Rajneesh story archive

Rajneeshees in Oregon The Untold Story

Rajneesh story archive

For love and money

The following 20-part series by Les Zaitz, Jim Long and Scotta Callister was originally published in The Oregonian in July 1985.

PART 1 Rajneeshees: From India to Oregon

PART 2 Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh: Small-town boy makes guru

PART 3 Poona era caps period of growth for Rajneeshism

PART 4 Rajneeshees leave legacy of unpaid taxes behind in India

PART 5 India seeks guru's disciples in investigation of smuggling

PART 6 Guru's uncertain health improves en route to oregon

PART 7 Sheela's brother figures in purchase of Oregon land

PART 8 Sheela uses words as weapons in bid to serve Rajneesh

PART 9 Incorporation of city opens door to development

PART 10 Rajneeshees establish security forces, large armory

PART 11 Paranoia, weapons emerge at Rajneeshee enclave

PART 12 Rajneeshee antics raise eyebrows in legal arena

PART 13 Rajneesh followers amass fleet of 74 rolls-royces

PART 14 Rajneeshee financial arm stays in touch with ranch

PART 15 Rajneeshees nurture corporate community on ranch

PART 16 Officials on ranch control network

PART 17 Methods of extracting donations vary

PART 18 Experts draw distinctions between cults, religions

PART 19 Immigration problems plague Rajneesh, followers

PART 20 Rajneeshees catch service napping

On the road again

Rajneesh and company pull up stakes from Oregon as guru's vision in desert becomes a mirage. From an Oregonian special section published December 30, 1985. By Les Zaitz, Jim Long and Scotta Callister

Rajneesh and company pull up stakes from Oregon as guru's vision in desert becomes a mirage

A failed vision: chronology of major events in the Rajneeshees' Oregon history

Oregon team travels paper maze to gain Sheela's arrest

Special unit of Rajneeshees dedicated to 'dirty tricks'

Flight from Oregon ends with Rajneesh in chains

Infighting mars probe of Rajneeshees

Prem Niren maps Rajneeshees' legal strategy, gains in power