Find with Ease
We connect what belongs together:
People with people.
And people with things.

Over 2,500 customers in 7 European countries have already found Nova Find

More than 2,500 lost and found offices in 7 European countries have already found the right solution with Nova Find. In Germany, Austria, Switzerland and South Tyrol/Italy, we connect seekers and finders on nationwide lost property service pages.
All fields of application
Nova Find in cities and towns
Municipal lost and found services are certainly still among the most important places to go for finds and losses. Depending on the number of inhabitants, the annual volume of lost property varies, but the principle always remains the same: lose, find, manage, return or auction. With Nova Find, all these processes are simplified and made more cost and time efficient.
How we connect seekers and finders? Learn more about Nova Find in cities and towns!
Search and find in transportation
On the road, by rail, water or air, there are unfortunately many ways to fall by the wayside. When things go astray, we find appropriate shortcuts between ownership and owner:in.
How we connect seekers and finders? Learn more about Nova Find in transport!
Nova Find in Public
In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, wallets, laptops and keys often get left behind somewhere along the way: in squares, streets, markets or parks. Nova Find offers fast help in case of need – ideal for all finds and losses in public places and rooms.
How we connect seekers and finders? Learn more about Nova Find in the public space!
Nova Find at events
From international conferences to major sporting events. When many people come together, something always gets left behind. Reunite lost and owner:in – fast, easy and uncomplicated for all sides. This not only saves time and money, but also strengthens your image as a professional, service-oriented organizer.
How we connect seekers and finders? Learn more about Nova Find in cities and towns!
Experience in searching and finding
Already represented in 7 European countries
First in Austria, then in Switzerland and now in Germany, France, Italy, Liechtenstein and Luxembourg.
+2,500 lost and found offices use Nova Find
Nova Find solutions make everyday work easier in over 2,500 lost and found offices.
+30 million citizens benefit
Thanks to its wide reach, more than 30 million citizens are served.
The travel industry is also benefiting from Nova Find.

Advantages and functions
Easy recording of lost and found objects
Report a new find quickly and easily. Nova Find makes it easy to record lost and found reports.
Reach your goal faster with an intelligent algorithm
Nova Find impresses with a high hit rate. The reason for this is that the search radius can be considerably extended as a networked platform for lost and found services.
GDPR and legally compliant
Nova Find takes into account current legislation on lost property fees, finder’s fees, ownership claims and retention periods. Requests for erasure under the GDPR are also possible with just a few clicks.
More than ONLY software
Personal support & training
The introduction of new software can present one or two entry hurdles. We are therefore at your side with training and support.

We take a look behind the scenes of the lost and found offices, let you smile about curious found objects and marvel at stories from everyday life.
Test and find now for free
Looking for the right solution? Discover Nova Find and all its smart functions and benefits!
- 30 days full range of functions
- Check-in call with Nova Find Expert:in