A list of questions we’re often asked, and their answers…
I am looking for a particular book published by Orion, but I can’t find it on your website. Why?
Make sure that you have searched correctly. If you still can’t find this book, it could be an Orion title which is no longer in print or it might be published by another company, in which case check the publisher at a bookshop, online bookseller or library.
I am looking for a book published by Orion, but I think it is now out of print. How might I buy a copy of it?
You might try to find a second-hand copy of an out-of-print title through a company specialising in this service, such as www.hp.bookfinders.co.uk or www.abebooks.com or www.amazon.co.uk.
I possess a particular book published some years ago under one of your imprints which is now out of print. Are you able to tell me the second-hand value of this book?
No. You should contact a second-hand bookseller for advice about the market value of an old book. Second-hand books are sold through the booksellers listed above, or you can visit your local second-hand or antiquarian bookshop.
How can I obtain a review copy of one of your books?
Requests from potential editors or reviewers for review copies should be made by email to [email protected] or by post to: Review Copy Requests, The Publicity Department, The Orion Publishing Group, Carmelite House, 50 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0DZ. Please state clearly where the review will be published and indicate who reads that publication; and provide a phone number and/or email address for any queries we might have.
I am an academic who is interested in using one of your titles as a set text for my students. How can I obtain an inspection copy of this book?
Requests from academics for inspection copies should be made by post to Enquiries, The Orion Publishing Group, Carmelite House, 50 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0DZ or by email to [email protected]. Please state clearly the subject and level of the course and the institution where the text would be used and the number of students who would be recommended to buy it. Provide a phone number and/or email address for any queries we might have.
I am a retailer. How can I order books from Orion?
Please see our contact details for trade and export.
What are the imprints published by Orion?
The Orion Publishing Group publishes books under six primary imprints: Orion Fiction, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, Gollancz, Orion Spring, Seven Dials and Trapeze. It also publishes eBooks, audio downloads and audio books on CD.
Who can I contact if I have an audio book enquiry?
For any audiobook enquiries please contact the Audio Team by email at [email protected]
Are any Everyman Classics books available in hardback?
No, not from us. Some Everyman titles are published in hardback by another company under the imprint Everyman Library, Northburgh House, 10 Northburgh Street, London EC1V 0AT; (020 7566 6350).
I bought one of your books but the copy I have is faulty (e.g. some pages are missing). What should I do about this?
Each year, Orion publishes hundreds of titles and many thousands of copies of these, and usually our books are perfect. Although our books are checked for printing or binding errors, occasionally faulty copies slip through. We are very sorry when this happens. The best thing to do is to return the faulty book to the bookseller, who will replace it with another copy straight away, or if one is unavailable should offer you a refund. Alternatively you can contact us via our social media accounts.
How can I identify if a book is a first edition copy?
You can identify first editions by looking at the left-hand page behind the title page. This gives the essential details of the publication, including its edition, as well as information about printing and copyright. Terms such as “Second impression 2000” indicate that the book is not a first edition of that title.
How can I contact one of your authors?
We are not able to share our authors’ contact details, including email addresses, but we will be happy to forward correspondence to them or to their agent where appropriate. Please send your enquiry to [email protected], outlining all relevant details in your email. Otherwise, you may write a letter to the author care of Enquiries, The Orion Publishing Group, Orion House, 50 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0DZ, and we shall forward your letter if we have their address.
I have written a book that I think Orion might be interested in publishing. How should I proceed?
Orion doesn’t look at or return manuscripts from unknown authors unless they have been submitted through an agent. An agent will advise on the content, layout and style of a book before submitting it to suitable publishers. Agents can be found by searching on the web or by choosing from those listed in The Writers’ & Artists’ Yearbook (your public library should have this book). There is a list of writers’ resources on our Links page.
Here are some general tips on preparing a manuscript for submission to an agent:
Ideally, your text should be well-typed or printed from a computer, double-spaced, on one side of the page only, on numbered pages (not beginning afresh with each chapter), have unjustified lines and be produced in a serif font of 10-12 points. It is also helpful to include a short synopsis (no more than one page) of your work, accurately and dispassionately describing its content (genre, subject, motivating ideas, plot, etc.).
I am an artist/designer and am interested in having my work used as illustrations/cover designs in/on Orion books. How should I proceed?
Samples may be sent in the form of jpeg, pdf (no larger then 5MB) or web link via email to [email protected]. We will contact you if an appropriate project comes up, we are unable to respond to every email but your work – if appropriate – will be kept on file.
Please do not send any original artworks through the post as we will be unable to return them.
I would like to use some material from one of your books in my publication. What do I need to do?
Written permission is required to use any material, whether text, illustrations or designs, published or otherwise used by the Orion Publishing Group. Details are provided on our Rights and Permissions page.
May I reproduce some material from this web site on mine?
The same rules apply to electronic as to printed media. Details are provided on our Terms and Conditions page.
I would like to reproduce a photographic image of one of your authors in my publication or on my website. Do I need Orion’s permission to do this?
Yes. If you wish to use a photograph of an author from this web site, please contact [email protected], giving the name of the author and details of your proposed use of the photograph.
I would like to reproduce one of your book covers. Do I need Orion’s permission to do this?
You may reproduce an Orion cover in its entirety, unaltered, in connection with published reviews of the book, without needing to ask our permission. For any other use whatsoever, please approach us for permission in the normal way.
How can I get a job in publishing?
This largely depends on what kind of work you wish to do. For instance, working in a bookshop would be useful early experience for a career in marketing; editorial staff have often previously been involved as volunteers working on a magazine at college or for a charity; printers and designers will have completed appropriate training in their specialisms. In practice, imagination, enthusiasm and concern for high quality are the most important attributes for any job in publishing.
I would like to work for Orion. How can I find out about current vacancies?
Current employment vacancies at Orion and across Hachette UK are available on the careers section of the Hachette website. Our work experience placements are arranged centrally, so please visit the Hachette Work Experience page for more information on how to apply and what you can expect from your time with us.
Please note that we no longer accept unrequested Freelance/Proofreader applications as we have established a considerable list of freelance help.
However, thank you for your interest.