Near Me
On this page
NHS Highland offers Near Me video appointments.

Near Me clinics
All Near Me clinics A-Z contains the full list of clinics. Some clinics are also listed in category pages:
What is Near Me?
Near Me is a confidential and secure service which allows you to attend your pre-arranged appointment using a video call, rather than attending in person. You will see the same consultant or healthcare professional you would have seen in the clinic and you can use your own internet-enabled device (mobile phone, tablet, laptop, PC etc) to make the call.
Near Me is not suitable for all appointments - for example if you need examination, physical treatment or investigations. Ask your healthcare provider or receptionist if you are interested in attending your appointment by video call.

Introduction to Near Me (video)
Watch a BSL-signed version of this video instead.
How to use Near Me for a video appointment (video)
Watch a BSL-signed version of this video instead.
What do I need to access Near Me?
A device
A computer, tablet or phone running operating systems by Apple (macOS, or iOS on iPad or iPhone), Google (Android) or Microsoft (Windows), with a microphone, speaker, and camera. Amazon Fire tablets are not compatible.
A web browser
The service can be accessed using the Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome or Apple Safari browser on your device. Samsung Internet browser is not compatible.
An internet connection
Each video call is free, other than any usage charges you may have from your internet provider. A call uses about the same amount of data as a FaceTime or WhatsApp video call.
See more information about what you need including more specific technical requirements.
How do I make a test call?
You should complete a test call prior to your appointment time to ensure your equipment and internet connection are suitable for the call.
Allow Near Me to access your camera and microphone when asked.
You will be taken through a series of steps to ensure that your equipment is set up correctly.
The video call provider is called Attend Anywhere.
try a test call hereInstructions for your appointment
Please do not enter a waiting area unless you have a pre-arranged appointment or you have been invited to a same day appointment by your healthcare professional.
Before your appointment time, make sure you are in a quiet, well lit room.
Find your clinic or specialty in all Near Me clinics A-Z, or follow the link provided in your appointment message.
- Start Appointment or Enter Waiting Area
- Start Video Call
Once the setup has been completed, you will enter the private waiting area until your consultation begins.
Important: Do you need more help?
If you have difficulty with the test call or need help, please get in touch with the Near Me team:
- email
- phone 07469 916150
Email and phone are monitored during normal working hours. If we are unable to answer your call, please leave a message and a member of the team will call you back.
Near Me Near You and virtual ward visiting
Near Me Near You
If you have a Near Me appointment but don't have a good internet connection or required equipment, why not ask your healthcare professional to book a room in a GP practice or hospital near you?
See Near Me Near You.
Virtual ward visiting
Did you know you can visit inpatients virtually in most wards and hospitals? There's no app to download. All you need is an internet-enabled device and somewhere private to have your virtual visit. Phone the ward for more details and to arrange.

Accessibility and other information
See more accessible information about how to use Near Me, including:
- a leaflet for children
- an Easy Read booklet
- leaflets in 30 languages
See British Sign Language signed videos on YouTube about Near Me and how to use it:
- Introduction to using Near Me within a health setting
- How to use Near Me for an appointment with your clinician
- How to use Near Me to take part in a video call
Social media
Near Me - Healthcare from Home (video)
Jill in Thurso uses Near Me to attend online doctor and consultant appointments for chronic pain management, from home.
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