Autodesk's Maya 2023 is an impressively large, comprehensive, and powerful 3D digital content creation program—sometimes called 3D modeling software—one that does more than just modeling. Maya's modules, which include modeling, texturing, rigging, animation, dynamic simulations, and rendering, are mature and full featured. Because of its breadth and depth of tools, as well as certain idiosyncrasies and legacy features, learning Maya takes a lot of time and patience. If you're willing to invest months and endure some crashes and frustrations, however, you'll be well equipped to wield one of the leading animation programs in the entertainment industry, and an Editors' Choice winner for 3D content creation software.
How Much Does Maya Cost?
Autodesk provides a number of options for licensing Maya. A subscription costs $225 per month, or $1,785 paid annually. Alternatively, a new Flex token system offers one day of use for the price of 6 tokens, at $3 per token. The Flex option is useful if you only need occasional access. Unused tokens expire after a year, however, and the minimum purchase quantity is a bundle of 100 tokens. Effectively, you pay $300 for 16 days of use.
For evaluation purposes, a 30-day free trial is available, and free educational licenses are available for students and teachers, renewed yearly. Finally—and less prominently advertised—there is a low-cost Indie subscription for users with less than $100,000 gross revenue (see terms and conditions), who can purchase a year's license for only $290. That's an excellent value. The variety of pricing options lets you invest in the version that's right for you.
Maya is one of the most expensive 3D modeling apps. 3ds Max has equivalent pricing, though, which is unsurprising since it's owned by the same company. For comparison, Cinema 4D costs less, starting at $94 per month or $719 per year. Houdini, an Editors' Choice winner for special effects, also offers an Indie subscription that costs $270 per year, so that's a little less expensive than Maya. Modo is $689 per year, and Blender is entirely free for anyone. Most of these competing products (Blender excluded) have a variety of pricing models available.
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Maya System Requirements and Plug-in Specifications
In order to use Maya, you need a fairly modern computer with decent hardware. The general minimum requirements include a 64-bit multicore processor with at least 8GB RAM and a dedicated graphics card. Newer Apple desktops and laptops with M series chips are supported as well (no graphics card necessary). And don't forget a three-button mouse.
That said, for a better experience you should do further research on the specifics of your hardware. Maya will make good use of all the computing power you can provide. Maya can run on Windows, macOS, and certain Linux distributions.
Make sure to give yourself adequate time to get Maya up and running. The myriad licensing options take some time to sort through, and I got stuck in a frustrating login loop before my software download actually started. Otherwise the setup process is fairly straightforward.
During the installation, you have the option to install Arnold, the included render engine, and Bifrost, a node-based visual effects plug-in. For newcomers, I recommend installing both but leaving Bifrost unloaded until needed. The plug-in situation is another point of possible confusion. A fresh Maya installation includes more than 80 plug-ins, some of which are active by default, others that aren't loaded at all, and only two of which are entirely optional. The added functionality is welcome, but certain basic functions may initially appear to be missing until you load or activate the plug-in. For example, to export certain file formats, such as FBX, you must ensure the relevant plug-in is loaded in the Plug-in Manager.
Getting Started With Maya
When you first launch Maya, you see a home screen for getting started, with a series of interactive tutorials that take place within Maya itself. The tutorials do an excellent job of teaching the basics of 3D software by letting users practice each tool as it's introduced. Despite some inconsistent playback performance on my capable workstation, the tutorials are clever, and I recommend them for anyone who hasn't worked with 3D software before. If you're migrating from another 3D package, you may find it more efficient to watch a few videos and then just start experimenting with your own files.
If you're brand-new to 3D, Maya's interface appears densely packed with tools and panels, which feels overwhelming at first. However, the UI complexity is average for digital content creation applications, and most of it can be fully customized or hidden.
Maya splits functionality into menu sets (such as Modeling, Animation, FX), which is simply a way to avoid having approximately 40 menus at the top of your screen. The Outliner on the left shows a hierarchical list of all the objects in your current file, while the Attribute Editor and Channel Box panels on the right allow you to edit various properties of these objects. Easily setting attributes back to their default values is a feature I've appreciated in Cinema 4D and which is implemented exquisitely in Houdini. Sadly, it's much more annoying to reset various experiments and tweaks in Maya. Be prepared to press Undo a lot.
There are many beginner tutorials available for Maya from Autodesk and others in the community, both paid and free. A few courses and some small practice projects will get you up and running, though not as quickly as learning photo editing software or even video editing software, complicated as those apps may be. Expect several weeks or months of use before you feel comfortable executing your own project ideas in Maya, especially if you're tackling the full production pipeline from modeling to animating to rendering final frames.
What's New in Maya 2023?
New versions of Maya are typically released yearly, with three or four software updates provided in the intervening time. Maya 2023 brings comparatively few novel features but plenty of improvements to performance alongside refinements to workflows and existing tools. Notably, the Boolean, Retopology, and Deformer tools have received additional functionality.
A new annotation tool called Blue Pencil replaces the previous Grease Pencil plug-in. Blue Pencil lets you add text and draw in 2D in the viewport, mainly for adding review notes or animation blocking. Don't confuse it with Blender's Grease Pencil, a full-featured drawing and animation tool that unites 2D and 3D art.
Maya also caches geometry history nodes to avoid unnecessarily repeating calculations. It's meant to keep the modeling process from slowing down after making many changes and building up a sizable construction history. I did not attempt to verify the animation playback improvements, but I have no doubt that a subset of users will see significant improvements in certain files. As with most performance-related updates, your mileage may vary.
Performance improvements are always welcome, and in this version, Autodesk seems to have placed significant focus on speedups in model manipulation and animation playback. In my attempts to check for better performance, I loaded dense 3D scans of sculptures with hundreds of thousands to millions of polygons. Unfortunately, I found that even in Maya 2023, trying to make selections and manipulate these models would often cause Maya to hang indefinitely and cause me to force quit. Perhaps the data had problems or there were other underlying issues, but I was hoping for more stability here. In my only successful test using an object with almost a million polygons, I measured negligible differences in the speed of selecting (with soft-selection active) and moving vertices.
Finally, certain professional features received some attention, including the Universal Scene Description (USD) plug-in, Bifrost-USD integration, color management, and Python scripting. While the update doesn't represent a major step forward, I see a trend toward less friction between the software and the user by being more user-friendly and performative.
3D Modeling in Maya
Maya has a rich suite of modeling tools for both organic models, like humans and creatures, and so-called hard-surface models, like vehicles, weapons, and household objects. The tools are functional and cover most needs, however there are some quality-of-life features that you may find lacking if you've used Blender or Modo before. On the one hand, I find the ability to model to precise measurements comes up short and would prefer more sophisticated and intuitive gizmos for interactive tools. On the other hand, Maya's marking menu system enables rapid mouse gestures for tools and commands that I have yet to see replicated in competing software. In addition, a number of key modeling tools such as Multi-cut and Quad Draw are well designed. Also, the sculpting tools, while not a replacement for specialized software such as ZBrush, are solid and very handy to have immediate access to in Maya.
Retopology is the process of converting meshes (often very dense or detailed) into cleaner, lower-polygon geometry, and Maya 2023 has delivered a highly improved process. In a test of a 1.5 million poly 3D scan, retopologizing the model to approximately 20k polys took 1:40 (minutes:seconds) in Maya 2023. In contrast, Maya 2022 reached 1.0% completion after about 10 minutes with an estimated 18 hours remaining (I did not complete the test). ZBrush version 2022.0.5 completed its retopology in about the same time (1:56) as Maya 2023, but produced more than double the resolution requested (which is common in Adaptive mode).
I reran Maya 2023's retopology to produce 45k polygons, which took about double the time. That makes sense if you consider that the process involves calculating where each polygon should be. The results of these retopology operations can be seen in the image below. Although I'm impressed with Maya's output here, I continue to prefer ZBrush for retopology because it offers more options and control over the topology, typically with good results.
Boolean Operators
Historically, Maya users have been cautioned about using Boolean operations, as they can easily produce unusable results. New additions to Boolean tools have made them simpler and more flexible to work with, and they seem to be more stable than in previous versions. Results can still be ugly, so "Boolean responsibly."
Procedural modeling is a growing area of interest and development in 3D software. This kind of workflow involves creating objects not by directly editing vertices and polygons, but by setting rules and properties to generate the desired output. In Maya, Bifrost is currently the main area where procedural functionality is being actively developed, but for most artists, MASH has been the heart of procedural creation, particularly for 3D motion graphics.
The original MASH plug-in developed by Mainframe North was purchased and integrated into Maya several years ago, but unfortunately there has not been much improvement to the tool set since then, nor have there been viable replacement tools. MASH remains unintuitive to work with and can be frustrating to use. Certain functions seem promising when you need to achieve a desired effect, but instead they often only get you part of the way there with no clear way to fully complete the task. I would love to see MASH either get a UI and feature-set overhaul or be clearly marked as end-of-life. In the latter case, Bifrost will need improved functionality and usability to cover the artist's needs.
XGen, commonly used for hair and environments, is another procedural tool set that has not seen much development in recent years.
UV Mapping
On the plus side, the UV mapping tools went through a major update around 2018 and are now excellent, removing much of the tedium from this largely unpopular task.
In all, the modeling features will get your job done, no matter the complexity. They may not be the most efficient or effortless tools, but each year sees incremental steps in the right direction.
Rigging and Animation
Rigging and animation continue to be two of Maya's core areas that seem to get significant attention each release.
The rigging tools in Maya are highly sophisticated and are typically among the most challenging for artists to learn. Rigging often incorporates advanced mathematics and coding, so Autodesk is not to blame for making rigging complicated. Indeed, the company has made efforts to simplify various operations. Human IK gives you a fully built character rig in a few mouse clicks. The current set of skinning tools can provide very good results with little effort, and there are many third-party plug-ins to further extend these tools—ngSkinTools is a notable example.
Furthermore, the newer Component Tags system for working with deformers gets two thumbs up from me. It's a major improvement in the process of adjusting how deformation is applied to models.
The 3D animation tools in Maya are second to none. The Graph Editor was always competitive and has been progressively refined, making it easy for beginners to start animating and giving professionals powerful controls to work more efficiently and craft great animated performances.
In addition to the robust Graph Editor, the flexible Time Editor allows animators to work with animated clips and motion-capture data at a higher level, without getting into the weeds of individual keyframes and motion curves. This two-tier approach cements Maya as an exemplar of animation and should be emulated by any software that features keyframe animation, 2D, motion graphics, and video editing alike (I'm looking at Adobe and Blackmagic Design here).
It will take dramatic changes and heavy investment for another 3D animation package to unseat Maya as the top rigging and animation program.
Dynamic Simulations
Dynamics in Maya are systems for creating flexible cloth and hair, fluid effects (water, smoke, fire), particle effects, collisions among rigid objects, and more. If that seems like a lot of different systems, Maya has compounded the complexity by introducing (and rarely removing) multiple systems for most types of effects.
Nucleus, introduced in 2007, is a unified simulation framework intended to bring together hair (nHair), cloth (nCloth), and particle (nParticles) simulation. It has done an admirable job of creating a robust and versatile framework for generating dynamic effects, but the benefits of a single suite of tools have been eroded by both the past and the future. Maya retains legacy particles and legacy rigid bodies for mysterious reasons. The ostensible replacement for legacy rigid bodies is Bullet, a separate plug-in that isn't enabled by default, leading new users to scratch their heads about creating an effect as simple as a collapsing tower of blocks. Hint: Use MASH, which provides its own implementation of the Bullet solver.
Looking into the future, Bifrost seems to be replacing the fluid solver, and it extends into procedural modeling, cloth simulation, and particle simulation. Bifrost's node-based visual graph promises a flexible and sophisticated method for creating myriad effects. However, despite being part of Maya since 2018, it still feels less approachable and less well integrated than the Nucleus-based simulations.
Autodesk should consider extracting legacy systems into separate plug-ins that are disabled by default (as the plug-in for fur is) and make more of an effort to bring artists up to speed with the dynamic simulation and procedural generation tools that are under active development.
Arnold: Shading, Lighting, and Rendering
Arnold is Autodesk's ray-tracing render engine that can produce extremely photorealistic imagery. It has been used as the primary renderer on many animated and visual-effects-heavy movies, so there's no doubt it can handle demanding scenes and produce incredible results.
A Maya license allows for Arnold rendering within the render view window, including saving images and image sequences. However, to render on a render farm or batch render locally, a separate Arnold license is necessary to remove watermarks at $50 per month or $380 per year.
Arnold is much easier to use than Mental Ray, the previous built-in renderer. If you have used another modern render engine, becoming comfortable with Arnold shouldn't pose much difficulty. It is unbiased and physically-based, so there are comparatively few esoteric settings to fiddle with to achieve clean, attractive renders.
Arnold also feels modern and full-featured. It comes with a diverse set of shaders to generate different materials, though the artist-friendly and versatile aiStandardSurface covers most of my needs. Using an HDR image mapped on a skydome light, I can get beautiful results in a matter of minutes.
Speaking of minutes, Arnold prioritizes realism over speed. The CPU-based render is not quick, even with 24 render buckets on my Threadripper CPU. GPU-based renderers tend to be faster (depending on the hardware of course), and although Arnold does have a GPU mode as an option, it doesn't quite have feature parity with the CPU mode. To avoid long render times for noise-free images, the Arnold denoiser (noice) is available to perform the final noise clean-up more efficiently.
I experienced the highest frequency of software crashes when doing render tests using Arnold's interactive preview render, which continuously updates the render output while the artist adjusts settings. If Arnold doesn't meet your needs, Maya works with many other render engines, such as VRay, Octane, and Redshift, which can be licensed independently.
Making Maya More
If you've read this far, you may be feeling like Maya is a mixture of powerful features, old abandoned tools, and various annoyances. If other 3D software packages might offer more nimble development with gaps filled and bugs fixed, why do so many industry professionals use Maya every day? There are undoubtedly many reasons, but here are some key aspects.
If software does not have functionality that you require, one option is to submit a request to customer support, but another is to build the tools yourself. The degree to which a program is extensible in that sense is an important factor in the adoption of tools for larger studios.
Maya provides a number of different methods for extending itself using programming languages. The most basic approach uses the Maya Embedded Language to combine commands (for example, "create a cube" or "duplicate selected objects") in order to automate difficult or repetitive tasks. More experienced programmers can use C++ with Maya's API to build advanced tools that can manipulate low-level geometry elements at high speed. Both Blue Pencil and MASH are examples of tools originally made by third-party developers that were incorporated into later versions of Maya.
Virtually no one uses a single program exclusively to create 3D digital media. That's especially true for large teams working on large projects. Maya is known for being a core piece of pipelines by transmitting data to and from game engines, sculpting tools, compositing tools, and more.
If you need Maya to interoperate with other software, you have USD, FBX, Alembic, GoZ (for ZBrush), Houdini Engine, Send to Unity, Send to Unreal, After Effects Live Link, Substance 3D, and many other plug-ins. And you can build your own, as mentioned. Because Maya plays nicely with others, it fits well in studio pipelines, thus more tools are designed to work with Maya, continuing a positive feedback loop.
Industry History
The history of 3D software is a tangled one and has seen the rise and fall of many innovative tools. Yet Maya has been a dominant force in the visual effects industry for more than 20 years. Because of its extensibility and interoperability, many visual effects studios have spent immense effort, time, and money to craft bespoke pipelines and teams for their animation and effects using Maya as an integral part. It should be no surprise, therefore, that migrating a single studio (let alone "the industry") to a new tool is costly, time-consuming, and faces significant friction in retraining artists and engineers. It remains to be seen if Maya's market share in entertainment media will remain high in the long term.
The Industry's Tyrannosaur
While Maya can be daunting to learn and includes more than its fair share of quirks and frustrations, it is a comprehensive and versatile piece of software that lets you customize and extend it to suit your particular needs, whether you're a solo hobbyist or a member of a large team in a top-tier VFX house. Several feature sets feel outdated or abandoned, but Maya is still highly relevant and continues to receive innovative updates. That makes it an Editors' Choice winner not only for its power, but also for its role as an industry standard piece of software that all professional 3D artists should know how to use. At this time, our only other Editors' Choice is Houdini, particularly for its concentration in special effects.
It's a tough call to make, but we'd hesitate to recommend Maya as a first 3D software package for most people, as it isn't the easiest to learn, the cheapest, or even the most powerful. However, if you wish to land a job as a 3D animator, a rigging TD (technical director), a technical artist for games, or any number of other roles in digital entertainment, proficiency with Maya is an invaluable skill.
Maya can be daunting to learn with its sheer volume of tools and features, but the industry standard for 3D content creation software is well worth the effort.
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