Final Victory Animal Rescue

Giving South Carolina Cats + Dogs The Lives They Deserve

  • 66 paid members
  • 54 posts

Choose your membership

The Foundation
 / month
Your support will help keep our doors open so we can provide a safe haven for animals in need. Your contribution will go towards helping us with our very basic and critical needs!

What can $5 do?
- Feed a dog for 5 days
- Purchase one small mentally stimulating toy to help with development

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Let's Play!
 / month
Help keep our sanctuary alive and our animals happy and safe. This level of support will help our animals start to thrive.

What can $10 do?
- Feed a dog for 10 days
- Go towards purchasing a leash and collar for safety during walks
- Purchase food and water bowls

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Most popular
Our Animals are Thriving!
 / month
Your contribution at this level helps our dogs thrive! Once their basic needs are met we can continue their care and rehabilitation. 

What can $20 do?
- Feed a dog for 20 days- Go towards a dog bed to provide them comfort and warmth
- Purchase blankets or anxiety jackets to provide them a sense of security

Sanctuary Expenses
 / month

This level of support will help keep our lights on, the heating bills paid to keep our animals warm, and the building maintained.

Your contribution will also help us with planned sanctuary improvement projects, possible expansion in the future, and will pay for repairs and enhancements to create an ever better space for our furry residents.

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Vet Angel
 / month

Priceless support for the HUGE veterinary bills incurred each month!

As costly as they are, vet visits are a basic need for all animals that come through our facility. Expenses can range anywhere from $50 to hundreds and even more for puppies who require new puppy vaccinations. Plus we spay and neuter each and every dog which also comes at a cost.

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We love our cats and kittens!
 / month

Your support will help take care of the cats and kittens that come our way!

Your contribution will go towards:
- Vaccinations, vet visits, and preventative care
- Cat food and treats
- Litter and toys

  • Exclusive digital content
Best in Rescue
 / month
Ticket to Ride
 / month
All aboard! Your support will help our animals catch a ride to their new home.

Every dog that hits the road to their rescue partner or Final Victory adopter in the Northeast, US requires a crate on transport. Each crate is $125. These transporters do an amazing job keeping the dogs safe and comfortable on their ride and carefully follow the laws in each state as well as being USDA certified. Consider sponsoring a dog each month on transport! Want to sponsor more than one? Contact us for details!

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Heartworm Project
 / month
Sponsor an adoption
 / month
Would you like to be an ADOPTION SUPERHERO?

Being a Patron at this level allows you to choose the dog you would like to sponsor each month and follow their progress in their new home. Talk about a guaranteed feel good moment each month! Simply sign up and we will reach out to you with the available dogs you can directly support!

  • Choice of dog to sponsor each month.
  • Exclusive digital content

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Final Victory Animal Rescue

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