The Model United Nations (MUN) is an extra-curricular activity in which students typically role-play delegates to the United Nations and simulate UN committees. The MUN involves substantial researching, public speaking, debating, and writing skills, as well as critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership abilities.
At the end of most conferences, outstanding delegates in each committee are recognized and awarded suitably.
We are pleased to host the first edition of the Omega International Model United Nations (OIMUN) this year. The details and salient features of the Omega International Model United Nations 2018 are:
Event dates : Coming Soon!
Venue : Campus of Omega International School
Delegate Fee : Rs. 750/-
The Guiding Principles :
Endeavour together
To aspire and work together in the pursuit of perfection across academic and co-scholastic undertakings, bearing in mind, the spirit of global brotherhood. -
Humanitarian standpoint
To ingrain an attitude of philanthropy and compassion towards fellow beings, devoid of discrimination and detest and achieving an empathetic understanding of grave issues that people face is pivotal in tackling and eventually resolving them. -
Global outlook
To inculcate a stance of international mindedness and empathetic understanding of issues, their benignant perspectives and develop the ability to comprehend the global scenario of today’s dynamic world. -
Promote Cultural Heritage
To embody and endorse the rich beneficiaries of living as global citizens, free of hate and intolerance, through the understanding and encouragement of diversity that transcends all differences.
Sustainable development has gained recognition as the global need of the hour, with innumerable initiatives and strategies being developed under the framework of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals proposed by the United Nations.
We believe that Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities is of quintessential importance in the pursuit of achieving all the 169 targets under the 17 SDGs, as inequality is a roadblock to progress when it deprives people of opportunity, and subjects many to dreadful and appalling conditions of living.
There are numerous facets to inequality, which we seek to address and hopefully resolve through the canons of diplomatic procedure, such as discussion and deliberation, through the simulation of the UN at this Model United Nations conference.
The committees that will be in action during OIMUN 2018 are:
The Futuristic Security Council operates in the future. It is a crisis committee and simulates crises that the world might face in the next few years, with a hypothetical timeline being released prior to the conference.
The timeline will be published shortly.
The United Nations Environmental Programme is an agency of the UN which works and coordinates issues pertaining to the environment.
AGENDA: Climate change with special emphasis on water scarcity.
Around the world, about 1.1 billion people lack access to water, and about 2.7 billion people find water scarce. With the advent of climate change, there is no doubt that fresh water is the immediate resource that is existentially threatened. And the inequalities in the access to clean, fresh water must be addressed

The United Nations Human Rights Council is a subsidy body of the UN. All 47 member states, which are elected by the General Assembly for a duration of 3 years function to address human rights-related issues in all the UN member states.
AGENDA: Combating discrimination and violence against ethnic as well as religious minorities
This agenda has been chosen taking into account the various targets of SDG 10: Reduced inequalities, which includes promotion of economic, social and political equality irrespective of race, ethnicity or religion. These also include the elimination of discriminatory laws and policies.
The first committee of the United Nations General Assembly deals with issues pertaining to disarmament, regulation of armaments as well as threats to international peace and security.
AGENDA: Reviewing the UN-Counter Terrorism Strategy.
This agenda has been chosen bearing in mind the inconsistencies and variations observed in the stances of member nations pertaining to terrorism and the use of force, creating inequalities

Considered the fourth pillar of democracy, the Press bridge the gap between the proceedings inside the United Nations and citizens around the globe. They hold the influential responsibility of shaping global opinion on issues and decisions. The three departments of the International Press of this MUN would be:
Journalists have the power to enable the reader to relive the proceedings of the committee through the magic of words and compelling composition. -
A picture says a thousand words, how about millions more? A photographer has the power to capture moments that transcend language.
Caricaturists would have to captivate the reader through humorous cartoons that have a deep sense of truth embedded within it. As the saying goes, there is more truth to humor than anything else.

Register your participation by filling out the form accessible through the link published here:
You may also access the form through the QR Code published on the OIMUN brochure.