*Hi Puys!!**This thread is designed to Help/ Assist "Other Backward Category" Students appearing for CAT 2013 and other exams in the 2013-2014 season.**This thread will Help in regards to Colleges having OBC quota, Obtaining OBC Non-creamy layer...
Hi Puys!!
This thread is designed to Help/ Assist "Other Backward Category" Students appearing for CAT 2013 and other exams in the 2013-2014 season.This thread will Help in regards to Colleges having OBC quota, Obtaining OBC Non-creamy layer certificates, Form filling, etc.Hope this helps!!Here is an indicative (Not Exhaustive) list of colleges having reservations for OBC Candidates
.1) All IIM
2) FMS
4) All IITs (But Only Engineers can apply)
6) JBIMS (85% for Maharashtrian with all vertical reservation & rest 15% for other state "General" students )
8 ) TISS
& those who dont have OBC reservations are:
2) MDI
3) IMT
5) Narsee monjee (some seats are reserved for Gujrati speaking candidates)
6) IMI
7) ISB,Hyderabad
8 )Symbiosis Institutes
9) XIM Bhubaneshwar (some seats are reserved for Orissa domicile only)This list is not an exhaustive one, and will be updated as and when required. Any PUYS with more information on colleges having OBC quota please come up with your suggestions.
hello sir... I have acads..10Th:88.6, 12th:73.4;Btech:73.8 2013 batch passout...what r d chances for iims( old or new)..belong to OBC Girl category. N also I hav started my coachng frm career launcher from june 2013..practising the coachng material z enuf or wat else I hav to do for better scores...pllzz reply asap..
Other colleges having OBC quota in top list are :-
FMS (Banaras Hindu University)
for other colleges i will keep updating..

Hi Sir,I am NC-OBC student, i hav 73% in Xth(State board), 75% in XII(State board), 69% in BE(61% aggregate of 8 sems), 30 months of work-ex in IT. Are there ny chances of getting into IIM's if i score 95%+ in CAT??
What is min % required for the above acads to get into IIM's?
hello friends ..
which course material is good for CAT considering. . TIME, CL & IMS ??
plzz help me guys & let me know . .am in great confusion
Hey Hi everyone...
2. After that date don't go for new topics
4.improve your accuracy rather than attempts.
hello puys... i need to know whther i have to produce the same nc obc certificate given in the catiim.in website or i fi can produce any appropriate form issued to me.... cause the officer in my area is not aware and is not willing to sign the nc obc certificate i downloaded from the site... pls help me guys...
do i need any obc certi ryt nw at the tym to fill the cat form????????plzz reply asap..
IIFT requires NC-OBC certificate while submitting the form through post.
I have last years NC certificate(Valid till March-2013) .Do I need to Renew it for submitting the application form??
Pls help??😟
hey hi.i am appearing CAT13.i'm new to this forum. i just wanted to ask one thing.. i belong to NC-OBC category.Does it provide any edge? if yes, how difference does it make? I mean i know the rule-27% reservation. but how actual substantial use does it have..say if i am aiming to bag IIM calls how much minimum %ile will i have to score?plz help.
10th - 91
12th -93
What should be considered good %ile for top IIMS
Hello Everyone,
I belong to NC-OBC.My academics 63%(10th,State Borad,Bihar),61%(12th,State Board,Bihar),66%(B.Tech) and having experience of 21 months in IT sector.Gonna appear for CAT'13 for the first time.
Can you please help me in clarifying whether I stand a chance to get the call from any of the IIMs.
If yes, what is the minimum percentile required in order to get the call from at least 1 out of 13 IIMs.
Need your honest and priceless suggestions.
Guys ,
can anyone tell me what is nc-obc minority, i came across this while filling the CAT form. Should i select nc-obc minority as i belong this category, but this is yet to be enforced by the govt. So i m confused whether to chose nc-obc or nc-obc minority?
My acads and Work ex are below .. what percentile should i aim for ?
how abt ABCLKI on following Acadamics
10th= 85
12th= 84
B.E= 60
Work Ex : 19 Months
Plz let me know??
Hi All,
Hi All, I am 2012 pass out from Computer Science (BE), and my profile is as follows:
following academics can i get a call form IIM ABCKIL?
10th 89
12th 76
b. tech 65
no work exp
category NC-OBC
reply asap !!