24 Toddler Skin Rashes and Their Causes

Skin rashes are among the most common reasons parents and caregivers of small children visit the doctor. In most cases, however, rashes don't indicate a dangerous condition. If your toddler has a rash and no other symptoms, and is in general good health, you can often observe the skin rash for a few days before taking action. Many types of skin rashes will disappear without treatment.

But if the skin rash is accompanied by high fever, breathing difficulties, vomiting, or changes in behavior, take your child to see a doctor.

Here's a rundown of 24 common types of skin rashes in children and when to worry about a toddler rash.

Close up of a toddler scratching a rash on their arm

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What To Do if Your Toddler Has a Rash With No Other Symptoms

If you see that your toddler has a rash with no other symptoms—you may be worried about the cause. Rest assured that a toddler rash with no additional symptoms is typically due to a viral infection and is not cause to worry. These rashes will usually go away on their own within a week.


The same type of skin rash can have different causes, so try to take note of what the rash looks like, how widespread it is, how many and how big the marks are, how long the rash has been present, and whether it is itchy.

If you're concerned that your toddler's rash has not gone away within the week or if the rash is starting to look worse—it could be a sign of something bigger. Check out our list of different toddler rashes below to identify your child's rash and the best way to treat it.

Common Toddler Rashes

Here are 24 of the most common rashes in children, their causes, and how to best handle it.


It may not get a lot of attention in the media, but according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), 1.1 million American kids have a nickel allergy, and when exposed to the metal, they can break out in a skin rash. The skin rash occurs after exposure to the metal and will generally appear similar to eczema with itchiness, redness, swelling, scaling, and sometimes crustiness.

The AAP states that longer exposures to the metal may result in rashes appearing in distant parts of the body that were originally exposed—so exposure on the belly could potentially mean a rash traveling to the arms or legs.


More than 50 million American kids have a food allergy. According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology, food allergy symptoms can include skin rashes such as hives—but they can also include life-threatening symptoms such as anaphylaxis, which is a whole body reaction that can include difficulty breathing and requires immediate medical attention. Talk to your child's doctor if you suspect a food allergy.


The most common allergic rash is hives, an extremely itchy rash that consists of raised large welts on the body's surface, often circular with a pale center. Hives can result from an allergic reaction to medicines, foods, viral infections, or insect stings and bites.

Infected Wounds

An infected wound occurs when a minor wound from skin irritation, scratch, cut, or bite becomes infected by bacteria on the skin's surface or from external sources. The wound becomes red and moist, pus and yellowish scabs appear, and the surrounding skin becomes swollen and tender because of inflammation.

A child's lymphatic nodes may become swollen in the surrounding area, and a fever may develop. If the child scratches the wound, bacteria may spread on the skin and give rise to more sores. Protecting your child's skin after getting wounded is one way to prevent infection.


Impetigo can occur on any part of the body that has a wound or breaks in the skin. A rash usually results from a scratch, bite, or minor irritation that has become infected with Streptococcus or Staphylococcus bacteria. The wound becomes red and moist, with pus and eventually yellowish scabs.

If a child scratches the wound, the bacteria may spread on the skin and cause more sores that develop over the course of a few days and last four to six days before drying up and forming scabs. It is usually treated with topical or oral antibiotics.


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cellulitis is a localized skin infection caused by Streptococcus or other bacteria. The skin becomes swollen, hot, and red in one area that is clearly delineated from healthy skin. Often, there is no obvious entry point in the skin for the bacteria. Sometimes, it can be accompanied by fever and a reduced general condition. Cellulitis should be evaluated and treated promptly, as the infection may spread rapidly.

When To Seek Medical Attention

The CDC warns that if the red part of a cellulitis skin rash begins to spread quickly or if a fever and/or chills develop, seek medical attention right away.

Fungal Rash

Fungal rashes are skin infections caused by two specific types of fungi: tinea and candida. Tinea infections, also known as ringworm, are oval or ring-shaped lesions with normal-looking skin in the middle and an itchy, scaly, and slightly raised edge around it. The rash can be found on the scalp, face, body, or nails.

Candida infections may occur in babies as oral thrush, as a white coating on the tongue or mouth mucosa, or as a shiny, red rash in the diaper region (infected diaper rash). Candida infections may occur in children of any age. They are usually located in the folds of moist skin, such as under a baby's chin or the cracked skin between toes.


Scabies is a skin infection caused by the itch mite. The female mite burrows into the skin in areas like between the fingers, in the wrist area, and the armpit. Babies can get scabies on the palms of their hands and soles of their feet.

Scabies causes intense itching, which can lead to the formation of sores, blisters, scabs, and the possibility of secondary bacterial infection. Occasionally, it is possible to observe tiny gray burrows in the skin made by the mite. Scabies are pretty contagious, so prompt treatment by your physician is recommended.

Head Lice

Lice are insects that lay eggs while attached to the hairs of the head. The eggs hatch after approximately one week and cause itching on the scalp. Head lice are commonly found on the hairline, on the neck, and behind the ears, and they can be seen using a magnifying glass and lice comb.

Although lice are quite contagious, it is important to remember that they do not cause disease and will not make children sick. Many people confuse head lice, which do not spread disease with body lice or louse, which do.

To kill lice and prevent their spread to other children, make sure to proper treat it with lice treatment and lice comb. Don't forget to wash clothing and bedding at a hot temperature to kill any remaining eggs.


Warts are a common childhood viral skin disease. There are several types, and they can be found either individually or in clusters, usually on the fingers, hands, and feet. Most warts have a hard, rough surface and are slightly raised on the skin surface, but those on the sole of the foot (plantar warts) are pressed flat by body weight.

Warts tend to disappear on their own without treatment, but they may return; plantar warts often require treatment. It's also important to note that warts are also quite contagious in children.

Molluscum Contagiosum

Molluscum contagiosum is another common childhood rash caused by a virus. The rash takes the form of tiny, raised bumps known as mollusks, on the skin surface that are 2 to 5 millimeters in diameter. The color of the rash varies but is often similar in color to the child's unaffected skin. Each bump has a little dent in the center.

They usually do not bother the child, but they may be tender or itchy, so the child may tear and infect the skin by scratching. The "mollusks" can be found all over the child's body, individually or in clusters. Usually, they disappear without treatment after a few weeks, or they may persist for several months or years. It's a good idea to consult with a health care provider, as many will recommend treatment to prevent spreading.


Eczema is a chronic skin rash that affects children in families with a history of allergies. The rash is usually dry and itchy, and the skin becomes red, irritated, and scaly. Scratching may lead to breaks in the skin, which can cause secondary infection and scarring.

Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis (also known as seborrhea) affects children under age 2 and is most common in infants from 0 to 3 months. The cause is unknown, but it is thought to be a disturbance in the skin's production of sebaceous matter and sweat.

Unlike atopic eczema, the rash is not particularly itchy and is dry, red, and slightly flaky. Seborrhea is usually localized to the face, neck, chest, folds of skin, and the diaper area. Infants may develop yellowish scabs on the scalp, called cradle cap. This rash generally disappears after a few months.

Contact Dermatitis

Contact dermatitis occurs when certain substances, such as nickel, cosmetics, creams, and detergents, irritate the skin and cause a hypersensitivity reaction. The skin becomes red and angry-looking, occasionally giving rise to raised papules or vesicles in the affected areas of the skin. The rash is often itchy but may also be moist with blisters. Poison ivy is an example of contact dermatitis.

Diaper Rash

Diaper rash occurs in the diaper area when the skin becomes moist, red, and irritated because of urine and stool. This irritation can cause tiny openings in the skin, which allow bacteria or fungi to invade and cause a secondary infection that makes the rash worse.

Rubella and Measles

In addition to a generalized rash of small, flat red spots, symptoms of rubella and measles viruses include fever, malaise, and cough. Rubella and measles have become rare diseases in the US because most children are vaccinated against the viruses at 15 months and then again between the ages of 4 and 6. Even though rubella has been totally eliminated from the US, immunization continues because of rubella in other countries.

Chicken Pox

The chickenpox (varicella-zoster) rash begins as red marks on the face and body that resemble mosquito bites. Within a few hours, the marks develop into fluid-filled blisters that later burst and leave scabs. Chickenpox is easily recognized because the skin around the vesicles is normal. Other symptoms include fever, congestion, and blisters in the mouth.

Because the rash is extremely itchy, it's best to prevent the child from excessive scratching, as there is a risk of bacterial infection in the skin, which can spread to other organs. Bacterial infections can also lead to wounds and scars.

Chickenpox is quite contagious, and it is common for children at home or daycare to have it simultaneously. After five to seven days, all the pox will be dry scabs, which means the child is no longer contagious.

Chickenpox Can Lead to Shingles

One serious complication of chickenpox is that the virus that causes it remains dormant in the body after infection and then, later in adulthood, can reactivate as shingles, which can be extremely painful. Most children in the US now receive the chickenpox vaccine.

Scarlet Fever

Scarlet fever is caused by a Streptococcal infection of the throat. Symptoms include a sore throat, a high fever, and a rash that begins on the neck and face but then spreads down through the body. The skin reddens, and there are small, sandpapery bumps. The area around the mouth is often spared and appears pale.

After five to six days, the rash disappears, and the child's skin often begins to peel, especially on the fingertips. If your child has scarlet fever, consult a physician to be tested for strep throat and treated with antibiotics.


Mononucleosis, often called mono, is a viral infection that often affects school-age children and adolescents. Symptoms include a sore throat, considerable difficulty swallowing, fever, and enlarged lymph nodes in the neck.

To keep an eye out for mono, check for a rash that is nonspecific, pink, and prominent on the torso.


Roseola (also known as sixth disease) is a viral disease that results in a very high fever, which lasts three to four days with few other symptoms. The fever then drops suddenly, and within a few hours, a rash appears.

The rash is nonspecific, pale pink, and mostly widespread on the neck and chest. It is not itchy, fades when pressure is applied, and disappears within one to two days. Typically, a child with roseola will be crankier when the rash appears than during the fever.

Fifth Disease

The fifth disease is another viral disease that begins with mild cold symptoms and fever. It's caused by parvovirus B19, and the distinctive rash appears after about a week. Significant redness on the cheeks and paleness around the mouth gives the appearance of a slapped cheek.

In some children, the rash spreads down the body, but the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet are often not affected. The rash can have a lacy appearance, might be itchy, and usually lasts one to three weeks.

Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease

Hand, foot, and mouth disease is caused by the coxsackie virus, which produces little vesicles, or blisters, in the mouth, on the fingers, or on the feet. It is commonly seen in children under age 4, and symptoms include fever and blisters in the mouth that make it difficult to eat.

The disease normally runs its course over a few days, but the sores in the mouth can last longer. Children can get this illness more than once.

Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is caused by an infection transmitted through a tick bite. A rash usually appears two to six weeks after the tick bite, along with flu-like symptoms (such as fever, headache, and body pains).

The skin rash usually appears as a red, circular area around the tick bite (there may be more than one), which spreads outward like a target. According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association (AADA), a developing rash will spread outward quickly. The rash may also include other symptoms, such as:

  • Feel warm to the touch
  • Feel itchy or painful
  • The outer edge may be scaly or crusty

Lyme disease can also present without a rash and cause joint pains, chest pains, headaches, or neurological problems a few months later.


Acne is a common rash typically associated with teenagers and results from hair follicle blockage resulting from an increase in the production of sebaceous matter in the skin. This will lead to localized skin inflammation with red papules or fluid-filled pimples called pustules.

If not treated properly, acne may become severe, with cysts that can lead to scarring.

Key Takeaway

Skin rashes are common in childhood. Often, a toddler rash with no other symptoms will be nothing major to worry about, but if your child develops other symptoms such as fever or chills, signs of infection, or difficulty breathing, seek medical help. Also, if your child has a chronic rash, talk to your doctor about a possible allergy.

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  1. Nickel Allergy: Is the Metal Giving Your Child a Rash? American Academy of Pediatrics. 2020.

  2. Food Allergy. American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology. 2023.

  3. Cellulitis: All You Need to Know. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2022.

  4. Head Lice at School: Traditional Medicine and Community Engagement. Health Equity. 2021.

  5. Shingles (Herpes Zoster). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2023.

  6. Signs of Lyme Disease That Appear on Your Skin. American Academy of Dermatology Association. 2023.

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