In this reference you'll find detailed explanations of the data model used by OpenSanctions, including the used entity types and their respective properties.
OpenSanctions collects data about real-world entities, such as people, companies, sanctions and addresses, but also the relationships between them. In order to process that data, it is internally converted into an object graph that is defined below. Different exporters then might simplify the data for end-users.
The data model used by OpenSanctions is FollowTheMoney, an ontology used in anti-corruption data analysis - in particular by the Aleph data platform. Only a subset of the entity types defined in FtM are used by OpenSanctions.
Developer note: All of the information detailed below is also available in the
JSON model file for OpenSanctions. FollowTheMoney additionally provides libraries for
Python and
TypeScript that can be used to process and analyse entities more easily.
Schema types
All entities in OpenSanctions must conform to a schema, a definition that states what properties they are allowed to have. Some properties also allow entities to reference other entities, turning the entities into a graph. Read more about the entity graph...
The following schema types are currently referenced in OpenSanctions:
Schema definitions in detail
- Addresses
A location associated with an entity.
Property | Type | Length | Title | Description |
Thing:name | name | 384 | Name | |
Thing:summary | text | 65000 | Summary | |
Thing:description | text | 65000 | Description | |
Address:country | country | 16 | Country | |
Thing:alias | name | 384 | Other name | |
Thing:previousName | name | 384 | Previous name | |
Thing:weakAlias | name | 384 | Weak alias | |
Thing:sourceUrl | url | 4096 | Source link | |
Thing:publisher | string | 1024 | Publishing source | |
Thing:wikidataId | identifier | 32 | Wikidata ID | format: qid |
Thing:keywords | string | 1024 | Keywords | |
Thing:topics | topic | 64 | Topics | |
Thing:address | address | 250 | Address | |
Thing:addressEntity | Address | 200 | Address | see Address:things (inverse) |
Thing:program | string | 1024 | Program | |
Thing:notes | text | 65000 | Notes | |
Thing:createdAt | date | 32 | Created at | |
Thing:modifiedAt | date | 32 | Modified on | |
Address:full | address | 250 | Full address | |
Address:remarks | string | 1024 | Remarks | Handling instructions, like 'care of'. |
Address:postOfficeBox | string | 1024 | PO Box | A mailbox identifier at the post office |
Address:street | string | 1024 | Street address | |
Address:city | string | 1024 | City | City, town, village or other locality |
Address:postalCode | string | 16 | Postal code | Zip code or postcode. |
Address:region | string | 1024 | Region | Also province or area. |
Address:state | string | 1024 | State | State or federal unit. |
- Airplanes
An airplane, helicopter or other flying vehicle.
Property | Type | Length | Title | Description |
Thing:name | name | 384 | Name | |
Thing:summary | text | 65000 | Summary | |
Thing:description | text | 65000 | Description | |
Thing:country | country | 16 | Country | |
Thing:alias | name | 384 | Other name | |
Thing:previousName | name | 384 | Previous name | |
Thing:weakAlias | name | 384 | Weak alias | |
Thing:sourceUrl | url | 4096 | Source link | |
Thing:publisher | string | 1024 | Publishing source | |
Thing:wikidataId | identifier | 32 | Wikidata ID | format: qid |
Thing:keywords | string | 1024 | Keywords | |
Thing:topics | topic | 64 | Topics | |
Thing:address | address | 250 | Address | |
Thing:addressEntity | Address | 200 | Address | see Address:things (inverse) |
Thing:program | string | 1024 | Program | |
Thing:notes | text | 65000 | Notes | |
Thing:createdAt | date | 32 | Created at | |
Thing:modifiedAt | date | 32 | Modified on | |
Value:amount | number | 250 | Amount | |
Value:currency | string | 1024 | Currency | |
Value:amountUsd | number | 250 | Amount in USD | |
Vehicle:registrationNumber | identifier | 64 | Registration number | |
Vehicle:type | string | 1024 | Type | |
Vehicle:model | string | 1024 | Model | |
Vehicle:owner | LegalEntity | 200 | Owner | see LegalEntity:ownedVehicles (inverse) |
Vehicle:buildDate | date | 32 | Build Date | |
Airplane:serialNumber | identifier | 64 | Serial Number | |
- Assets
A piece of property which can be owned and assigned a monetary value.
Property | Type | Length | Title | Description |
Thing:name | name | 384 | Name | |
Thing:summary | text | 65000 | Summary | |
Thing:description | text | 65000 | Description | |
Thing:country | country | 16 | Country | |
Thing:alias | name | 384 | Other name | |
Thing:previousName | name | 384 | Previous name | |
Thing:weakAlias | name | 384 | Weak alias | |
Thing:sourceUrl | url | 4096 | Source link | |
Thing:publisher | string | 1024 | Publishing source | |
Thing:wikidataId | identifier | 32 | Wikidata ID | format: qid |
Thing:keywords | string | 1024 | Keywords | |
Thing:topics | topic | 64 | Topics | |
Thing:address | address | 250 | Address | |
Thing:addressEntity | Address | 200 | Address | see Address:things (inverse) |
Thing:program | string | 1024 | Program | |
Thing:notes | text | 65000 | Notes | |
Thing:createdAt | date | 32 | Created at | |
Thing:modifiedAt | date | 32 | Modified on | |
Value:amount | number | 250 | Amount | |
Value:currency | string | 1024 | Currency | |
Value:amountUsd | number | 250 | Amount in USD | |
- Associates
Non-family association between two people
Property | Type | Length | Title | Description |
Interval:startDate | date | 32 | Start date | |
Interval:endDate | date | 32 | End date | |
Interval:date | date | 32 | Date | |
Interval:summary | text | 65000 | Summary | |
Interval:description | text | 65000 | Description | |
Interval:recordId | string | 1024 | Record ID | |
Interval:sourceUrl | url | 4096 | Source link | |
Interval:publisher | string | 1024 | Publishing source | |
Interval:modifiedAt | date | 32 | Modified on | |
Associate:person | Person | 200 | Person | see Person:associates (inverse) The subject of the association. |
Associate:associate | Person | 200 | Associate | see Person:associations (inverse) An associate of the subject person. |
Associate:relationship | string | 1024 | Relationship | Nature of the association |
- Companies
A corporation, usually for profit. Does not distinguish between private and public companies, and can also be used to model more specific constructs like trusts and funds. Companies are assets, so they can be owned by other legal entities.
Property | Type | Length | Title | Description |
Thing:name | name | 384 | Name | |
Thing:summary | text | 65000 | Summary | |
Thing:description | text | 65000 | Description | |
Thing:country | country | 16 | Country | |
Thing:alias | name | 384 | Other name | |
Thing:previousName | name | 384 | Previous name | |
Thing:weakAlias | name | 384 | Weak alias | |
Thing:sourceUrl | url | 4096 | Source link | |
Thing:publisher | string | 1024 | Publishing source | |
Thing:wikidataId | identifier | 32 | Wikidata ID | format: qid |
Thing:keywords | string | 1024 | Keywords | |
Thing:topics | topic | 64 | Topics | |
Thing:address | address | 250 | Address | |
Thing:addressEntity | Address | 200 | Address | see Address:things (inverse) |
Thing:program | string | 1024 | Program | |
Thing:notes | text | 65000 | Notes | |
Thing:createdAt | date | 32 | Created at | |
Thing:modifiedAt | date | 32 | Modified on | |
Value:amount | number | 250 | Amount | |
Value:currency | string | 1024 | Currency | |
Value:amountUsd | number | 250 | Amount in USD | |
LegalEntity:email | email | 250 | E-Mail | Email address |
LegalEntity:phone | phone | 32 | Phone | Phone number |
LegalEntity:website | url | 4096 | Website | Website address |
LegalEntity:legalForm | string | 1024 | Legal form | |
LegalEntity:incorporationDate | date | 32 | Incorporation date | The date the legal entity was incorporated |
LegalEntity:dissolutionDate | date | 32 | Dissolution date | The date the legal entity was dissolved, if applicable |
LegalEntity:status | string | 1024 | Status | |
LegalEntity:sector | string | 1024 | Sector | |
LegalEntity:classification | string | 1024 | Classification | |
Company:registrationNumber | identifier | 64 | Registration number | |
LegalEntity:idNumber | identifier | 64 | ID Number | ID number of any applicable ID |
LegalEntity:taxNumber | identifier | 64 | Tax Number | Tax identification number |
LegalEntity:vatCode | identifier | 32 | V.A.T. Identifier | (EU) VAT number |
Company:jurisdiction | country | 16 | Jurisdiction | |
LegalEntity:mainCountry | country | 16 | Country of origin | Primary country of this entity |
LegalEntity:opencorporatesUrl | url | 4096 | OpenCorporates URL | |
LegalEntity:icijId | string | 1024 | ICIJ ID | ID according to International Consortium for Investigative Journalists |
LegalEntity:okpoCode | identifier | 64 | OKPO | Russian industry classifier |
LegalEntity:innCode | identifier | 32 | INN | Russian company ID format: inn |
LegalEntity:ogrnCode | identifier | 32 | OGRN | Major State Registration Number format: ogrn |
LegalEntity:leiCode | identifier | 32 | LEI | Legal Entity Identifier format: lei |
LegalEntity:dunsCode | identifier | 16 | DUNS | Data Universal Numbering System - Dun & Bradstreet identifier |
LegalEntity:uniqueEntityId | identifier | 32 | Unique Entity ID | UEI from format: uei |
LegalEntity:npiCode | identifier | 16 | NPI | National Provider Identifier format: npi |
LegalEntity:swiftBic | identifier | 16 | SWIFT/BIC | Bank identifier code format: bic |
Organization:cageCode | identifier | 16 | CAGE | Commercial and Government Entity Code (CAGE) |
Organization:permId | identifier | 16 | PermID | LSEG/Refinitiv code for a company |
Organization:imoNumber | identifier | 16 | IMO Number | format: imo |
Organization:giiNumber | identifier | 20 | GIIN | Global Intermediary Identification Number |
Company:cikCode | identifier | 64 | SEC Central Index Key | US SEC Central Index Key |
Company:kppCode | identifier | 64 | KPP | (RU, КПП) in addition to INN for orgs; reason for registration at FNS |
Company:bikCode | string | 1024 | BIK | Russian bank account code |
Company:ticker | identifier | 64 | Stock ticker symbol | |
Company:ricCode | identifier | 16 | Reuters Instrument Code | |
- Cryptocurrency wallets
A cryptocurrency wallet is a view on the transactions conducted by one participant on a blockchain / distributed ledger system.
Property | Type | Length | Title | Description |
Thing:name | name | 384 | Name | |
Thing:summary | text | 65000 | Summary | |
Thing:description | text | 65000 | Description | |
Thing:country | country | 16 | Country | |
Thing:alias | name | 384 | Other name | |
Thing:previousName | name | 384 | Previous name | |
Thing:weakAlias | name | 384 | Weak alias | |
Thing:sourceUrl | url | 4096 | Source link | |
Thing:publisher | string | 1024 | Publishing source | |
Thing:wikidataId | identifier | 32 | Wikidata ID | format: qid |
Thing:keywords | string | 1024 | Keywords | |
Thing:topics | topic | 64 | Topics | |
Thing:address | address | 250 | Address | |
Thing:addressEntity | Address | 200 | Address | see Address:things (inverse) |
Thing:program | string | 1024 | Program | |
Thing:notes | text | 65000 | Notes | |
Thing:createdAt | date | 32 | Created at | |
Thing:modifiedAt | date | 32 | Modified on | |
Value:amount | number | 250 | Amount | |
Value:currency | string | 1024 | Currency | |
Value:amountUsd | number | 250 | Amount in USD | |
CryptoWallet:publicKey | identifier | 128 | Address | Public key used to identify the wallet |
CryptoWallet:mangingExchange | string | 1024 | Managing exchange | |
CryptoWallet:holder | LegalEntity | 200 | Wallet holder | see LegalEntity:cryptoWallets (inverse) |
CryptoWallet:balance | number | 250 | Balance | |
- Debts
A monetary debt between two parties.
Property | Type | Length | Title | Description |
Interval:startDate | date | 32 | Start date | |
Interval:endDate | date | 32 | End date | |
Interval:date | date | 32 | Date | |
Interval:summary | text | 65000 | Summary | |
Interval:description | text | 65000 | Description | |
Interval:recordId | string | 1024 | Record ID | |
Interval:sourceUrl | url | 4096 | Source link | |
Interval:publisher | string | 1024 | Publishing source | |
Interval:modifiedAt | date | 32 | Modified on | |
Value:amount | number | 250 | Amount | |
Value:currency | string | 1024 | Currency | |
Value:amountUsd | number | 250 | Amount in USD | |
Debt:debtor | LegalEntity | 200 | Debtor | see LegalEntity:debtDebtor (inverse) |
Debt:creditor | LegalEntity | 200 | Creditor | see LegalEntity:debtCreditor (inverse) |
- Directorships
Property | Type | Length | Title | Description |
Interval:startDate | date | 32 | Start date | |
Interval:endDate | date | 32 | End date | |
Interval:date | date | 32 | Date | |
Interval:summary | text | 65000 | Summary | |
Interval:description | text | 65000 | Description | |
Interval:recordId | string | 1024 | Record ID | |
Interval:sourceUrl | url | 4096 | Source link | |
Interval:publisher | string | 1024 | Publishing source | |
Interval:modifiedAt | date | 32 | Modified on | |
Interest:role | string | 1024 | Role | |
Interest:status | string | 1024 | Status | |
Directorship:director | LegalEntity | 200 | Director | see LegalEntity:directorshipDirector (inverse) |
Directorship:organization | Organization | 200 | Organization | see Organization:directorshipOrganization (inverse) |
- Employments
Property | Type | Length | Title | Description |
Interval:startDate | date | 32 | Start date | |
Interval:endDate | date | 32 | End date | |
Interval:date | date | 32 | Date | |
Interval:summary | text | 65000 | Summary | |
Interval:description | text | 65000 | Description | |
Interval:recordId | string | 1024 | Record ID | |
Interval:sourceUrl | url | 4096 | Source link | |
Interval:publisher | string | 1024 | Publishing source | |
Interval:modifiedAt | date | 32 | Modified on | |
Interest:role | string | 1024 | Role | |
Interest:status | string | 1024 | Status | |
Employment:employer | Organization | 200 | Employer | see Organization:employees (inverse) |
Employment:employee | Person | 200 | Employee | see Person:employers (inverse) |
- Family members
Family relationship between two people
Property | Type | Length | Title | Description |
Interval:startDate | date | 32 | Start date | |
Interval:endDate | date | 32 | End date | |
Interval:date | date | 32 | Date | |
Interval:summary | text | 65000 | Summary | |
Interval:description | text | 65000 | Description | |
Interval:recordId | string | 1024 | Record ID | |
Interval:sourceUrl | url | 4096 | Source link | |
Interval:publisher | string | 1024 | Publishing source | |
Interval:modifiedAt | date | 32 | Modified on | |
Family:person | Person | 200 | Person | see Person:familyPerson (inverse) The subject of the familial relation. |
Family:relative | Person | 200 | Relative | see Person:familyRelative (inverse) The relative of the subject person. |
Family:relationship | string | 1024 | Relationship | Nature of the relationship, from the person's perspective eg. 'mother', where 'relative' is mother of 'person'. |
- Identifications
An form of identification associated with its holder and some issuing country. This can be used for national ID cards, voter enrollments and similar instruments.
Property | Type | Length | Title | Description |
Interval:startDate | date | 32 | Start date | |
Interval:endDate | date | 32 | End date | |
Interval:date | date | 32 | Date | |
Interval:summary | text | 65000 | Summary | |
Interval:description | text | 65000 | Description | |
Interval:recordId | string | 1024 | Record ID | |
Interval:sourceUrl | url | 4096 | Source link | |
Interval:publisher | string | 1024 | Publishing source | |
Interval:modifiedAt | date | 32 | Modified on | |
Identification:holder | LegalEntity | 200 | Identification holder | see LegalEntity:identification (inverse) |
Identification:type | string | 1024 | Type | |
Identification:country | country | 16 | Country | |
Identification:number | identifier | 64 | Document number | |
Identification:authority | string | 1024 | Authority | |
- Interest
Property | Type | Length | Title | Description |
Interval:startDate | date | 32 | Start date | |
Interval:endDate | date | 32 | End date | |
Interval:date | date | 32 | Date | |
Interval:summary | text | 65000 | Summary | |
Interval:description | text | 65000 | Description | |
Interval:recordId | string | 1024 | Record ID | |
Interval:sourceUrl | url | 4096 | Source link | |
Interval:publisher | string | 1024 | Publishing source | |
Interval:modifiedAt | date | 32 | Modified on | |
Interest:role | string | 1024 | Role | |
Interest:status | string | 1024 | Status | |
- Interval
An object which is bounded in time.
Property | Type | Length | Title | Description |
Interval:startDate | date | 32 | Start date | |
Interval:endDate | date | 32 | End date | |
Interval:date | date | 32 | Date | |
Interval:summary | text | 65000 | Summary | |
Interval:description | text | 65000 | Description | |
Interval:recordId | string | 1024 | Record ID | |
Interval:sourceUrl | url | 4096 | Source link | |
Interval:publisher | string | 1024 | Publishing source | |
Interval:modifiedAt | date | 32 | Modified on | |
- Legal entities
Any party to legal proceedings, such as asset ownership, corporate governance or social interactions. Often used when raw data does not specify if something is a person or company.
Property | Type | Length | Title | Description |
Thing:name | name | 384 | Name | |
Thing:summary | text | 65000 | Summary | |
Thing:description | text | 65000 | Description | |
Thing:country | country | 16 | Country | |
Thing:alias | name | 384 | Other name | |
Thing:previousName | name | 384 | Previous name | |
Thing:weakAlias | name | 384 | Weak alias | |
Thing:sourceUrl | url | 4096 | Source link | |
Thing:publisher | string | 1024 | Publishing source | |
Thing:wikidataId | identifier | 32 | Wikidata ID | format: qid |
Thing:keywords | string | 1024 | Keywords | |
Thing:topics | topic | 64 | Topics | |
Thing:address | address | 250 | Address | |
Thing:addressEntity | Address | 200 | Address | see Address:things (inverse) |
Thing:program | string | 1024 | Program | |
Thing:notes | text | 65000 | Notes | |
Thing:createdAt | date | 32 | Created at | |
Thing:modifiedAt | date | 32 | Modified on | |
LegalEntity:email | email | 250 | E-Mail | Email address |
LegalEntity:phone | phone | 32 | Phone | Phone number |
LegalEntity:website | url | 4096 | Website | Website address |
LegalEntity:legalForm | string | 1024 | Legal form | |
LegalEntity:incorporationDate | date | 32 | Incorporation date | The date the legal entity was incorporated |
LegalEntity:dissolutionDate | date | 32 | Dissolution date | The date the legal entity was dissolved, if applicable |
LegalEntity:status | string | 1024 | Status | |
LegalEntity:sector | string | 1024 | Sector | |
LegalEntity:classification | string | 1024 | Classification | |
LegalEntity:registrationNumber | identifier | 64 | Registration number | Company registration number |
LegalEntity:idNumber | identifier | 64 | ID Number | ID number of any applicable ID |
LegalEntity:taxNumber | identifier | 64 | Tax Number | Tax identification number |
LegalEntity:vatCode | identifier | 32 | V.A.T. Identifier | (EU) VAT number |
LegalEntity:jurisdiction | country | 16 | Jurisdiction | Country or region in which this entity operates |
LegalEntity:mainCountry | country | 16 | Country of origin | Primary country of this entity |
LegalEntity:opencorporatesUrl | url | 4096 | OpenCorporates URL | |
LegalEntity:icijId | string | 1024 | ICIJ ID | ID according to International Consortium for Investigative Journalists |
LegalEntity:okpoCode | identifier | 64 | OKPO | Russian industry classifier |
LegalEntity:innCode | identifier | 32 | INN | Russian company ID format: inn |
LegalEntity:ogrnCode | identifier | 32 | OGRN | Major State Registration Number format: ogrn |
LegalEntity:leiCode | identifier | 32 | LEI | Legal Entity Identifier format: lei |
LegalEntity:dunsCode | identifier | 16 | DUNS | Data Universal Numbering System - Dun & Bradstreet identifier |
LegalEntity:uniqueEntityId | identifier | 32 | Unique Entity ID | UEI from format: uei |
LegalEntity:npiCode | identifier | 16 | NPI | National Provider Identifier format: npi |
LegalEntity:swiftBic | identifier | 16 | SWIFT/BIC | Bank identifier code format: bic |
- Memberships
Property | Type | Length | Title | Description |
Interval:startDate | date | 32 | Start date | |
Interval:endDate | date | 32 | End date | |
Interval:date | date | 32 | Date | |
Interval:summary | text | 65000 | Summary | |
Interval:description | text | 65000 | Description | |
Interval:recordId | string | 1024 | Record ID | |
Interval:sourceUrl | url | 4096 | Source link | |
Interval:publisher | string | 1024 | Publishing source | |
Interval:modifiedAt | date | 32 | Modified on | |
Interest:role | string | 1024 | Role | |
Interest:status | string | 1024 | Status | |
Membership:member | LegalEntity | 200 | Member | see LegalEntity:membershipMember (inverse) |
Membership:organization | Organization | 200 | Organization | see Organization:membershipOrganization (inverse) |
- Occupancies
The occupation of a position by a person for a specific period of time.
Property | Type | Length | Title | Description |
Interval:startDate | date | 32 | Start date | |
Interval:endDate | date | 32 | End date | |
Interval:date | date | 32 | Date | |
Interval:summary | text | 65000 | Summary | |
Interval:description | text | 65000 | Description | |
Interval:recordId | string | 1024 | Record ID | |
Interval:sourceUrl | url | 4096 | Source link | |
Interval:publisher | string | 1024 | Publishing source | |
Interval:modifiedAt | date | 32 | Modified on | |
Occupancy:holder | Person | 200 | Holder | see Person:positionOccupancies (inverse) |
Occupancy:post | Position | 200 | Position occupied | see Position:occupancies (inverse) |
Occupancy:status | string | 1024 | Status | |
- Organizations
Any type of incorporated entity that cannot be owned by another (see Company). This might include charities, foundations or state-owned enterprises, depending on their jurisdiction.
Property | Type | Length | Title | Description |
Thing:name | name | 384 | Name | |
Thing:summary | text | 65000 | Summary | |
Thing:description | text | 65000 | Description | |
Thing:country | country | 16 | Country | |
Thing:alias | name | 384 | Other name | |
Thing:previousName | name | 384 | Previous name | |
Thing:weakAlias | name | 384 | Weak alias | |
Thing:sourceUrl | url | 4096 | Source link | |
Thing:publisher | string | 1024 | Publishing source | |
Thing:wikidataId | identifier | 32 | Wikidata ID | format: qid |
Thing:keywords | string | 1024 | Keywords | |
Thing:topics | topic | 64 | Topics | |
Thing:address | address | 250 | Address | |
Thing:addressEntity | Address | 200 | Address | see Address:things (inverse) |
Thing:program | string | 1024 | Program | |
Thing:notes | text | 65000 | Notes | |
Thing:createdAt | date | 32 | Created at | |
Thing:modifiedAt | date | 32 | Modified on | |
LegalEntity:email | email | 250 | E-Mail | Email address |
LegalEntity:phone | phone | 32 | Phone | Phone number |
LegalEntity:website | url | 4096 | Website | Website address |
LegalEntity:legalForm | string | 1024 | Legal form | |
LegalEntity:incorporationDate | date | 32 | Incorporation date | The date the legal entity was incorporated |
LegalEntity:dissolutionDate | date | 32 | Dissolution date | The date the legal entity was dissolved, if applicable |
LegalEntity:status | string | 1024 | Status | |
LegalEntity:sector | string | 1024 | Sector | |
LegalEntity:classification | string | 1024 | Classification | |
LegalEntity:registrationNumber | identifier | 64 | Registration number | Company registration number |
LegalEntity:idNumber | identifier | 64 | ID Number | ID number of any applicable ID |
LegalEntity:taxNumber | identifier | 64 | Tax Number | Tax identification number |
LegalEntity:vatCode | identifier | 32 | V.A.T. Identifier | (EU) VAT number |
LegalEntity:jurisdiction | country | 16 | Jurisdiction | Country or region in which this entity operates |
LegalEntity:mainCountry | country | 16 | Country of origin | Primary country of this entity |
LegalEntity:opencorporatesUrl | url | 4096 | OpenCorporates URL | |
LegalEntity:icijId | string | 1024 | ICIJ ID | ID according to International Consortium for Investigative Journalists |
LegalEntity:okpoCode | identifier | 64 | OKPO | Russian industry classifier |
LegalEntity:innCode | identifier | 32 | INN | Russian company ID format: inn |
LegalEntity:ogrnCode | identifier | 32 | OGRN | Major State Registration Number format: ogrn |
LegalEntity:leiCode | identifier | 32 | LEI | Legal Entity Identifier format: lei |
LegalEntity:dunsCode | identifier | 16 | DUNS | Data Universal Numbering System - Dun & Bradstreet identifier |
LegalEntity:uniqueEntityId | identifier | 32 | Unique Entity ID | UEI from format: uei |
LegalEntity:npiCode | identifier | 16 | NPI | National Provider Identifier format: npi |
LegalEntity:swiftBic | identifier | 16 | SWIFT/BIC | Bank identifier code format: bic |
Organization:cageCode | identifier | 16 | CAGE | Commercial and Government Entity Code (CAGE) |
Organization:permId | identifier | 16 | PermID | LSEG/Refinitiv code for a company |
Organization:imoNumber | identifier | 16 | IMO Number | format: imo |
Organization:giiNumber | identifier | 20 | GIIN | Global Intermediary Identification Number |
- Ownerships
Property | Type | Length | Title | Description |
Interval:startDate | date | 32 | Start date | |
Interval:endDate | date | 32 | End date | |
Interval:date | date | 32 | Date | |
Interval:summary | text | 65000 | Summary | |
Interval:description | text | 65000 | Description | |
Interval:recordId | string | 1024 | Record ID | |
Interval:sourceUrl | url | 4096 | Source link | |
Interval:publisher | string | 1024 | Publishing source | |
Interval:modifiedAt | date | 32 | Modified on | |
Interest:role | string | 1024 | Role | |
Interest:status | string | 1024 | Status | |
Ownership:owner | LegalEntity | 200 | Owner | see LegalEntity:ownershipOwner (inverse) |
Ownership:asset | Asset | 200 | Asset | see Asset:ownershipAsset (inverse) |
Ownership:percentage | string | 1024 | Percentage held | |
Ownership:sharesCount | string | 1024 | Number of shares | |
Ownership:sharesValue | string | 1024 | Value of shares | |
Ownership:sharesCurrency | string | 1024 | Currency of shares | |
- Passports
An passport held by a person.
Property | Type | Length | Title | Description |
Interval:startDate | date | 32 | Start date | |
Interval:endDate | date | 32 | End date | |
Interval:date | date | 32 | Date | |
Interval:summary | text | 65000 | Summary | |
Interval:description | text | 65000 | Description | |
Interval:recordId | string | 1024 | Record ID | |
Interval:sourceUrl | url | 4096 | Source link | |
Interval:publisher | string | 1024 | Publishing source | |
Interval:modifiedAt | date | 32 | Modified on | |
Identification:holder | LegalEntity | 200 | Identification holder | see LegalEntity:identification (inverse) |
Identification:type | string | 1024 | Type | |
Identification:country | country | 16 | Country | |
Identification:number | identifier | 64 | Document number | |
Identification:authority | string | 1024 | Authority | |
- Payments
A monetary payment between two parties.
Property | Type | Length | Title | Description |
Interval:startDate | date | 32 | Start date | |
Interval:endDate | date | 32 | End date | |
Interval:date | date | 32 | Date | |
Interval:summary | text | 65000 | Summary | |
Interval:description | text | 65000 | Description | |
Interval:recordId | string | 1024 | Record ID | |
Interval:sourceUrl | url | 4096 | Source link | |
Interval:publisher | string | 1024 | Publishing source | |
Interval:modifiedAt | date | 32 | Modified on | |
Value:amount | number | 250 | Amount | |
Value:currency | string | 1024 | Currency | |
Value:amountUsd | number | 250 | Amount in USD | |
Payment:payer | LegalEntity | 200 | Payer | see LegalEntity:paymentPayer (inverse) |
Payment:beneficiary | LegalEntity | 200 | Beneficiary | see LegalEntity:paymentBeneficiary (inverse) |
- People
A natural person, as opposed to a corporation of some type.
Property | Type | Length | Title | Description |
Thing:name | name | 384 | Name | |
Thing:summary | text | 65000 | Summary | |
Thing:description | text | 65000 | Description | |
Thing:country | country | 16 | Country | |
Thing:alias | name | 384 | Other name | |
Thing:previousName | name | 384 | Previous name | |
Thing:weakAlias | name | 384 | Weak alias | |
Thing:sourceUrl | url | 4096 | Source link | |
Thing:publisher | string | 1024 | Publishing source | |
Thing:wikidataId | identifier | 32 | Wikidata ID | format: qid |
Thing:keywords | string | 1024 | Keywords | |
Thing:topics | topic | 64 | Topics | |
Thing:address | address | 250 | Address | |
Thing:addressEntity | Address | 200 | Address | see Address:things (inverse) |
Thing:program | string | 1024 | Program | |
Thing:notes | text | 65000 | Notes | |
Thing:createdAt | date | 32 | Created at | |
Thing:modifiedAt | date | 32 | Modified on | |
LegalEntity:email | email | 250 | E-Mail | Email address |
LegalEntity:phone | phone | 32 | Phone | Phone number |
LegalEntity:website | url | 4096 | Website | Website address |
LegalEntity:legalForm | string | 1024 | Legal form | |
LegalEntity:incorporationDate | date | 32 | Incorporation date | The date the legal entity was incorporated |
LegalEntity:dissolutionDate | date | 32 | Dissolution date | The date the legal entity was dissolved, if applicable |
LegalEntity:status | string | 1024 | Status | |
LegalEntity:sector | string | 1024 | Sector | |
LegalEntity:classification | string | 1024 | Classification | |
LegalEntity:registrationNumber | identifier | 64 | Registration number | Company registration number |
LegalEntity:idNumber | identifier | 64 | ID Number | ID number of any applicable ID |
LegalEntity:taxNumber | identifier | 64 | Tax Number | Tax identification number |
LegalEntity:vatCode | identifier | 32 | V.A.T. Identifier | (EU) VAT number |
LegalEntity:jurisdiction | country | 16 | Jurisdiction | Country or region in which this entity operates |
LegalEntity:mainCountry | country | 16 | Country of origin | Primary country of this entity |
LegalEntity:opencorporatesUrl | url | 4096 | OpenCorporates URL | |
LegalEntity:icijId | string | 1024 | ICIJ ID | ID according to International Consortium for Investigative Journalists |
LegalEntity:okpoCode | identifier | 64 | OKPO | Russian industry classifier |
LegalEntity:innCode | identifier | 32 | INN | Russian company ID format: inn |
LegalEntity:ogrnCode | identifier | 32 | OGRN | Major State Registration Number format: ogrn |
LegalEntity:leiCode | identifier | 32 | LEI | Legal Entity Identifier format: lei |
LegalEntity:dunsCode | identifier | 16 | DUNS | Data Universal Numbering System - Dun & Bradstreet identifier |
LegalEntity:uniqueEntityId | identifier | 32 | Unique Entity ID | UEI from format: uei |
LegalEntity:npiCode | identifier | 16 | NPI | National Provider Identifier format: npi |
LegalEntity:swiftBic | identifier | 16 | SWIFT/BIC | Bank identifier code format: bic |
Person:title | string | 1024 | Title | |
Person:firstName | string | 1024 | First name | |
Person:secondName | string | 1024 | Second name | |
Person:middleName | string | 1024 | Middle name | |
Person:fatherName | string | 1024 | Patronymic | |
Person:motherName | string | 1024 | Matronymic | |
Person:lastName | string | 1024 | Last name | |
Person:nameSuffix | string | 1024 | Name suffix | |
Person:birthDate | date | 32 | Birth date | |
Person:birthPlace | string | 1024 | Place of birth | |
Person:birthCountry | country | 16 | Country of birth | |
Person:deathDate | date | 32 | Death date | |
Person:position | string | 1024 | Position | |
Person:nationality | country | 16 | Nationality | |
Person:citizenship | country | 16 | Citizenship | |
Person:passportNumber | identifier | 64 | Passport number | |
Person:socialSecurityNumber | identifier | 64 | Social security number | format: ssn |
Person:gender | gender | 16 | Gender | |
Person:ethnicity | string | 1024 | Ethnicity | |
Person:height | number | 250 | Height | |
Person:weight | number | 250 | Weight | |
Person:eyeColor | string | 1024 | Eye color | |
Person:hairColor | string | 1024 | Hair color | |
Person:appearance | string | 1024 | Physical appearance | |
Person:religion | string | 1024 | Religion | |
Person:political | string | 1024 | Political association | |
Person:education | string | 1024 | Education | |
- Positions
A post, role or position within an organization or body. This describes a position one or more people may occupy and not the occupation of the post by a specific individual at a specific point in time.
'subnationalArea' should be used to further restrict the scope of the position. It should not simply represent some regional aspect of the role - e.g. the constituency of a national member of parliament - when their legislative jurisdiction is nationwide.
Property | Type | Length | Title | Description |
Thing:name | name | 384 | Name | |
Thing:summary | text | 65000 | Summary | |
Thing:description | text | 65000 | Description | |
Thing:country | country | 16 | Country | |
Thing:alias | name | 384 | Other name | |
Thing:previousName | name | 384 | Previous name | |
Thing:weakAlias | name | 384 | Weak alias | |
Thing:sourceUrl | url | 4096 | Source link | |
Thing:publisher | string | 1024 | Publishing source | |
Thing:wikidataId | identifier | 32 | Wikidata ID | format: qid |
Thing:keywords | string | 1024 | Keywords | |
Thing:topics | topic | 64 | Topics | |
Thing:address | address | 250 | Address | |
Thing:addressEntity | Address | 200 | Address | see Address:things (inverse) |
Thing:program | string | 1024 | Program | |
Thing:notes | text | 65000 | Notes | |
Thing:createdAt | date | 32 | Created at | |
Thing:modifiedAt | date | 32 | Modified on | |
Position:inceptionDate | date | 32 | Inception date | |
Position:dissolutionDate | date | 32 | Dissolution date | |
Position:subnationalArea | string | 1024 | Subnational jurisdiction name or code | |
- Public bodies
A public body, such as a ministry, department or state company.
Property | Type | Length | Title | Description |
Thing:name | name | 384 | Name | |
Thing:summary | text | 65000 | Summary | |
Thing:description | text | 65000 | Description | |
Thing:country | country | 16 | Country | |
Thing:alias | name | 384 | Other name | |
Thing:previousName | name | 384 | Previous name | |
Thing:weakAlias | name | 384 | Weak alias | |
Thing:sourceUrl | url | 4096 | Source link | |
Thing:publisher | string | 1024 | Publishing source | |
Thing:wikidataId | identifier | 32 | Wikidata ID | format: qid |
Thing:keywords | string | 1024 | Keywords | |
Thing:topics | topic | 64 | Topics | |
Thing:address | address | 250 | Address | |
Thing:addressEntity | Address | 200 | Address | see Address:things (inverse) |
Thing:program | string | 1024 | Program | |
Thing:notes | text | 65000 | Notes | |
Thing:createdAt | date | 32 | Created at | |
Thing:modifiedAt | date | 32 | Modified on | |
LegalEntity:email | email | 250 | E-Mail | Email address |
LegalEntity:phone | phone | 32 | Phone | Phone number |
LegalEntity:website | url | 4096 | Website | Website address |
LegalEntity:legalForm | string | 1024 | Legal form | |
LegalEntity:incorporationDate | date | 32 | Incorporation date | The date the legal entity was incorporated |
LegalEntity:dissolutionDate | date | 32 | Dissolution date | The date the legal entity was dissolved, if applicable |
LegalEntity:status | string | 1024 | Status | |
LegalEntity:sector | string | 1024 | Sector | |
LegalEntity:classification | string | 1024 | Classification | |
LegalEntity:registrationNumber | identifier | 64 | Registration number | Company registration number |
LegalEntity:idNumber | identifier | 64 | ID Number | ID number of any applicable ID |
LegalEntity:taxNumber | identifier | 64 | Tax Number | Tax identification number |
LegalEntity:vatCode | identifier | 32 | V.A.T. Identifier | (EU) VAT number |
LegalEntity:jurisdiction | country | 16 | Jurisdiction | Country or region in which this entity operates |
LegalEntity:mainCountry | country | 16 | Country of origin | Primary country of this entity |
LegalEntity:opencorporatesUrl | url | 4096 | OpenCorporates URL | |
LegalEntity:icijId | string | 1024 | ICIJ ID | ID according to International Consortium for Investigative Journalists |
LegalEntity:okpoCode | identifier | 64 | OKPO | Russian industry classifier |
LegalEntity:innCode | identifier | 32 | INN | Russian company ID format: inn |
LegalEntity:ogrnCode | identifier | 32 | OGRN | Major State Registration Number format: ogrn |
LegalEntity:leiCode | identifier | 32 | LEI | Legal Entity Identifier format: lei |
LegalEntity:dunsCode | identifier | 16 | DUNS | Data Universal Numbering System - Dun & Bradstreet identifier |
LegalEntity:uniqueEntityId | identifier | 32 | Unique Entity ID | UEI from format: uei |
LegalEntity:npiCode | identifier | 16 | NPI | National Provider Identifier format: npi |
LegalEntity:swiftBic | identifier | 16 | SWIFT/BIC | Bank identifier code format: bic |
Organization:cageCode | identifier | 16 | CAGE | Commercial and Government Entity Code (CAGE) |
Organization:permId | identifier | 16 | PermID | LSEG/Refinitiv code for a company |
Organization:imoNumber | identifier | 16 | IMO Number | format: imo |
Organization:giiNumber | identifier | 20 | GIIN | Global Intermediary Identification Number |
- Representations
A mediatory, intermediary, middleman, or broker acting on behalf of a legal entity.
Property | Type | Length | Title | Description |
Interval:startDate | date | 32 | Start date | |
Interval:endDate | date | 32 | End date | |
Interval:date | date | 32 | Date | |
Interval:summary | text | 65000 | Summary | |
Interval:description | text | 65000 | Description | |
Interval:recordId | string | 1024 | Record ID | |
Interval:sourceUrl | url | 4096 | Source link | |
Interval:publisher | string | 1024 | Publishing source | |
Interval:modifiedAt | date | 32 | Modified on | |
Interest:role | string | 1024 | Role | |
Interest:status | string | 1024 | Status | |
Representation:agent | LegalEntity | 200 | Agent | see LegalEntity:agencyClient (inverse) |
Representation:client | LegalEntity | 200 | Client | see LegalEntity:agentRepresentation (inverse) |
- Sanctions
A sanction designation
Property | Type | Length | Title | Description |
Interval:startDate | date | 32 | Start date | |
Interval:endDate | date | 32 | End date | |
Interval:date | date | 32 | Date | |
Interval:summary | text | 65000 | Summary | |
Interval:description | text | 65000 | Description | |
Interval:recordId | string | 1024 | Record ID | |
Interval:sourceUrl | url | 4096 | Source link | |
Interval:publisher | string | 1024 | Publishing source | |
Interval:modifiedAt | date | 32 | Modified on | |
Sanction:entity | Thing | 200 | Entity | see Thing:sanctions (inverse) |
Sanction:authority | string | 1024 | Authority | |
Sanction:authorityId | identifier | 64 | Authority-issued identifier | |
Sanction:unscId | identifier | 16 | UN SC identifier | |
Sanction:program | string | 1024 | Program | |
Sanction:programId | identifier | 64 | Program ID | |
Sanction:programUrl | url | 4096 | Program URL | |
Sanction:provisions | string | 1024 | Scope of sanctions | |
Sanction:status | string | 1024 | Status | |
Sanction:duration | string | 1024 | Duration | |
Sanction:reason | text | 65000 | Reason | |
Sanction:country | country | 16 | Country | |
Sanction:listingDate | date | 32 | Listing date | |
- Securities
A tradeable financial asset.
Property | Type | Length | Title | Description |
Thing:name | name | 384 | Name | |
Thing:summary | text | 65000 | Summary | |
Thing:description | text | 65000 | Description | |
Thing:country | country | 16 | Country | |
Thing:alias | name | 384 | Other name | |
Thing:previousName | name | 384 | Previous name | |
Thing:weakAlias | name | 384 | Weak alias | |
Thing:sourceUrl | url | 4096 | Source link | |
Thing:publisher | string | 1024 | Publishing source | |
Thing:wikidataId | identifier | 32 | Wikidata ID | format: qid |
Thing:keywords | string | 1024 | Keywords | |
Thing:topics | topic | 64 | Topics | |
Thing:address | address | 250 | Address | |
Thing:addressEntity | Address | 200 | Address | see Address:things (inverse) |
Thing:program | string | 1024 | Program | |
Thing:notes | text | 65000 | Notes | |
Thing:createdAt | date | 32 | Created at | |
Thing:modifiedAt | date | 32 | Modified on | |
Value:amount | number | 250 | Amount | |
Value:currency | string | 1024 | Currency | |
Value:amountUsd | number | 250 | Amount in USD | |
Security:isin | identifier | 16 | ISIN | International Securities Identification Number format: isin |
Security:registrationNumber | identifier | 64 | Registration number | |
Security:ticker | identifier | 64 | Stock ticker symbol | |
Security:figiCode | identifier | 16 | Financial Instrument Global Identifier | format: figi |
Security:issuer | LegalEntity | 200 | Issuer | see LegalEntity:securities (inverse) |
Security:issueDate | date | 32 | Date issued | |
Security:maturityDate | date | 32 | Maturity date | |
Security:type | string | 1024 | Type | |
Security:classification | string | 1024 | Classification | |
- Successions
Two entities that legally succeed each other.
Property | Type | Length | Title | Description |
Interval:startDate | date | 32 | Start date | |
Interval:endDate | date | 32 | End date | |
Interval:date | date | 32 | Date | |
Interval:summary | text | 65000 | Summary | |
Interval:description | text | 65000 | Description | |
Interval:recordId | string | 1024 | Record ID | |
Interval:sourceUrl | url | 4096 | Source link | |
Interval:publisher | string | 1024 | Publishing source | |
Interval:modifiedAt | date | 32 | Modified on | |
Interest:role | string | 1024 | Role | |
Interest:status | string | 1024 | Status | |
Succession:predecessor | LegalEntity | 200 | Predecessor | see LegalEntity:successors (inverse) |
Succession:successor | LegalEntity | 200 | Successor | see LegalEntity:predecessors (inverse) |
- Thing
Property | Type | Length | Title | Description |
Thing:name | name | 384 | Name | |
Thing:summary | text | 65000 | Summary | |
Thing:description | text | 65000 | Description | |
Thing:country | country | 16 | Country | |
Thing:alias | name | 384 | Other name | |
Thing:previousName | name | 384 | Previous name | |
Thing:weakAlias | name | 384 | Weak alias | |
Thing:sourceUrl | url | 4096 | Source link | |
Thing:publisher | string | 1024 | Publishing source | |
Thing:wikidataId | identifier | 32 | Wikidata ID | format: qid |
Thing:keywords | string | 1024 | Keywords | |
Thing:topics | topic | 64 | Topics | |
Thing:address | address | 250 | Address | |
Thing:addressEntity | Address | 200 | Address | see Address:things (inverse) |
Thing:program | string | 1024 | Program | |
Thing:notes | text | 65000 | Notes | |
Thing:createdAt | date | 32 | Created at | |
Thing:modifiedAt | date | 32 | Modified on | |
- Other links
Property | Type | Length | Title | Description |
Interval:startDate | date | 32 | Start date | |
Interval:endDate | date | 32 | End date | |
Interval:date | date | 32 | Date | |
Interval:summary | text | 65000 | Summary | |
Interval:description | text | 65000 | Description | |
Interval:recordId | string | 1024 | Record ID | |
Interval:sourceUrl | url | 4096 | Source link | |
Interval:publisher | string | 1024 | Publishing source | |
Interval:modifiedAt | date | 32 | Modified on | |
Interest:role | string | 1024 | Role | |
Interest:status | string | 1024 | Status | |
UnknownLink:subject | Thing | 200 | Subject | see Thing:unknownLinkTo (inverse) |
UnknownLink:object | Thing | 200 | Object | see Thing:unknownLinkFrom (inverse) |
- Values
Property | Type | Length | Title | Description |
Value:amount | number | 250 | Amount | |
Value:currency | string | 1024 | Currency | |
Value:amountUsd | number | 250 | Amount in USD | |
- Vehicles
Property | Type | Length | Title | Description |
Thing:name | name | 384 | Name | |
Thing:summary | text | 65000 | Summary | |
Thing:description | text | 65000 | Description | |
Thing:country | country | 16 | Country | |
Thing:alias | name | 384 | Other name | |
Thing:previousName | name | 384 | Previous name | |
Thing:weakAlias | name | 384 | Weak alias | |
Thing:sourceUrl | url | 4096 | Source link | |
Thing:publisher | string | 1024 | Publishing source | |
Thing:wikidataId | identifier | 32 | Wikidata ID | format: qid |
Thing:keywords | string | 1024 | Keywords | |
Thing:topics | topic | 64 | Topics | |
Thing:address | address | 250 | Address | |
Thing:addressEntity | Address | 200 | Address | see Address:things (inverse) |
Thing:program | string | 1024 | Program | |
Thing:notes | text | 65000 | Notes | |
Thing:createdAt | date | 32 | Created at | |
Thing:modifiedAt | date | 32 | Modified on | |
Value:amount | number | 250 | Amount | |
Value:currency | string | 1024 | Currency | |
Value:amountUsd | number | 250 | Amount in USD | |
Vehicle:registrationNumber | identifier | 64 | Registration number | |
Vehicle:type | string | 1024 | Type | |
Vehicle:model | string | 1024 | Model | |
Vehicle:owner | LegalEntity | 200 | Owner | see LegalEntity:ownedVehicles (inverse) |
Vehicle:buildDate | date | 32 | Build Date | |
- Vessels
A boat or ship. Typically flying some sort of national flag.
Property | Type | Length | Title | Description |
Thing:name | name | 384 | Name | |
Thing:summary | text | 65000 | Summary | |
Thing:description | text | 65000 | Description | |
Thing:country | country | 16 | Country | |
Thing:alias | name | 384 | Other name | |
Thing:previousName | name | 384 | Previous name | |
Thing:weakAlias | name | 384 | Weak alias | |
Thing:sourceUrl | url | 4096 | Source link | |
Thing:publisher | string | 1024 | Publishing source | |
Thing:wikidataId | identifier | 32 | Wikidata ID | format: qid |
Thing:keywords | string | 1024 | Keywords | |
Thing:topics | topic | 64 | Topics | |
Thing:address | address | 250 | Address | |
Thing:addressEntity | Address | 200 | Address | see Address:things (inverse) |
Thing:program | string | 1024 | Program | |
Thing:notes | text | 65000 | Notes | |
Thing:createdAt | date | 32 | Created at | |
Thing:modifiedAt | date | 32 | Modified on | |
Value:amount | number | 250 | Amount | |
Value:currency | string | 1024 | Currency | |
Value:amountUsd | number | 250 | Amount in USD | |
Vehicle:registrationNumber | identifier | 64 | Registration number | |
Vehicle:type | string | 1024 | Type | |
Vehicle:model | string | 1024 | Model | |
Vehicle:owner | LegalEntity | 200 | Owner | see LegalEntity:ownedVehicles (inverse) |
Vehicle:buildDate | date | 32 | Build Date | |
Vessel:imoNumber | identifier | 16 | IMO Number | format: imo |
Vessel:flag | country | 16 | Flag | |
Vessel:tonnage | string | 1024 | Tonnage | |
Vessel:grossRegisteredTonnage | number | 250 | Gross Registered Tonnage | |
Vessel:callSign | identifier | 64 | Call Sign | |
Vessel:pastFlags | country | 16 | Past Flags | |
Vessel:mmsi | identifier | 16 | MMSI | |
Type definitions
Schema properties have specific types which define the range of valid values they can hold. Below are the enumerated values for some of the types. Other types perform algorithmic validation, e.g. for phone numbers, URLs or email addresses.
Entity references are used by one entity to reference another and thus create a link between the two. Take note of the guidance on entity identifiers to understand how entity IDs change as incoming records are deduplicated.
Topics are used to tag other entities - mainly organizations and people - with risk categories, e.g. to designate an individual as a politician, terrorist or to hint that a certain company is a bank. Read more about topics and risk tagging...
Code | Label | Target |
crime | Crime | yes |
crime.fraud | Fraud | yes |
crime.cyber | Cybercrime | |
crime.fin | Financial crime | yes |
crime.env | Environmental violations | |
crime.theft | Theft | yes |
crime.war | War crimes | yes |
crime.boss | Criminal leadership | yes |
crime.terror | Terrorism | yes |
crime.traffick | Trafficking | yes |
crime.traffick.drug | Drug trafficking | |
crime.traffick.human | Human trafficking | |
wanted | Wanted | yes |
corp.offshore | Offshore | | | Shell company | |
corp.public | Public listed company | |
corp.disqual | Disqualified | yes |
gov | Government | |
gov.national | National government | |
gov.state | State government | |
gov.muni | Municipal government | |
gov.soe | State-owned enterprise | |
gov.igo | Intergovernmental organization | |
gov.head | Head of government or state | |
gov.admin | Civil service | |
gov.executive | Executive branch of government | |
gov.legislative | Legislative branch of government | |
gov.judicial | Judicial branch of government | | | Security services | | | Central banking and financial integrity | |
fin | Financial services | | | Bank | | | Fund | |
fin.adivsor | Financial advisor | |
reg.action | Regulator action | yes |
reg.warn | Regulator warning | yes |
role.pep | Politician | yes |
role.pol | Non-PEP | |
role.rca | Close Associate | yes |
role.judge | Judge | |
role.civil | Civil servant | |
role.diplo | Diplomat | | | Lawyer | |
role.acct | Accountant | |
role.spy | Spy | |
role.oligarch | Oligarch | yes |
role.journo | Journalist | |
role.act | Activist | |
role.lobby | Lobbyist | | | Political party | |
pol.union | Union | |
rel | Religion | |
mil | Military | |
asset.frozen | Frozen asset | |
sanction | Sanctioned entity | yes |
sanction.linked | Sanction-linked entity | yes |
sanction.counter | Counter-sanctioned entity | yes |
export.control | Export controlled | yes |
export.risk | Trade risk | yes |
debarment | Debarred entity | yes |
poi | Person of interest | yes |
Dates are given in a basic ISO 8601 date or date-time format,YYYY-MM-DD
. In source data, we find varying degrees of precision: some events may be defined as a full timestamp (2021-08-25T09:26:11
), while for many we only know a year (2021
) or month (2021-08
). Such date prefixes are carried through and used to specify date precision as well as the actual value.
We use a descriptive approach to modelling the countries in our database. If a list refers to a country, so do we. We use ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 as a starting point, but have also included countries that have ceased to exist (e.g. Soviet Union, Yugoslavia) and territories whose status as a country is controversial (e.g. Kosovo, Artsakh). If the presence of a country in this list is offensive to you, we invite you to reflect on the mental health impact of being angry at tables on the internet.
Code | Label |
zz | Global |
eu | European Union |
un | United Nations |
zr | Zaire |
cz | Czech Republic |
xk | Kosovo |
dd | East Germany |
yucs | Yugoslavia |
csxx | Serbia and Montenegro |
cshh | Czechoslovakia |
suhh | Soviet Union |
ge-ab | Abkhazia (Occupied Georgia) |
x-so | South Ossetia (Occupied Georgia) |
ua-lpr | Luhansk (Occupied Ukraine) |
ua-dpr | Donetsk (Occupied Ukraine) |
ua-cri | Crimea (Occupied Ukraine) |
so-som | Somaliland |
cy-trnc | Northern Cyprus |
az-nk | Nagorno-Karabakh |
iq-kr | Kurdistan |
cn-xz | Tibet |
cq | Sark |
gb-wls | Wales |
gb-sct | Scotland |
gb-nir | Northern Ireland |
md-pmr | Transnistria (PMR) |
pk-km | Kashmir |
ac | Ascension Island |
ad | Andorra |
ae | United Arab Emirates |
af | Afghanistan |
ag | Antigua & Barbuda |
ai | Anguilla |
al | Albania |
am | Armenia |
ao | Angola |
aq | Antarctica |
ar | Argentina |
as | American Samoa |
at | Austria |
au | Australia |
aw | Aruba |
ax | Åland Islands |
az | Azerbaijan |
ba | Bosnia & Herzegovina |
bb | Barbados |
bd | Bangladesh |
be | Belgium |
bf | Burkina Faso |
bg | Bulgaria |
bh | Bahrain |
bi | Burundi |
bj | Benin |
bl | St. Barthélemy |
bm | Bermuda |
bn | Brunei |
bo | Bolivia |
bq | Caribbean Netherlands |
br | Brazil |
bs | Bahamas |
bt | Bhutan |
bv | Bouvet Island |
bw | Botswana |
by | Belarus |
bz | Belize |
ca | Canada |
cc | Cocos (Keeling) Islands |
cd | Congo - Kinshasa |
cf | Central African Republic |
cg | Congo - Brazzaville |
ch | Switzerland |
ci | Côte d’Ivoire |
ck | Cook Islands |
cl | Chile |
cm | Cameroon |
cn | China |
co | Colombia |
cp | Clipperton Island |
cr | Costa Rica |
cu | Cuba |
cv | Cape Verde |
cw | Curaçao |
cx | Christmas Island |
cy | Cyprus |
de | Germany |
dg | Diego Garcia |
dj | Djibouti |
dk | Denmark |
dm | Dominica |
do | Dominican Republic |
dz | Algeria |
ec | Ecuador |
ee | Estonia |
eg | Egypt |
eh | Western Sahara |
er | Eritrea |
es | Spain |
et | Ethiopia |
fi | Finland |
fj | Fiji |
fk | Falkland Islands |
fm | Micronesia |
fo | Faroe Islands |
fr | France |
ga | Gabon |
gb | United Kingdom |
gd | Grenada |
ge | Georgia |
gf | French Guiana |
gg | Guernsey |
gh | Ghana |
gi | Gibraltar |
gl | Greenland |
gm | Gambia |
gn | Guinea |
gp | Guadeloupe |
gq | Equatorial Guinea |
gr | Greece |
gs | South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands |
gt | Guatemala |
gu | Guam |
gw | Guinea-Bissau |
gy | Guyana |
hk | Hong Kong SAR China |
hm | Heard & McDonald Islands |
hn | Honduras |
hr | Croatia |
ht | Haiti |
hu | Hungary |
ic | Canary Islands |
id | Indonesia |
ie | Ireland |
il | Israel |
im | Isle of Man |
in | India |
io | British Indian Ocean Territory |
iq | Iraq |
ir | Iran |
is | Iceland |
it | Italy |
je | Jersey |
jm | Jamaica |
jo | Jordan |
jp | Japan |
ke | Kenya |
kg | Kyrgyzstan |
kh | Cambodia |
ki | Kiribati |
km | Comoros |
kn | St. Kitts & Nevis |
kp | North Korea |
kr | South Korea |
kw | Kuwait |
ky | Cayman Islands |
kz | Kazakhstan |
la | Laos |
lb | Lebanon |
lc | St. Lucia |
li | Liechtenstein |
lk | Sri Lanka |
lr | Liberia |
ls | Lesotho |
lt | Lithuania |
lu | Luxembourg |
lv | Latvia |
ly | Libya |
ma | Morocco |
mc | Monaco |
md | Moldova |
me | Montenegro |
mf | St. Martin |
mg | Madagascar |
mh | Marshall Islands |
mk | North Macedonia |
ml | Mali |
mm | Myanmar (Burma) |
mn | Mongolia |
mo | Macao SAR China |
mp | Northern Mariana Islands |
mq | Martinique |
mr | Mauritania |
ms | Montserrat |
mt | Malta |
mu | Mauritius |
mv | Maldives |
mw | Malawi |
mx | Mexico |
my | Malaysia |
mz | Mozambique |
na | Namibia |
nc | New Caledonia |
ne | Niger |
nf | Norfolk Island |
ng | Nigeria |
ni | Nicaragua |
nl | Netherlands |
no | Norway |
np | Nepal |
nr | Nauru |
nu | Niue |
nz | New Zealand |
om | Oman |
pa | Panama |
pe | Peru |
pf | French Polynesia |
pg | Papua New Guinea |
ph | Philippines |
pk | Pakistan |
pl | Poland |
pm | St. Pierre & Miquelon |
pn | Pitcairn Islands |
pr | Puerto Rico |
ps | Palestinian Territories |
pt | Portugal |
pw | Palau |
py | Paraguay |
qa | Qatar |
re | Réunion |
ro | Romania |
rs | Serbia |
ru | Russia |
rw | Rwanda |
sa | Saudi Arabia |
sb | Solomon Islands |
sc | Seychelles |
sd | Sudan |
se | Sweden |
sg | Singapore |
sh | St. Helena |
si | Slovenia |
sj | Svalbard & Jan Mayen |
sk | Slovakia |
sl | Sierra Leone |
sm | San Marino |
sn | Senegal |
so | Somalia |
sr | Suriname |
ss | South Sudan |
st | São Tomé & Príncipe |
sv | El Salvador |
sx | Sint Maarten |
sy | Syria |
sz | Eswatini |
ta | Tristan da Cunha |
tc | Turks & Caicos Islands |
td | Chad |
tf | French Southern Territories |
tg | Togo |
th | Thailand |
tj | Tajikistan |
tk | Tokelau |
tl | Timor-Leste |
tm | Turkmenistan |
tn | Tunisia |
to | Tonga |
tr | Türkiye |
tt | Trinidad & Tobago |
tv | Tuvalu |
tw | Taiwan |
tz | Tanzania |
ua | Ukraine |
ug | Uganda |
um | U.S. Outlying Islands |
us | United States |
uy | Uruguay |
uz | Uzbekistan |
va | Vatican City |
vc | St. Vincent & Grenadines |
ve | Venezuela |
vg | British Virgin Islands |
vi | U.S. Virgin Islands |
vn | Vietnam |
vu | Vanuatu |
wf | Wallis & Futuna |
ws | Samoa |
ye | Yemen |
yt | Mayotte |
za | South Africa |
zm | Zambia |
zw | Zimbabwe |