The Northern Nevada Business Weekly publishes content daily online and through social media, as well as via a weekly print edition that comes out each Wednesday. When submitting a press release, article or other news item for consideration to be published, email the information to [email protected]. Word limit is 150-300 for a news, people or other “brief,” and 300-700 words for an article or Voices submission. Items must to be submitted as .doc files, or within the body of the email itself. We do not accept files, faxes or in-person printed pieces that require type-setting. Deadline to be considered for print publication is the Monday prior to the following week’s edition. Please note these deadlines are for consideration only, and do not guarantee a story or brief will be published in print, due to advertising needs, space availability or other content priorities. Some content may run online only. Views expressed in Voices columns may not necessarily reflect those of the Northern Nevada Business Weekly.
Please note the Northern Nevada Business Weekly is printed on a high-volume web press; as such, registration and color saturation with photographs and advertisements may vary by week and publication. When submitting photos or digital-ready display ads for newsprint, all resolution should be 200dpi or higher. Further, items should be submitted in CMYK format, and it’s best to brighten imagery when possible.