- 16 Dec: we have reached over 50 charities in the list. Thanks for all the suggestions, but no more will be added.
- 20 Dec: we have reached over 1000 unique commenters. Donation this year will be $40,000 to 6 most voted charities.
22 Dec: the poll has ended and the community has decided the following charities will receive the donations this year:
- Cancer Council
- Royal Flying Doctor Service
- beyondblue
- Dementia Australia
- Lifeline
- Kids With Cancer Foundation Australia
I will sort out sending the funds over in the next couple of days.
OzBargain is doing the same donations to the community's choice of charities again this Christmas. Same amount, same rules — thus much copy 'n' paste from last year's post. OzBargain has been donating some of its earnings to charities every June and December for the past decade. Here is a list of past donations if you are interested in which charities we have been donating to.
For this year, OzBargain will be donating at least $30,000 to charity organisations, and whom we donate to depending on your suggestions and votes. I have pre-selected 25 charities from last year's Xmas donation poll. However, community can use the "Suggestion" box in the top-level comment to suggest more charities to the poll. Please note that I'm travelling at the moment, at hotels with crappy Internet, so suggestion-approval might take sometime.
If you are suggesting a charity, please also
- Check the current poll to make sure your suggestion is not already in the list.
- Provide a link in the comment.
- Add one or two sentences on what this charity is about, to help the community to decide.
The poll will run until Sunday 22 Dec @ 12AM. After poll expires, votes will be revealed and we will divide up the final donation amount to give to the top 6 charities. Donations will then be made over the weekend before Christmas.
Moreover, for each unique commenter in this forum post, we will be donating an extra $10 (capped at $10,000 extra) to the total sum of donations. For example, if there are 500 OzBargain users commented in this post, we'll be donating $35,000 to 6 different charities ($5,834 each). If 1000 OzBargainers commented, $40,000 will be donated ($6,667 each).
Note to the Charities
This is a poll for the OzBargain users. This is not a contest between charities, and please do not ask your staff or followers on your social media to vote for you here. We had similar incidents happen in the past and those charities got disqualified from receiving donations.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Which charity should I suggest?
There are some limitations on the charity that a user may suggest:
- It must be a registered charity eligible for DGR (deductible gift recipient). That would make NPOs like Wikipedia & some international charities ineligible.
- As we are OzBargain, it would be great if the charity is Australia based or benefits Australians.
- The suggestion feature will also be closed after having 50 charities on poll.
Please note that all the suggestions will have to be manually approved by the moderators, so they might not show up straight away.
Q: Why is foo charity on the list? Why is bar charity NOT on the list?
All the charity organisations are suggested by the community (either this year, or from previous years). If you think certain charity organisation ought to be on the list, please suggest it (provided that we haven't reached the 50 options limit). If you do not think a certain charity should be there, please leave a comment in the post, and use "Report" to notify a moderator. We will assess your claim and decide whether to remove that charity from the list.
Q: Any bargain?
Free $10 to the top charity when you comment!
+$10 Thanks Scotty!