History of the Ladder Match

LadderA Ladder Match is a type of match in professional wrestling that is most commonly used to describe a match where an item (usually a title belt) is hung above the ring, and the winner is the contestant who climbs a ladder and retrieves the item. The ladder itself becomes a key feature of the match, as wrestlers will use the ladder as a weapon to strike the opponent(s), as a launching pad for acrobatic attacks, and frequently these matches include impressive falls from the top of the ladder. However, there were very few matches in which the hung item must be used in a special manner in order to win the match, such as striking the opponent with the item.

Ladder matches are often used as a finale to storylines and it is more common to have symbolic briefcases (usually “containing” a contract for a future championship match) or championships belts hung above the ring. Ladder matches and their variants (such as TLC and Full Metal Mayhem) are often used in feuds that involve a dispute over possession of an item (such as a stolen title belt or the “paperwork” for the contractual services of a manager). Ladder matches are almost always fought under no disqualification rules. [Courtesy of Wikipedia.com]

The first ladder match that anyone seems to have a record of was in 1972 for Stampede, and it is believed to have been the idea of the original Dan Kroffat, who was a Stampede booker and headliner at the time.

Stampede Event Winner Loser Notes
Sept 1972 Stampede Dan Kroffat Tor Kamata 1st ladder match
07/01/1979 Stampede Big Daddy Ritter Jake Roberts N American title
July 1983 Stampede Bret Hart Bad News
WWF/E Event Winner Loser Notes
07/21/1992 1st in WWF Bret Hart HBK I-C title
03/20/1994 Wrestlemania X Razor Ramon HBK I-C title
08/27/1995 SummerSlam HBK Razor Ramon I-C title
08/30/1998 SummerSlam Triple H Rock I-C title
02/15/1999 RAW The Rock Mankind WWF title
06/27/1999 King of the Ring Vince/Shane M Steve Austin WWE control
10/17/1999 No Mercy The Hardy Boyz Edge/Christian “Best of 5” finale
04/02/2000 Wrestlemania Edge/Christian Hardyz/Dudleyz Tables/ladders
08/27/2000 SummerSlam Edge/Christian Hardyz/Dudleyz TLC
09/25/2000 RAW The Hardy Boyz Edge & Christian Tag title titles
01/21/2001 Royal Rumble Chris Jericho Chris Benoit I-C title
04/01/2001 Wrestlemania Edge/Christian Hardyz/Dudleyz TLC 2
05/20/2001 Judgment Day Kurt Angle Chris Benoit 3 match series
05/24/2001 SmackDown Benoit & Jericho 3 other teams TLC 3
08/19/2001 SummerSlam Rob Van Dam Jeff Hardy I-C title
10/21/2001 No Mercy Edge Christian I-C title
05/27/2002 RAW Rob Van Dam Eddie Guerrero I-C title
07/01/2002 RAW Undertaker Jeff Hardy Undisputed title
07/22/2002 RAW Rob Van Dam Jeff Hardy I-C/Euro titles
10/06/2002 RAW Roulette Kane 6 others TLC 4
12/15/2002 Armageddon Triple H HBK 3 match series
05/18/2003 Judgment Day Eddie G/Tajiri Team Angle Tag Team titles
09/29/2003 RAW Rob Van Dam Christian I-C title
09/12/2004 Unforgiven Chris Jericho Christian I-C title
03/10/2005 SmackDown Kurt Angle Mike Haywood Angle Invite
04/03/2005 Wrestlemania Edge 5 others MITB
08/21/2005 SummerSlam Rey Mysterio Eddie G Dom custody
10/03/2005 WWE Edge Matt Hardy Loser leaves
01/16/2006 RAW Edge Ric Flair TLC
04/02/2006 Wrestlemania Rob Van Dam 5 others MITB
08/15/2006 ECW Sabu RVD #1 contender
10/24/2006 ECW Rob Van Dam Big Show For a title shot
09/17/2006 Unforgiven John Cena Edge TLC
11/20/2006 RAW Jeff Hardy Johnny Nitro I-C title
12/17/2006 Armageddon London/Kendrick 3 other teams Tag Team titles
04/01/2007 Wrestlemania Mr. Kennedy 7 others MITB
06/06/2007 One Night Stand The Hardy Boyz WGTT Tag Team titles
12/10/2007 RAW 15th Ann Jeff Hardy Carlito Cool I-C titles
03/30/2008 Wrestlemania C.M. Punk 7 others MITB
06/01/2008 One Night Stand Edge Undertaker TLC
04/05/2009 Wrestlemainia C.M. Punk 7 others MITB
08/23/2009 SummerSlam C.M. Punk Jeff Hardy TLC
12/13/2009 TLC PPV Christian S. Benjamin ECW title
12/13/2009 TLC PPV Degeneration X Jerishow TLC
07/18/2010 MITB PPV Kane 7 others MITB match
12/19/2010 TLC PPV John Morrison King Sheamus #1 contender
12/19/2010 TLC PPV Dolph Ziggler Kofi Kingston and Jack Swagger Intercontinental Title
07/17/2011 MITB PPV Daniel Bryan 7 others MITB match
12/18/2011 TLC PPV Triple H Kevin Nash Sledgehammer
07/15/2012 MITB PPV John Cena 5 others WWE title
12/16/2012 TLC PPV Dolph Ziggler John Cena MITB contract
07/14/2013 MITB PPV Damien Sandow 6 others #1 contender
NWA Event Winner Loser Notes
07/18/1987 GAB Dusty Rhodes Tully Blanchard Barbed wire
WCW Event Winner Loser Notes
01/25/1997 Souled Out Eddie Guerrero Syxx US title
01/17/1999 Souled Out Bill Goldberg Scott Hall Taser
11/08/1999 Nitro Bill Goldberg 3 others US title
12/19/1999 Starrcade Chris Benoit Jeff Jarrett US title
12/20/1999 Nitro Jeff Jarrett Chris Benoit US title
07/18/2000 Nitro Jung Dragons Three Count
08/13/2000 New Blood Rising Three Count Jung Dragons 6-man tag
10/02/2000 Nitro Konnan & Misterio The Boogie Knights
12/17/2000 Starrcade Helms/Moore 2 other teams Triple ladder
ECW Event Winner Loser Notes
10/28/1995 Hardcore TV Mickey Whipwreck Sandman ECW TV title
02/02/1997 Cyberslam The Eliminators RVD & Sabu Tables/ladders
01/10/1998 House Party The Sandman Sabu Stairway to Hell
05/15/1998 Matter of Respect Sand/TD/Spike Dudley Boyz Stairway to Hell
01/10/1999 Guilty As Charged Justin Credible Tommy Dreamer Stairway to Hell
01/07/2001 Guilty as Charged Sandman Corino/Credible TLC and canes
08/15/2006 ECW Sabu Rob Van Dam #1 contender
10/24/2006 ECW Rob Van Dam Big Show For a title shot
12/13/2009 TLC PPV Christian S. Benjamin ECW title
TNA Event Winner Loser Notes
07/17/2002 NWA:TNA Sabu Malice #1 contender
07/24/2002 NWA:TNA Ken Shamrock Sabu NWA title
08/28/2002 NWA:TNA Jerry Lynn Styles/Low Ki Triple ladders
10/02/2002 NWA:TNA AJ Styles Jerry Lynn X Division title
10/09/2002 NWA:TNA Syxx-Pac 7 others X Division title
03/19/2003 NWA:TNA Raven AJ Styles #1 contender
04/09/2003 NWA:TNA Dusty Rhodes Brian Lawler (Old) NWA title
07/23/2003 NWA:TNA AJ Styles DLo Brown NWA title
08/13/2003 NWA:TNA Frankie Kazarian Michael Shane #1 contender
03/17/2004 NWA:TNA Abyss AJ Styles #1 contender
05/26/2004 NWA:TNA Eric Young 3 others World X-Cup
06/02/2004 NWA:TNA Jeff Jarrett 4 others King of Mountain
07/14/2004 NWA:TNA The Naturals AMW Double ladders
11/07/2004 Victory Road Jeff Jarrett Jeff Hardy NWA title
02/13/2005 Against All Odds Abyss Jeff Hardy Metal Mayhem
06/19/2005 Slammiversary Raven 4 others King of Mountain
05/14/2006 Sacrifice Christian Cage Abyss Metal Mayhem
06/18/2006 Slammiversary Jeff Jarrett 4 others King of Mountain
10/12/2006 IMPACT Christian Cage Samoa Joe
02/22/2007 IMPACT Jerry Lynn 4 others #1 contender
06/17/2007 Slammiversary Kurt Angle 4 others TNA title
08/02/2007 IMPACT Abyss/Sting Cage/Styles
02/28/2008 IMPACT James Storm Eric Young Drinking title
05/11/2008 Sacrifice Gail Kim Roxxi Laveaux Women’s Knockout Title
08/28/2008 IMPACT A.J. Styles Kurt Angle Angle’s Olympic Gold Medal
09/14/2008 No Surrender Sonjay Dutt Jay Lethal Ladder of Love
10/23/2008 IMPACT Abyss & Morgan 3 Other Teams World Tag Team Titles
11/06/2008 IMPACT Sojournor Bolt Taylor Wilde Women’s Knockout Title
02/23/2009 IMPACT Alex Shelley 3 Others X Division Title
06/21/2009 Slammiversary Suicide 4 others X Div KOTM
03/21/2010 Destination X Kazarian 3 others #1 contender X
04/05/2010 IMPACT Mr. Anderson Kurt Angle keys to the steel cage door at Lockdown
07/08/2010 IMPACT Jeremy Buck Douglas Williams
07/15/2010 IMPACT Beer Money Motor City Machine Guns
09/23/2010 IMPACT A.J. Styles Sabu
02/13/2011 Against All Odds Jeff Hardy Mr. Anderson TNA title
08/12/2012 Hardcore Justice AJ Styles 3 others 20 pts BFG
11/11/2012 Turning Point Jeff Hardy Austin Aries TNA title
07/11/2013 IMPACT Gail Kim Taryn Terrell #1 contender
10/20/2013 Bound For Glory Chris Sabin 4 others X Division title
ROH Event Winner Loser Notes
09/15/2007 Man Up Briscoe Brothers Steen/Generico Man Up PPV
09/26/2009 Ladder War II Richards/Edwards Steen/Generico ROH tag titles
09/17/2011 Ladder War III All Night Express Brisco Brothers #1 contenders
12/16/2012 Final Battle Kevin Steen El Generico ROH title
Independent Event Winner Loser Notes
04/01/1994 SMW Tracy Smothers Chris Candido Blue Grass Brawl
10/26/2001 WWA Juvi Guerrera Psicosis Cruiserweight
11/09/2002 CZW Ruckus Sonjay Dutt & Chri$ Ca$h
10/13/2002 FWA Jody Fleisch Flash Barker British Heavyweight Title
11/22/2003 3PW Raven Sandman/Sabu TLC match
12/13/2003 CZW The Joker Chri$ Ca$h
08/14/2004 Ballpark Brawl III A.J. Styles Hart/Sabu TLC match
12/11/2004 CZW The Messiah Flash/Kaos Ladder/scaffold
09/17/2005 ECW talent Sabu Sandman Stairway to Hell
02/13/2006 WSX Vampiro/6-Pac 8 Others WSX Rumble
11/12/2006 WSX Alkatrazz/Hawx Kaos/Aguilera TLC match
12/20/2006 OVW Katie Lea Beth Phoenix Women’s title
04/28/2007 2CW Dizzie Slyck Wagner 2CW title
08/11/2007 CZW Scotty Vortekz Cloudy Junior Heavyweight Title
10/13/2007 CZW Ruckus Human Tornado
10/27/2007 JAPW Archadia Grim Reefer New Jersey State Title
12/13/2008 CZW Ryan McBride 4 Others Junior Heavyweight Title
01/25/2009 Chikara Jimmy Olsen Vin Gerard Young Lions Cup
07/21/2011 WSU Mercedes Martinez Angel Orsini WSU title
10/22/2011 PWG El Generico Kevin Steen PWG title
06/23/2012 CZW Drake Younger Rory Mondo Ladders/lights

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