Posts Tagged ‘change’

Change Windows 10 default lock screen image via win registry LockScreenImage key change

Tuesday, September 21st, 2021


If you do work for a corporation on a Windows machine that is part of Windows Active Directory domain or a Microsoft 365 environment and your Domain admimistrator after some of the scheduled updates. Has enforced a Windows lock screen image change.
You  might be surprised to have some annoying corporation logo picture shown as a default Lock Screen image on your computer on next reoboot. Perhaps for some people it doesn't matter but for as a person who seriously like customizations, and a valuer of
freedom having an enforced picture logo each time I press CTRL + L (To lock my computer) is really annoying.

The logical question hence was how to reverse my desired image as  a default lock screen to enkoy. Some would enjoy some relaxing picture of a Woods, Cave or whatever Natural place landscape. I personally prefer simplicity so I simply use a simple purely black

To do it you'll have anyways to have some kind of superuser access to the computer. At the company I'm epmloyeed, it is possible to temporary request Administrator access this is done via a software installed on the machine. So once I request it I become
Administratof of machine for 20 minutes. In that time I do used a 'Run as Administartor' command prompt cmd.exe and inside Windows registry do the following Registry change.

The first logical thing to do is to try to manually set the picture via:

Settings ->  Lock Screen

But unfortunately as you can see in below screenshot, there was no way to change the LockScreen background image.


In Windows Registry Editor

I had to go to registry path


And from there in create a new "String Value" key


so full registry key path should be equal to:


The value to set is:



If you want to set a black background picture for LockScreen like me you can download my black background picture from here.

That's all press CTRL + L  key combination and the black screen background lock screen picture will appear !

Hopefully the Domain admin, would not soon enforce some policty to update the registry keys or return your old registry database from backup if something crashs out with something strange to break just set configuration.

To test whether the setting will stay permanent after the next scheduled Windows PC update of policies enforced by the Active Directory (AD) sysadmin, run manually from CMD.EXE

C:\> gpupdate /force

The command will download latest policies from Windows Domain, try to lock the screen once again with Control + L, if the background picture is still there most likely the Picture change would stay for a long.
If you get again the corporation preset domain background instead,  you're out of luck and will have to follow the same steps every, now and then after a domani policy update.

Enjoy your new smooth LockScreen Image 🙂


Postfix copy every email to a central mailbox (send a copy of every mail sent via mail server to a given email)

Wednesday, October 28th, 2020


Say you need to do a mail server migration, where you have a local configured Postfix on a number of Linux hosts named:



all configured to send email via old Email send host ( in each linux box's postfix configuration's /etc/postfix/
Now due to some infrastructure change in the topology of network or anything else, you need to relay Mails sent via another asumably properly configured Linux host relay (

Usually such a migrations has always a risk that some of the old sent emails originating from local running scripts on Linux-host1, Linux-Host2 … or some application or anything else set to send via them might not properly deliver emails to some external Internet based Mailboxes via the new relayhost

E.g. in /etc/postfix/ Linux-Host* machines, you have below config after the migration:

relayhost = []

Lets say that you want to make sure, that you don't end up with lost emails as you can't be sure whether the new email server will deliver correctly to the old repicient emails. What to do then?

To make sure will not end up in undelivered state and get lost forever after a week or so (depending on the mail queue configuration retention period made on Linux sent MTAs and mailrelay, it is a very good approach to temprorary set all email communication that will be sent via a BCC emaills (A Blind Carbon Copy) of each sent mail via relay that is set on your local configured Postfix-es on Linux-Host*.

In postfix to achieve that it is very easy all you have to do is set on your a postfix config variable always_bcc smartly included by postfix Mail Transfer Agent developers for cases exactly like this.

To forward all passed emails via the mail server just place in the end of /etc/postfix/mail.conf after login via ssh on

[email protected]

Now all left is to reload the postfix to force the new configuration to get loaded on systemd based hosts as it is usually today do:

# systemctl reload postfix

Finally to make sure all works as expected and mail is sent do from do a testing via local MTAs. 

Linux-Host:~# echo -e "Testing body" | mail -s "testing subject" -r "[email protected]" [email protected]

Linux-Host:~# echo -e "Testing body" | mail -s "testing subject" -r "[email protected]" [email protected]

As you can see I'm using the -r to simulate a sender address, this is a feature of mailx and is not available on older Linux Os hosts that are bundled with mail only command.
Now go to and open the [email protected] in Outlook (if it is M$ Office 365 MX Shared mailbox), Thunderbird or whatever email fetching software that supports POP3 or IMAP (in case if you configured the common all email mailbox to be on some other Postfix / Sendmail / Qmail MTA). and check whether you started receiving a lot of emails 🙂

That's all folks enjoy ! 🙂

How to change default Text editor in Linux

Saturday, August 31st, 2019

This is a very trivial question but, as I thought someone that is starting with Linux basics Operating might be interested I will shortly explain in this small article how to change default text editor on Linux.

Changing default text editor is especially helpful if you have to administer a newly purchased dedicated servers, that comes with default Operating System preinstalled.

By default many Linux distributions versions such as Debian / Ubuntu comes with nano comes with a default text editor nano (ANOther enhanced free Pico editor clone) many people as me are irritated and prefer to use instead vim (Vi Improved), mcedit (the Midnight Commander), joe or emacs as a default.

1. Changing default console text editor on Debian based Linux

On Debian / Ubuntu / Mint and other deb based distributions the easiest way to change text editor is with update-alternatives cmd.

update-alternatives –config editor


Using Debian update-alternatives is useful as it makes the change OS global wide and the default mc viewer program mcview will also understand the change in the default text editor, which makes it the preferrable way to do it on deb based OS family.

An alternative way to set the default programs for the OS system wide is to create the respective symbolic link in /etc/alternatives actually what update-alternatives wrapper script does is exactly this it creates the required symlink.

2. Changing default text editor on any Linux

To change the text editor for only a single system existing user in /etc/passwd you need to edit $HOME/.bashrc, e.g. ~/.bashrc on Debian based Linux or on Fedora / RHEL / CentOS by adding to ~/.bash_profile

vim ~/.bashrc

And add

alias editor=vim


export EDITOR='/path/to/text-editor/program'
export VISUAL='/path/to/text-editor/program'

To change to mcedit for example when opening in any program that triggers to run default text editor

export EDITOR='/usr/bin/mcedit'
export VISUAL='/usr/bin/mcedit'

To make the change system wide on any Linux distribution you have to add the export EDITOR / export VISUAL at the end of /etc/bash.bashrc

To load the newly included .bashrc* instructions use source command

source ~/.bashrc


3. Changing the default text editor for mcview if all else fails


Once mc is running, use following menu keys order (also visible from Midnight Commander) menus:

    F9 Activates the top menu.
    o Selects the Option menu.
    c Opens the configuration dialog.
    i Toggles the use internal edit option.
    s Saves your preferences.


That's all folks Enjoy !


How to set the preferred cipher suite on Apache 2.2.x and Apache 2.4.x Reverse Proxy

Thursday, May 4th, 2017


1. Change default Apache (Reverse Proxy) SSL client cipher suite to end customer for Android Mobile applications to work

If you're a sys admin like me and you need  to support client environments with multiple Reverse Proxy Apache servers include old ones Apache version 2.2.x (with mod_ssl compiled in Apache or enabled as external module)
and for that reason a certain specific Apache Reverse Proxy certificate SSL encoding cipher default served suite change to be TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA in order for the application to properly communicate with the server backend application then this article might help you.

There is an end user client application which is Live on a production servers some of which running on  backend WebSphere Application Servers (WAS) / SAP /  Tomcat servers and for security and logging purposes the traffic is being forwarded from the Apache Reverse Proxies (whose traffic is incoming from a roundup Load Balancers).

Here is a short background history of why cipher suite change is necessery?

The application worked fine and was used by a desktop PCs, however since recently there is an existent Android and Apple Store (iOS) mobile phone application and the Android Applications are unable to properly handle the default served Apache Reverse Proxy cipher suite and which forced the client to ask for change in the default SSL cipher suite to:


By default, the way the client lists the cipher suites within its Client Hello will influence on Apache the selection of the cipher suite used between the client and server.

The current httpd.conf in Apache is configured so the ciphers for RP client cipher suite Hello transferred between Reverse Proxy -> Client are being provided in the following order:


1.    TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5
2.    TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA

This has to be inverted so:

becomes on the place of

A very good reading that helped me achieve the task as usual was Apache's official documentation about mod_ssl see here

So to fix the SSL/TLS cipher suite default served order use SSLCipherSuite and SSLHonorCipherOrder directives.


SSLCipherSuite directive is used to specify the cipher suites enabled on the server.
To dictate also  preferred cipher suite order directive and that's why you need SSLHonorCipherOrder directive (note that this is not available for older  Apache 2.x branch), the original bug for this directive can be seen within

For Example:



SSLHonorCipherOrder On




So here is my fix for changing the Ciphersuite SSL Crypt order (notice the TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA being given as first argument):


SSLHonorCipherOrder On

if you want also to enable TLSv1.2 certificate cipher support you can use also:

SSLProtocol -all +TLSv1.2

SSLHonorCipherOrder on


# Old Commented configuration from my httpd.conf – no RC4, 3DES allowed


Because there was also requirement for a multiple of SSL cipher encryption (to support large range of both mobile and desktop computers and operating systems the final) cipher suite configuration in httpd.conf that worked for the client looked like so:



Once this was done the customer requested HTTP cookie restriction to be added to the same virtual host.
There initial request was to:

2. Set HTTP cookie secure flag and HttpOnly on every cookie that is not being accessed from Internal website JavaScript code

To make Apache Reverse Proxy to behave that way here is the httpd.conf config added to httpd.conf

# vim httpd.conf


   #Header edit Set-Cookie ^(.*)$ $1;HttpOnly;Secure
   Header always edit Set-Cookie ^(.*)$ $1;HttpOnly;Secure

Finally an Apache restart was necessery

What is wrong with todays Economy

Tuesday, April 24th, 2012

This question is a serious question imposed at this harsh crisis times. How and why did we ended in an downward spiral economy?
There are many problems which has landed us to where we are. Anyhow there few major ones which played key role.
One is the wrong mindset of CEOs that money is the only motivator for a human behavior. Even though money can be a key motivator it is just one of many factors which motivate company employees to be efficient money is not a heal-all company problems medicine.

According to latest psychological researches conducted by Human Resource Managers. What really motivates people to do what they do full heartedly is not solely money. Social contacts at work place, the level of boredom (or the absence of it), as well as the repetitiveness of tasks, and the freedom given to the individual are key motivation factors.

Nevertheless the many other factors influencing an employee's job prudictivity, money motivation continues to be a factor with a severe weight factor.

The perception held by so many company top managers the amount of money owned and the good possessing are key factors for economy growth or company development is actually an old idea which doesn't reflect todays business reality.

We have seen in the last 30 years many companies like Microsoft and Apple, who started as tiny garage companies and in a short time converted to big corporations employing thousands.

What made this companies succesful ? Was it the money? In our view Obviously NO. Multinational companies like Google and Apple Inc started with a little money capital, but a strong belief that what they do will change the world. What happened we have seen their belief to change the world came true.
In a similar way we at Cadia started with a strong core belief that Offshore Solutions are the future of payments. By pushing the offshore solutions to develop further we believe we will fulfil our mission and change the world just like so many before us did.
Why would one prefer offshore instead of a normal banks? There are two main reasons, one is the plus that your money is not tracked by a banking system and hence fresh money are entering the economy, second is the anonimity it offers.

One of our key values at Cadia is to Respect ours and our customer freedom of privacy.

Its obvious that the business is failing because the shortage of company productivity, caused by the top management idea that its mainly the profit that makes a company a success.

Therefore as long as companies fail to "practice what they preach" e.g. keep to their Values and Company Mission, the situation with our economy will get surely worser. Even though efficiency is increased by the many technological innovations and possibly can be increased by increased money capital, the humans efficiency is falling because the lack of interest in company personal in their daily work.

What this actually means in practice? It means simply employees are not enumareted respectively to their work, companies are trying to cheat between each other puruing the ultimate profit without taking in consideration any established moral or religious norms and a lot more of "wrong" corporal activities which usually lies on the back.

Managers nowdays are ready to "kill and rape" for the good of their sallary rise or the company good, not considering if the effect of a certain company activity will have a long term bad infuence on society or the environment neither if the future consequence collectively will be devastating for humanity.

People on lower positions in companies are looking into managers unlawful activities and after a while, lower position employees start adopting unethical methodologies. Hence suddenly the unethical behaviour of the top management spreads like a virus to the lower levels down to the most low positioned company employees.

The world today is mostly governed by the rich and educated. To be rich anyhow as pointed in Maslows hierarcy of needs (Pyramid) the individual needs to have a Physiological needs & Safety Food, Shelter, basic financial stability existent.

What happens however is that a growing number of country citizens are unable to have a stability like pointed in the 1st two levels of Maslows Pyramid

Governments on the other handy are currenty tolerating non society concerned unethical companies, often even (anti-human) companies. By their tolerance our governments are increasing their dependency on multi national capital growing corporations. The result is a big mess, which becomes almost impossible to fix in time.

The poverty shadow which is falling on so many people today is also a factor changing the usual people mindset. Having the mind to survice in these hard days, a lot of individuals behaviour starts to change and tolerate anything without any examination if it serves a good or bad society purpose. Deception and lies are started to get perceived in humans mind as somethng natural and allowed, hence nobody cares about pursuing high ethical and moral values on individiual level.
The lack of responsibility for humanity on individual level forces governments to do a number of restrictions and police regulations to reduce the unlawfulness and deception between individuals. Increasing the restrictions doesn't change too much because on a peer person to person level the relations iniquity continues to raise.

Among the list of restrictions implied by governments to reduce money frauds is the attempt to close all companies in the Offshore Business providing anonymous money transfers. Anyhow would closing offshores and making all banking operations transperent solve or reduce economic problems? Positively no, it seems like this might help from one side another perspective however reveals that closing all offshore bank accounts would just make the Free Market non free anymore. It will make all payments tracked and carefully put into the ultimate balance sheet… ~

How to show country flag, web browser type and Operating System in WordPress Comments

Wednesday, February 15th, 2012



I've come across a nice WordPress plugin that displays country flag, operating system and web browser used in each of posted comments blog comments.
Its really nice plugin, since it adds some transperancy and colorfulness to each of blog comments 😉
here is a screenshot of my blog with Comments Info Detector "in action":

Example of Comments Info Detector in Action on wordpress blog comments

Comments Info Detector as of time of writting is at stable ver 1.0.5.
The plugin installation and configuration is very easy as with most other WP plugins. To install the plugin;

1. Download and unzip Comments Info Detector

linux:/var/www/blog:# cd wp-content/plugins
linux:/var/www/blog/wp-content/plugins:# wget
linux:/var/www/blog/wp-content/plugins:# unzip

Just for the sake of preservation of history, I've made a mirror of comments-info-detector 1.0.5 wp plugin for download here
2. Activate Comment-Info-Detector

To enable the plugin Navigate to;
Plugins -> Inactive -> Comment Info Detector (Activate)

After having enabled the plugin as a last 3rd step it has to be configured.

3. Configure comment-info-detector wp plugin

By default the plugin is disabled. To change it to enabled (configure it) by navigating to:

Settings -> Comments Info Detector

Next a a page will appear with variout fields and web forms, where stuff can be changed. Here almost all of it should be left as it is the only change should be in the drop down menus near the end of the page:

Display Country Flags Automatically (Change No to Yes)
Display Web Browsers and OS Automatically (Change No to Yes

Comments Info Detector WordPress plugin configuration Screenshot

After the two menus are set to "Yes" and pressing on Save Changes the plugin is enabled it will immediately start showing information inside each comment the GeoIP country location flag of the person who commented as well as OS type and Web Browser 🙂

How to change / reset lost or forgot TightVNC administrator password

Tuesday, May 24th, 2011


I have installed TightVNC to a Windows host just a few weeks ago in order to be able to manage remotely a Windows host and forgot to write down the administrator password 🙂 (stoopid!)

I had to explain to a friend remotely how to change the TightVNC admin password and it was a complete nightmare!

Shortly here is the exact menus one who wants to reset the password of a TigthVNC server after forgotten:

Start -> All Programs -> TightVNC
-> TightVNC Server (Service Mode) ->
TightVNC Service - Offline Configuration.

In the configuration dialog to popup there are the Server and Administration tabs through which a new password can be set.

After the password is change either a restart of the TightVNC server is necessery or a restart of the Windows PC.

chmod all directories permissions only and omit files (recursively) on Linux howto

Friday, March 11th, 2016


If you mistakenly chmod-ed all files within directory full of multiple other subdirectories and files and you want to revert back and set a certain file permissions (read, wite execute) privileges only to all directories:

find /path/to/base/dir -type d -exec chmod 755 {} +

If there are too many files or directories you need to change mod use

chmod 755 $(find /path/to/base/dir -type d) chmod 644 $(find /path/to/base/dir -type f)

Above willl run evaluate $() all files searched and print them and pass them to chmod so if you have too many files / directories to change it will drastically reduce execution time.

An alternative and perhaps a better way to do it for those who don't remember by heart the chmod permission (numbers), use something like:

chmod -R u+rwX,go+rX,go-w /path

Below is arguments meaning:

    -R = recursively;
    u+rwX = Users can read, write and execute;
    go+rX = group and others can read and execute;
    go-w = group and others can't write

If like piping, a less efficient but still working way to change all directory permissions only is with:

find /path/to/base/dir -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 755
find /path/to/base/dir -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 644

For those who wish to automate and often do change permissions of only files or only directories it might be also nice to look at ( shell script

Tadadam 🙂