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Rev. Adam Hamilton: What is Your Defining Story?

Our conversation with the pastor of victims of a Kansas Jewish Community Center shooting.

Aired 05/01/2014 | Rating NR

Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly

Rev. Adam Hamilton: What is Your Defining Story?

Clip: 05/01/2014 | 7m 32s

Our conversation with the pastor of victims of a Kansas Jewish Community Center shooting.

Watch Web-only excerpts from our recent conversation with the United Methodist pastor of the grandfather and grandson who were shot to death outside a Jewish community center in Kansas.

Aired 05/01/2014 | Rating NR

The December Project

Sara Davidson and Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi share about the book The December Project (8m 21s)

India's Domestic Workers

Millions of young women find themselves working for low pay and little legal protection. (7m 39s)

Jerusalem The Movie

Three women featured in the film share why the city is important to them. (6m 53s)

Papal Canonizations Conversation

Kevin Eckstrom and Kim Lawton discuss the canonization of Pope John Paul II and John XXIII (4m 8s)

Sister Jeanne Devos Extended Interview

Watch more of our conversation with Sister Jeanne Devos on India's domestic workers. (6m 19s)

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