Meet the Toton woman who is so in love with the colour pink that she has decided to live her life by it.
Retired Kathy Charles, 63, decided to transform her two-bedroom home in Whiting Avenue almost five years ago.
And what began as a lick of pink paint on the outside of her home has now become a full blown obsession where everything must now to be in that colour.
Dressed in a flamboyant pink cardigan, fluorescent pink tights and even pink highlights in her hair, the former Players cigarette machine operator says unashamedly: "I just want to be different. No one has talked me into it. It is just me."
Kathy loves the area and never plans to leave her pink palace.
Her mum, dad, and brother all live on the street - and she was born in the house adjacent to where she lives now.
Her bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living room, and her downstairs loo are all painted pink.
Even her wardrobe is decked out with pink dresses, skirts, t-shirts, cardigans, handbags and shoes.
"You won't find a green or a purple," she says.
Kathy also loves animals - she has 15 pet spiders, a dog called Ozzy after her favourite singer, a tortoise called Eric, and a couple of canaries, Kath and Sid.
She also has a "foul-mouthed" parrot called Nelly, who loves her soaps. She will call out 'Corrie' or 'Emmerdale' when the theme tune comes on.
She even has a Smart car, which she had specially wrapped in pink.
She told Nottinghamshire Live: "I have got a boyfriend who picks me up lots of stuff that is pink. At Christmas he surprised me and bought me a pink-toed spider, Daisy. It made my day.
"It started with the outside first, a chap who lives down the road painted it for me and then I decided to have the inside done.
"If you could see my wardrobe - it is all pink. I have 30 pairs of pink tights.
"When I do a wash, my washing line is full of pink. There is nothing that I have got that isn't pink.
"My neighbours have never commented, they must think it is unusual. It is like a project.
"When I go out and take my dog for a walk - and I have my big pink coat on - people always say 'we know where you live' And I say 'how do you know that?'"
She now wants to paint her shed and give the entire garden a pink makeover.
She added: "I just like to be different and do what I want. I have always been that way."