It’s Yew Hedging Root ball season once again! This is the time of the year when plant growth is dormant and we can sell plants direct from the ground as a root ball without having to pot them up, meaning even more value for money for you.
Buy 10x 1 – 1.25 Metre Tall Yew Trees for an amazing price – UK delivery
Right now, we have terrific offers on mature Yew trees these are large Yew hedging rootball plants which are perfect for instant hedging. English Yew (or Taxus Baccata) is the King of Hedging with its dense growing habit and lovely dark green colour all year round. Yew responds very well to clipping and trimming, a very useful characteristic for hedging plants. The older and more established a yew hedge becomes, the more beautiful it is. The dense, deep green foliage plays host to a wealth of wildlife, who appreciate the winter berries providing them with an essential food source.
Our premium root balled yew trees are mature plants and come in a range of sizes starting from 1 metre tall right up to 4 metres tall, perfect for those of you looking for an instant evergreen screen for privacy.
Buy 10x root ball Yew Trees now and take advantage of the huge savings on all size categories.

Yew Hedging Root balls: 8 sizes starting from 1 metre tall right up to 4 metres tall – Buy 10 x, save £££’S
Yew Hedging – the King of Hedges:
A British native, Yew Hedging is stately and elegant. This ‘King of Hedges’ as it is known, is the ultimate wind, noise and neighbour shield. A living wall of green, Yew Hedging is home and sanctuary for small birds. It is evergreen, disease resistant, hardy and very long living. In fact, the longer it lives, the more beautiful it becomes. It is immensely clipable and can be as tall (or as low) as you like. Yew hedging is low maintenance and can be well kept with trimming just once per year.
An ideal hedging plant, it has a naturally dense growth habit. While Yew is not as fast growing as say Leyland Cypress, it is a common misconception that the yew is a slow grower. The beauty of Yew hedging is that shoots will grow from the old wood so you never have that problem with deadwood showing once you have pruned. As well as providing you with an evergreen screen, yew hedging with its rich green foliage and lighter green of the newest shoots, is a very attractive garden backdrop. Think of it as an essential part of your garden architecture.
If you are creating a hedge, you are going to need more than one plant. Our yew hedging offers are tailored to this and we offer tremendous value when you buy 10 plants. In addition, our yew hedging plants are rootballed (supplied without a pot) giving you even greater value for money.

Garden Inspiration Ideas – the Gardens at Bateman’s, East Sussex – Pristine Yew Hedging
Why Choose Yew for hedging?
Botanical name Taxus Baccatta, Yew was traditionally planted in churchyards and left untouched for centuries. They have now become some of the oldest trees in the country. The stuff of folklore – stories abound as to why and where they were planted in ancient times. Whatever the reason we now have a legacy of beautiful old gnarled trees gently growing older in ancient churchyards and stately homes.
There is no other hedge so quintessentially English as a Yew Hedge – it is extremely dense evergreen with deepest green leaves and bright green new shoots. It clips extremely well and the new shoots happily grow from old wood so there are none of the problems of having deadwood showing after pruning which can be a problem with some other hedging plants. The Yew will serve as an excellent screen and wind break and is loved by nesting birds – they can immerse themselves in the closely knit branches well away from predators. The red arils (the red/pink fleshy type berry which covers the Yew seeds) are loved by blackbirds and thrushes during the winter months. Indeed this is how Yew is naturally propagated.

Ancient Yew Hedge at Standen Gardens in Sussex
Yew Hedging – Growing Tips:
Autumn is the very best time of year for planting a Yew hedge – the ground is still warm and the young plants have a chance to settle before the cold weather sets in. A good mulch around each plant will help them get a head start.
Take a look at our full hedging range here…
With instant Evergreen Screening plants here…