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Scottish Parliament

The Scottish Parliament examines what the Scottish Government is doing, makes new laws on devolved matters and debates the issues of the day.

Vote for new quotations on Canongate Wall

To mark the 20th anniversary of the Parliament building, we are adding three new quotations to the Canongate Wall, which runs along the outside of the Parliament.

Six quotations by poets Liz Lochhead, Jackie Kay, and Kathleen Jamie have been shortlisted – and now it's over to you to make the final choices! 

Find out more about the Canongate Wall

Vote for quotes to be added to the Canongate Wall


The Scottish Parliament is the home of Scottish democracy. We are open throughout the year.   Find out how to visit us

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SPICe Spotlight blog

Read the blog from our information centre for impartial and up to date analysis of current issues

Presiding Officers

Alison Johnstone MSP is the elected Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament.

Annabelle Ewing and Liam McArthur are Deputy Presiding Officers (DPOs).

Find out more about the Presiding Officer and DPOs

Public petitions

Petitions are a way to ask the Parliament to do something.

Any person or organisation can submit a petition: you do not have to be a certain age or live in Scotland.

MSPs cannot submit a petition but they can support them.

Find out more about submitting a petition to the Parliament

Get in touch

Contact us

Telephone 0131 348 5000 or 0800 092 7500

If you would like to speak to someone in Gaelic, call 0131 348 5395 (message service only)

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Scottish Parliament @ScotParl

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