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Being a “Game of Thrones” fan is a lot like being Brienne of Tarth, so loyal to Sansa Stark, or Jorah Mormont, hopelessly devoted to Daenerys Targaryen.

Like those subservient characters, fans will follow “Game of Thrones” wherever it goes, even if answers and dramatic payoffs are slow coming. The premiere did a lot of setting-up for the future, and that approach allows fans to speculate. In a new age for television, that engagement may be every bit as important as what the series is depicting.

The Emmy-winning HBO drama smashes TV formulas, and now that it’s ahead of George R.R. Martin’s books, it may be going even bolder.

Here’s your warning that I’ll discuss the premiere’s sprawling plot. The episode quickly addressed Jon Snow’s status. Actor Kit Harington is in the opening credits, but Davos has Snow’s inanimate body. Can Melisandre help restore Snow? Fans will have to wait for answers. The show instead turned to Melisandre’s private life, showing that she is very old and very frail when she disrobes, takes off her necklace and turns in for the night. It was a makeup job sure to be remembered at Emmy time.

The sixth-season premiere Sunday traveled a scenic route, skipping from one stunning locale to the next. In the most exciting sequence, Brienne saved on-the-run Sansa from a Bolton hunting party. Brienne pledged her loyalty, and the long-suffering Sansa finally reciprocated. Isn’t it nice to finally be appreciated?

The hostage Daenerys stood up to Khal Moro, who had vowed to sleep with her. When he learned her identity as the widow of Khal Drogo, however, he wanted to hide her away with other khal widows. Not going to happen, especially with Jorah Mormont on her trail and picking up a clue she left behind. Jorah acknowledged, however, that it’s frustrating wanting someone who doesn’t want you back.

Cersei Lannister may be among the show’s most hated characters, but actress Lena Headey had poignant moments when Cersei learned of her daughter’s death. Brother Jaime Lannister vowed to Cersei they would take back everything from their enemies.

Ellaria Sand and her horrible daughters wiped out the Dorne leaders. Arya Strark, blind and begging in the streets, started on an unexpected new path: warrior in training. Tyrion Lannister, generally the best-liked character, had just a few moments in the premiere. He tried to help a poor woman in Meereen, with witty results, and saw ships ablaze in the harbor.

The big news was that the lavish “Game of Thrones” returned to play by its own rules. Many other shows pander for fans’ affection and take easy storytelling routes.

“Game of Thrones” withholds, tells complicated stories, turns exceedingly violent in the action and oh so blue in the dialogue. The show requires your whole attention, and the way the storytelling unfolds, “Thrones” has to be judged by an entire season. But the season-six premiere dangled enough reasons to follow this show wherever it goes.

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