How Are You?

At Nine Feet Tall we have a programme dedicated to employee wellbeing called How Are You? or HAY. Back in January, the team at Nine Feet Tall gathered to discuss our New Year’s Resolutions for improving our health. It now feels like this was a lifetime ago, but the ideas we discussed have probably never been more relevant. We wanted to adapt them for today’s situation and share them.

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Eat Well

Hmm.. this advice is all very well when you can get hold of the right foods. There may be shortages of fresh foods in your local supermarket so swotting up on which other foods can help your immune system is a good plan before you go out to the shops.

Did you know that what you eat can affect how you feel? If your spirits suddenly take a dive, or start soaring, it could be down to what you had for lunch. Clearly now is the time to stick to the foods that give your mood a boost. There’s a useful article here which could help.

We all know we’re supposed to drink more water, but often our busy lives take over. Now is the time to prioritise your health and water plays a key part in that.

Move More

Restrictions in going to the gym don’t have to mean that you do no exercise. There are already so many good ideas about working out at home. There are plenty of online HIIT, Yoga and Body Conditioning workouts you can choose from. If you’re working from home take breaks away from your desk and stretch so that you’re not sitting still for too long.

There are countless mental health benefits to exercise as well as the obvious physical benefits. If prescribed workouts aren’t for you then put some music on, forget the world and just dance as Lady Gaga would say.

Stress Less

This felt somewhat easier back in January… The uncertainty and worry at the moment could doubtlessly become an anxiety trigger. If you feel your stress becoming uncontrollable make sure you talk to somebody. Somebody may have the right answer, or just talking through your fears can sometimes make them become more manageable.

The overload of continuous news can take its toll so try reducing how much you expose yourself to. Try escaping current affairs well before bed and do something else which is more likely to aid your sleep. Self care is a big priority now.

Uncertainty is exactly that. Not a certainty. It is easy to fear the worse but it is not helpful. Try not to cause yourself stress by worrying about situations you cannot control.

Nature can help to alleviate stress so take comfort from the start of spring. Watch the sunset or the sunrise. Enjoy the blossom in the trees, the tulips emerging, the birds singing. Try and find a moment whereby you can take pleasure from the colours you can see.

Love More

Look for the helpers. There are so many inspiring tales of good people helping their communities during this time. Take heart from these stories and find a way to make a positive impact yourself.

Find a Run have launched the Plan B race to raise money for the WHO’s fight against the virus.

Olio are encouraging communities to share food through safe collections and deliveries with neighbours.

Wriggle have devised a scheme to buy vouchers for your favourite independents to help them stay afloat.

Check in on people you haven’t caught up with for a while. There are so many video call apps to make this a chance to see them and make a virtual visit. Try downloading Zoom, House Party or Skype. Remember the good times and make each other laugh. Life is changing for everyone and spreading some love can have a positive personal impact.

We will all have to adapt over the coming weeks, so be sure to consider your health throughout. At the end of each day record something positive you did for your wellbeing. If you have any questions about how you can support the wellbeing of your team remotely contact [email protected].

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