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File a claim

We realize that the loss of a loved one can be a very difficult and confusing time, so we make it our priority to keep the claim process as simple as possible.

To report a life insurance claim, just follow the steps below.

Download a copy now, or request one by phone at 1-800-887-1255. We’re available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.(ET).

If you call, your representative will need the insured’s contract number or social security number, as well as the date and cause of death.

Your claim packet contains instructions and the forms you’ll need to complete to begin processing your claim. It also contains answers to frequently asked questions. Please be sure to complete the forms as thoroughly as possible. If you have additional questions while completing your packet, don’t hesitate to call us at 1-800-887-1255.
Mail or fax your completed claim packet, along with a certified death certificate showing the cause of death, to:

Regular Mail:

New York Life Insurance Company
Attention: Claims Department
P.O. Box 31683
Tampa, FL 33631-3683

Express Mail:

New York Life Insurance Company
Attn: Claims Dept.
8641 Henderson Road
Tampa, FL 33634

Fax number:

(855) 381-5010
Be sure to include the policy/contract number.

What happens next?

Once we receive your claim packet, New York Life will begin processing your claim. A representative may reach out to you for additional documentation, depending on your specific situation. This additional documentation may include:

If you have any questions at any point in the claim process, please call our dedicated claim line at 1-800-887-1255. We’re here to help.

Common Questions

How do I file a life insurance claim?
A claim may be reported by mail or by phone.

By Mail: You can download a claim packet that includes all instructions and forms needed to begin processing your claim. Mail your completed claim form and a certified death certificate to:

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Regular Mail:

New York Life Insurance Company
Attention: Claims Department
P.O. Box 31683
Tampa, FL 33631-3683

Express Mail:

New York Life Insurance Company
Attn: Claims Dept.
8641 Henderson Road
Tampa, FL 33634

By Phone: To request a claim packet by phone, call our dedicated claim line at 1-800-887-1255 Monday through Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.(ET). Please have the following information available when you call: Contract Number or Social Security Number of insured, Date of Death, Cause of Death.
How long will it take before I receive a check?
If the claim is incontestable, payments are usually mailed 7-10 business days after New York Life receives a completed claim form and death certificate. If the claim is contestable, a claims review will be conducted and any benefit distribution payable will be determined upon completion. New York Life reserves the right to determine whether any insurance was inforce at the time of death, as well as the beneficiary to whome proceeds may be payable.
What documentation will I need to submit?
The beneficiary must provide a fully completed claim form and certified death certificate.
What do I do if the insured died in a foreign country?
In addition to providing a certified death certificate and completed claim form, also provide a Report of Death of a US Citizen Abroad form, which may be obtained from the US Embassy. You may also call the New York Life toll-free claims number, 1-800-887-1255, to understand the requirements for settling a claim when the insured’s death is in a foreign country.
How do I obtain a certified death certificate?
Most funeral homes will provide the family of the deceased with several certified death certificates. You can also contact the Vital Records Division in the state of the deceased for this document.
What do I need if the beneficiary is an estate?
The court appointed executor/personal representative should submit the fully completed claim form, certified death certificate and copy of the court papers appointing the individual as the executor or personal representative of the estate.
What should I do if the beneficiary is the estate, and there is no estate?
The claim may be settled through a Survivorship Affidavit – Deceased Insured. Call the New York Life toll free claims number, 1-800-887-1255, to understand the requirements for settling a claim when the insured’s beneficiary is an estate.
What should I do if the beneficiary is deceased, and there is no estate?
The claim may be settled through a Survivorship Affidavit – Deceased Beneficiary. Call the New York Life toll free claims number 1-800-887-1255 to understand the requirements for settling a claim when the beneficiary is deceased, and there is no estate.
What is required if the beneficiary is a trust?
The trustee should submit the fully completed claim form and a certified death certificate. A copy of the trust may also be requested.
What do I need if the beneficiary is a minor child?

The benefit can be paid into an interest-bearing settlement account on behalf of the minor beneficiary. The minor’s social security number and date of birth must be provided on the claim form. The funds will be available to the minor when they reach age of majority.

If the benefit amount is under the state UTMA (Uniform Transfer to Minor’s Act) limit, the funds may be disbursed to the minor child. There are certain guidelines and limitations determined by each state regarding disbursement of funds to a minor under this act. Contact New York Life for specific information.

What is an incontestable claim?
A claim is considered incontestable when the insured’s death occurs two years or more after the insurance date or reinstatement date.
What is a contestable claim?
A claim is considered contestable when the insured’s death occurs within two years of the insurance date or reinstatement date. On contestable claims, the Medical Information and Authorization section of the claim form must be completed.
How will the claim be paid?
Claims can be paid by check to the beneficiary’s address provided on the claim form.
Can payment be made to a funeral home?

Yes, if the claim is incontestable, and the beneficiary signs an assignment form (provided by the funeral home) authorizing us to direct payment of all or a portion of the proceeds to a funeral home, and that assignment is received prior to the claim being settled.

Here's some consumer protection information regarding funeral homes that you might find helpful:
Federal Trade Commission - Planning a funeral? Know your rights (

Why does a beneficiary, estate or trust need to provide their Social Security Number or Federal Tax Identification Number?
New York Life cannot process the claim without this information. Interest is paid on most claims from the date of death until the date the claim is paid. The Social Security Number or Federal Tax Identification Number is required to report interest payments to the Internal Revenue Service.
When is a Federal Tax Identification Number utilized?
A Federal Tax Identification Number will be issued to an estate of a deceased or to a trust. The Federal Tax Identification Number is used to report the interest paid to an estate or a trust.
What is a primary beneficiary?
The person(s) or entity designated by the insured to receive the death benefit.
What is a secondary/contingent beneficiary?
The person(s) or entity designated by the insured to receive the death benefit in the event the primary beneficiary dies before the insured, disclaims the death benefit or is disqualified under law.
What is a Form 1099-INT?
Form 1099-INT is used to report to the Internal Revenue Services interest payments made to an individual or entity (such as a trust or estate) during any calendar year. Form 1099-INT is mailed to an individual or entity in January of the year following the interest payment. Form 1099-INT informs the individual or entity of the interest amount paid to be reported on their tax return.
My policy has an Accelerated Benefit rider. How do I know if I qualify for this benefit?
You may call our toll-free number, 1-800-887-1255, for assistance. Our business hours are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Eastern Time), Monday through Friday. Or, you may complete a Living Benefit Rider claim form and mail the form as indicated in the instructions on the form.

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