The W Hotel in Hoboken, 225 River St., is unsurprisingly celebrating its one-year anniversary in style. The mile square city's first luxury hotel is offering prizes and special packages for guests during the week of its March 27 birthday.
On March 27, DJ Journey will be playing music in the hotel's living room from 2 to 4 p.m. Saxophonist Teodross Avery is scheduled to perform from 6 to 8 p.m. Free Bliss products will be handed out. For more information, RSVP to [email protected].
From Sun., March 21 to Sat., March 27, new hotel guests will be entered to win either a one-night future complimentary stay, $100 Bliss gift certificate or 12,000 free Starwood preferred guest points upon checking in.
The hotel is currently offering a W Hoboken 1st Birthday package until Sun., March 28. The package includes one room, complimentary valet parking, an invitation to the birthday blowout bash and two specialty drinks on the house.
In the coming days, Hoboken Now will give you a behind-the-scenes overview of year one in the life of the W in Hoboken from the perspective of the general manager.