Upcoming Events
March 18 — Away Mavs Softball vs. Cowley, 1 pm/3 p.m.
March 13 — Away Lady Jets Basketball vs. Murray State in Muskogee, Region 2 Tournament, 6 p.m.
March 13 — Away Lady Mavs Basketball vs. Seminole at Muskogee, NJCAA Region 2 Tournament
March 12 — Away Jets Basketball vs. Connors in Muskogee at NJCAA Region 2 Tournament, 6 p.m.
March 10 — NOCF Donor Recognition Banquet, NOC Tonkawa Renfro Center, 5:30 p.m.

Getting Started!
The greatest asset of Northern is its student body. Each year, our graduates successfully begin their careers or go on to continue their academic pursuits at universities. Northern’s measure of success is based on your performance. We invite you to become a part of Northern’s family. We are committed to your academic achievement. From orientation to your graduation day, you will find support and encouragement. At Northern, we want you to succeed!