Raymonde A. Brown
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education;
Teaching Professor
106 Nursing Sciences Building
University Park
Phone: 814-863-2235
Email: [email protected]
Research & PublicationsEducation
- Ph.D. University of Maryland, Nursing
- M.S., The Pennsylvania State University, Nursing
- B.S. The Pennsylvania State University, Nursing
- Diploma, Nursing, Williamsport Hospital (PA) School of Nursing
- 2014 Excellence in Leadership, STTI Beta Sigma Chapter Award, Inaugural Award.
- 2004 Drs. Joseph and Raymonde Brown Award, Award developed in honor of the work done to promote Society of Critical Care Medicine State Chapters, First presentation, Orlando, Florida, February, 2004; presented yearly.
- 2003 AACN Leadership for Academic Nursing Programs, FULD Fellow
- 1999 Outstanding Doctoral Student, Alumni Award, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD
- 1999 Nominated by University of Maryland, Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges
- 1998 Graduate Merit Award, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD
- 1997 Graduate Merit Award, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD
- 1997 Sigma Theta Tau, Beta Sigma Chapter Research Award