Are you looking for inventive ways to improve your members' gym-going experience?
They don't want silly gimmicks ruining their work outs. They want to be engaged by motivational entertainment and helpful information.
This is what digital signage is for. You already had a vast collection of late screens lining the walls, why not make them more useful?
Digital signage is a great opportunity to show how much you care about your members. By catering to them you are showing that you value their business.
The people who recognize this will end up being members for life.
So ask yourself, are you using digital gym signage to its fullest potential? If the answer is no it's time to take advantage of this awesome marketing opportunity. Here are ten ways you can improve your member experience by tweaking your digital signage.
1. Show Class Schedules
With varying availability of trainers, your class schedule can often vary from week to week. Keeping members abreast of this constantly fluctuating schedule can become taxing. That's why class schedule signage is key.
Put up a regularly updated class schedule on the TV screens. Members can then always know the next time their favorite lesson will take place.
This is an easy feature that can go a long way. It can help bring in more students to these classes. Some people may not be aware that these services are even offered in the first place. Digital class schedule signage are a great way to keep your members coming back week after week. It can easily be done by linking your Google Calendar or Outlook or Office 365 Calendar.

2. Showcase All You Have To Offer
Classes are just one of the many amenities your members might be missing out on.
If you're running your gym right, you should have many resources for extra revenue and member enjoyment. Some people are so focused on their workouts that they might be missing these awesome opportunities.
Use digital signage to highlight weekly deals. Maybe you offer buy one get one free smoothies on Thursdays. Or announce a holiday sale on all gym branded apparel. By putting these offers up on screens, you ensure that your deals won't go unnoticed.
If there's any other services your gym offers, this would also be a great way to highlight them as well. Whether it's tanning or massages, your members will appreciate learning about how to enhance their overall gym going experience.
3. Entertain and Educate Members with "Infotainment"
Distracting your gym members is a good thing. When they are on the treadmill or elliptical the last thing they want to focus on is their workout. Putting up engaging content can help them exercise longer and see results faster.
"Infotainment" is content that entertains as well informs. You've probably seen it in taxi cabs or at the gas station. There's many different types of infotainment you can use at your gym.
The classic option is live TV. When you have members engaged with a big sports match you can also slip in graphics that gives out important gym info. They are getting their workout in, being entertained, and learning gym tips at the same time.
You can also showcase your own content. Showing work out demonstrations and routines helps your members get the most out of their exercise. Whoever said watching TV couldn't get you in better shape was wrong.
4. Motivate Members with Success Stories
Everybody loves a success story. To see someone transform their body is one of the most motivating things you can show gym goers. The best way to do this is to showcase before and after pictures of actual members with digital signage.
Some of your more out of shape members can get depressed seeing all the fit people around the gym. You can inspire them by showing what some of these members used to look like before. It will no longer feel like an impossible goal.
Being showcased in these before and after pics will also be a point of pride for your members. People will strive to be up on the screen and gain some local celebrity status. Give your members the inspiration to dream of their best selves with your gym signage.
5. Give Meal Prep Tips
Going to the gym is a lifestyle. Just because your members leave the gym doesn't mean they stop caring about their bodies.
That's why you should offer healthy meal prep tips as digital signage. Watching step by step, easy and nutritious meals being put together is great motivation. Your members will know how to fuel their body for the next work out and recover from the current one.
This is also a great bonding method between your gym and its members. You aren't trying to sell anything with this form of digital signage. You are simply looking out for their well-being.
Show you care and put up some meal prep tips on your gym's screens.
6. Introduce Your Personal Trainer Squad
Your personal trainers should be the rockstars of your gym. They are the picture of athleticism and should inspire people to reach their fitness goals. But they can't do this if nobody knows who they are.
Each member of the training squad should have a digital profile displayed on your screens. You can show off their impressive physique and their training specialties. This is another great way to educate people about the additional features your gym offers.
Digital profiles also help attract the best trainers around. An in-demand trainer will choose your gym over others because of the exposure you offer. The better known they are, the more people want them as their trainer. That means more business for your gym.
7. Tell Members When Your Current Hours Change
Nothing will annoy your members more than when they show up for a work out and the gym is closed. Ideally, you'd love to have your gym open twenty-four seven for your busy members. That, however, isn't fair to your employees.
To avoid confusion, display your hours regularly on TV screens. Your members will appreciate not having to go out of their way to figure out when they can work out.
Of course, this is most important around holidays where hours are often shortened. It's very important to keep this signage updated so people aren't being fed old info. Make sure your members never show up to a locked door again!
8. Display Workout Machine/Equipment Wait Times
Another major gripe from gym goers is that the machines are always being hogged. There's nothing more annoying than being ready to work out but having to wait for someone to finish an epic set of reps.
A way to keep things moving more effectively is to have wait times displayed for the most used equipment.
Using wait times as digital signage will let people better plan their work out. If they know when a machine will be free, they do another machine while they wait. That way they aren't wasting any time at the gym.
This will also keep people from hogging the machines. If they know others are waiting they'll work out more efficiently and cordially.
9. Make Revenue with Sponsored Content
This is one of the biggest bonuses for using digital signage at your gym. It can actually make you more money. You should be offering ad space for your screens.
Companies will be happy to spend some cash knowing they are reaching a specific audience. Nutrition and exercise products can get direct exposure to the people who will be buying them.
This may sound like you're just inundating your members with commercials. But they'll appreciate them if the ads are entertaining and are products they actually want to use.
You'll get extra revenue and they'll know where to shop. It's a win-win.
10. Raise Your Social Media Game
Social media is the best way to communicate with your members and raise brand awareness.
Display your Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter handles proudly on your screens. You're bound to get all your members following you.
You can also let your members show off their #gymgoals. When they use your gym in their Instagram hashtags you can then display those pictures as a digital sign. The person will get to show off while you get free advertising.
Make the Most of Your Gym Signage
You can give your members a better gym going experience without any costly additions. Upgrading your gym signage is an affordable way to improve the overall quality of your fitness center. Your customers will appreciate the effort!
Want more info on digital signage? Then contact us today!