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  2. Raising A Confident Child
  3. Top 20 good habits for kids every parent must teach their child at an early age


Top 20 good habits for kids every parent must teach their child at an early age

Dr Priscilla J S Selvaraj Dr Priscilla J S Selvaraj 5 Mins Read

Dr Priscilla J S Selvaraj Dr Priscilla J S Selvaraj


Good habits go a long way in character formation. And it's good to catch them young. Here are the top 20 habits for your little one

Pre-schooler to Primary
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Top 20 good habits for kids every parent must teach their child at an early age

While most parents may focus on their children's health and education right from the preschool stage, what happens when it comes to the formation of good, healthy habits for kids? They believe that the child will pick up good habits naturally as they grow. But, parents must realize that children need help to form good habits right from the toddler stage. Here, we list out 20 good habits you can practice daily with your kids!

20 Good habits parents must teach their kids

Here is a list of good habits for kids that parents need to focus on:

1. Making 'reading' a habit 
This habit opens up the gateways of knowledge for your child apart from serving as a healthy pastime. Let your child realize that books can be one of the best companions.

2. Playing outdoors
Rather than being a couch potato, encourage your little one to spend time in outdoor play. This will not only ensure physical fitness but also help children develop their cognitive abilities. This jumping rope is a great way to engage kids.

3. Saving money
Get your children a piggy bank to teach them about savings. Make them realize its importance. Let them watch the savings grow over a period.

4. Conserving resources
Whether it is water or electricity, let your child learn to save these precious resources. Help your child learn to turn off the tap and lights when not in use. Make children understand that both natural and manmade resources need to be saved.

5. Limiting screen time
This is a valuable habit your child needs to learn early on. With the present generation of children growing up on gadgets, it is very difficult to wean them away from technology once they get hooked to it. Therefore, regulate the time your child spends on screens.

6. Being organized
Let your children learn to put back toys and books in their respective places once they are through with them. Teach them to keep things in an orderly manner. Most of our time gets lost in searching for something or the other. Being organized will ensure your child does not have time.

7. Adhering to a routine
Sticking to a set routine goes a long way in making children disciplined. Help them ease into a routine right from the early days.

8. Adopting a friendly attitude

Encourage children to socialize with those around them and make friends among their peers. Forming friendships and maintaining them is one essential habit that children require for life.

9. Following a healthy lifestyle
Good eating habits, sleeping habits, and physical exercise—all contribute to children's health. Let them adopt a lifestyle that will ensure they stay healthy.

10. Maintaining cleanliness
Guide your children to keep their room clean always. Being neat, tidy, and orderly will de-clutter the mind and help them stay calm and focused.

11. Following good personal hygiene habits
Brushing the teeth, bathing, washing the hands before and after eating, not picking the nose, closing the mouth while sneezing or coughing, washing the face, hands, and feet immediately after entering the house—these are some of the points you could include when you train your child on hygiene. Make your child realize that good hygiene contributes to good health.

12. Confiding in you

Encourage children to speak freely to you on anything and everything. Let them share with you all that happened during the day. Encourage them to confide in you when something bothers them. This will prove especially helpful when they are upset, hurt, afraid, confused, or angry.

13. Working hard
Show your child how to use time effectively. Teach the importance of hard work and that a laid-back or lackadaisical attitude towards work will get one nowhere.

14. Exhibiting good manners
'Please', 'Sorry' and 'Thank you'—teach your child to use these words whenever required. Also, impart lessons on table manners, conversational etiquette, behavior in public, and so on.

15. Sharing
Today's materialistic world makes children selfish. Let children learn the habit of sharing what they have with others. This will make them conscious of the needs of others.

16. Extending courtesy

Explain to your children the importance of being kind and courteous. This habit will help them grow into caring and helpful children.

17. Showing respect
Learning to show respect for themselves and others is an important value your children must learn. Show them how to greet people, listen to another's point of view, and stand up for themselves.

18. Being honest
Encourage your children to be truthful.  If you catch them lying, ask them to explain the situation, and help them think of a solution to undo the lie.

19. Helping others
Let your little one help you around the house. Give praise for the specific help children render. They will be motivated to practice doing it often.

20. Having patience
Your children must learn how to be patient. Show them how to wait for their turn, to stop and think before they do something, and to name their feelings of anger or frustration. This will help them regulate his emotions.

You may also help your child learn these habits through stories, role-plays, or songs. But, the best way is by practicing them yourself. Remember the adage, 'Practise what you preach'.

At Dot Learning Circle, our health and safety program for kindergarten students is designed to instill healthy habits from a young age. Through engaging activities and interactive lessons, children learn the importance of maintaining good hygiene, staying active, and making healthy choices.

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Feb 15, 2022

interesting how the habits related to maintaining the house (saving money, being organised, maintaining cleanliness) and those that refer to a quiet obedient person (reading, honesty,frindly attitude ) all refer to "she".