved.
Children and Youth
Ministry for Children and Family Development – Children and Youth with Special Needs provides services and funding for children and youth with special needs and their families.
The Registry of Autism Service Providers (RASP) is a list of qualified professionals approved for Autism Funding expenses and is managed by Autism Information Services (MCFD)
ACT Autism Community Training provides community training opportunities and information about autism
Autism Support Network provides resources and information to families and has a provincial parent network
Autism Kamloops provides advocacy support, parent support groups, and connection to local community services for families with children diagnosed with autism. Betty-Ann Garreck also has an great list of resources on her web page!
Applied Behaviour Analysis
BC-ABA– The British Columbia Association for Behaviour Analysis aims to connect and support Applied Behaviour Analysis practitioners in the vast province of British Columbia and act as a liaison with and affiliate of the Association for Behaviour Analysis International (ABAI). BC-ABA functions to disseminate information about behaviour analysis, as well as to work towards regulation of behaviour analysis practitioners in British Columbia. If you work in the field of ABA or are a student, affiliate or supporter, become a member!
Behavior Analyst Certification Board – Applied Behaviour Analysis is the science of human behaviour. ABA is a field that is interested in making meaningful change to socially significant behaviour. For more information on certification of behaviour analysts, ethics or behaviour analysis in general visit For information on best practices in autism intervention, visit
Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI) is a membership organization for those interested in the philosophy, science, application, and teaching of behavior analysis.