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(10 pts) Use the ER-to-relational mapping algorithm to map the BANK_CARDS EER diagram below to a relational schema diagram. Prepare the diagram using ERDPlus and make sure to specify all primary keys and foreign keys. Specify which option you have used to map the specialization. (Position the relations so that the arcs from the foreign keys to the primary keys do not overlap and the referential constraints are clearly visible.) Id Name Address CUSTOMER 1 Relationship Name 1 1 HAS CO_OWNER HOLDS Account Id N Expiration CARD Type Type d "D" "C" N M DEBIT CARD CREDIT CARD CHARGES Bank_No Current_Balance M Id M_Address Date Time Amount MERCHANTShow more…
Added by Ashley A.
Step 1
Identify the entities in the EER diagram: - CUSTOMER - CO_OWNER - ACCOUNT - BANK_CARD - MERCHANT Show more…
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